Publications by authors named "Davidson I"

The human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 oncogenes, E6 and E7, are transcribed preferentially in keratinocytes and cervical carcinoma cells due to a 5' enhancer. An abundant peptide binding to a 37 nt enhancer element was purified from human keratinocytes by sequence-specific DNA chromatography. This protein was identified as transcriptional enhancer factor (TEF)-1 by complex mobility, binding to wild-type and mutant SV40 and HPV-16 enhansons and antigenic reactivity with two anti-TEF-1 antibodies.

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A random community sample of 1070 subjects aged 65 years and over was interviewed at home using the GMS-AGECAT package and followed up three years later. Neurotic symptoms were common, but symptoms sufficient to reach 'case' level were much less frequent. The overall prevalence of neurotic 'cases' was 2.

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The GMS-AGECAT package was used in the initial assessment and 3-year follow-up of a random sample of 1,070 elderly people living in the community. A prevalence of 4.3% is found for dementia after confirmation of diagnoses by outcome at year 3.

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Traditional assumptions about assessment need to be rethought, recast or rejected when blind children are to be assessed. Given that blind children follow a unique developmental route, rehabilitation specialists must take account of the impact of blindness on children and think of them also as clinically a special population. Dependence on standardized tests for the primary information about any child is always suspect; with regard to a blind child it is irresponsible.

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Antigen B of Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccine strains CVI988 and SB1 (serotypes 1 and 2) and herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) (serotype 3) is formed of oligomeric molecules that are detergent-stable and heat-labile. Immunoblots of native membranal extracts of HVT- and MDV-infected chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) probed with avian monoserotypic antisera, murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to the three serotypes and mAb to antigen B showed two distinct patterns of high molecular weight oligomeric antigens. Serotypes 1 and 3 vaccine viruses formed one set and serotype 2, the other.

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A random community sample of subjects aged 65 and over was re-interviewed after three years by psychiatrists using the GMS and HAS. The relationship between drinking history and current psychiatric morbidity was examined. Men with a history of heavy drinking for five years or more at some time in their lives were found to have a greater than fivefold risk of suffering from a psychiatric disorder at the time of the interview.

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Herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) vaccine is used worldwide to immunize chickens against Marek's disease (MD). Polyclonal antiserum directed against one virus cross-reacts with proteins of the other, while only 5% homology at the DNA level was demonstrated between the two viruses. A partial library of HVT DNA fragments ranging from 1.

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Contagious agalactia is an ovine and caprine mycoplasmosis which manifests as mastitis, arthritis and keratoconjunctivitis. Mycoplasma agalactiae is recognised as a causal agent but M mycoides subspecies mycoides (LC), and M capricolum may also be responsible for this syndrome in goats. The clinical signs are not pathognomonic; diagnostic procedures are based on isolation of the organism from diseased animals or by detection of seroconversion.

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We describe the cDNA encoding the SV40 transcriptional enhancer factor 1 (TEF-1) and show that its translation initiates exclusively at an AUU codon in vivo. Cloned TEF-1, which is unrelated to other known transcription factors, specifically binds the SV40 GT-IIC and Sph enhansons. Cloned TEF-1 does not activate these enhansons in lymphoid MPC11 cells where they are known to be inactive, but represses the endogenous HeLa TEF-1 activity in vivo and in vitro.

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The presence of herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) DNA in the feather tips of chickens vaccinated with HVT was assessed by dot blot hybridisation with a probe specific for HVT and lacking homology to MDV DNA. Only small amounts of HVT DNA were detected in the feather tips of chickens that were vaccinated or left in contact with HVT vaccinated chickens. However when chickens were challenged with virulent MDV, HVT DNA was detected in the feather tips of vaccinated chickens and the largest amount was detected 35 days after vaccination.

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Trichloroethylene (TRI) is readily absorbed into the body through the lungs and gastrointestinal mucosa. Exposure to TRI can occur from contamination of air, water, and food; and this contamination may be sufficient to produce adverse effects in the exposed populations. Elimination of TRI involves two major processes: pulmonary excretion of unchanged TRI and relatively rapid hepatic biotransformation to urinary metabolites.

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Monospecific antibodies were prepared by nitrocellulose blot immunoaffinity to 3 polypeptide components of the host-membrane associated B antigen of Marek's disease herpesvirus (MDV) and to its soluble A antigen. The B antigen comprised a 200 kDa dimer which is 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) labile, a monomer of 130 kDa and a 60 kDa protein, both of which are 2-ME resistant. Cross-immunoblotting studies showed that the anti-dimer antibody recognized the dimer protein as well as the 130 and 60 kDa components.

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A protein allergen of the parasitic nematode Ascaris has been purified to homogeneity by immunoaffinity chromatography. It is the most abundant protein species in the parasite's body fluid and has been named ABA-1. The allergen's molecular weight (MW) has been previously estimated at 14,000, but this sizing is currently under re-evaluation.

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We have characterized the complexes resulting from the specific binding in vitro of proteins present in nuclear extracts of several lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines to the TC-I and TC-II sequences of the simian virus 40 (SV40) enhancer. No proteins could be detected, binding selectively to the TC-I sequence, but two proteins TC-IIA and TC-IIB were identified interacting specifically with both the TC-II/kappa B enhanson, 5'-GGAAAGTCCCC-3' (important for the activity of the SV40 enhancer in vivo), and with the related H-2Kb enhanson, 5'-TGGGGATTCCCCA-3'. The binding of these two proteins to mutated TC-II enhansons correlates with the effect of these mutations in vivo, suggesting that both proteins may be important for SV40 enhancer activity.

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The enhancer activity of the oligomerized SV40 TC-I and TC-II sequences has been investigated in lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines. While the TC-I sequence had no demonstrable enhanson activity, a class C enhanson (proto-enhancer), 5'-GGAAAGTCCCC-3', overlapping the TC-II sequence and the GT-I enhanson was identified. This TC-II enhanson, which is identical to the kappa B motif from the kappa chain enhancer, was active in both lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells, which contrasts with the previously reported lymphoid cell specificity of the kappa B motif.

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Measurements of canopy gas exchange of mixed communities of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in the field during winter showed that instantaneous rates of gross photosynthesis were usually little less than those of canopies of similar leaf area at similar irradiance in summer.

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The interactions in vivo between cellular proteins and the Simian Virus (SV40) early promoter region, contained in a plasmid capable of replicating in Cos cells, have been characterized by DNaseI and dimethyl sulfate (DMS) footprinting. The relative contribution of each GC-motif within the 21 bp repeat upstream element to transcription was first determined after transfection of Cos cells with either the wild type 21 bp repeats or recombinants where the GC-motifs were mutated either individually or in neighboring pairs. Mutation of GC-motifs III and VI was the most detrimental, mutation of GC-I, -IV and -V also decreased promoter activity but to a lesser extent, while mutation of GC-II had little effect on transcription.

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A comparison was made of the temporal appearance of six isolates of serotype 1 Marek's disease virus (MDV) in the feathers of specific pathogen-free (SPF) infected birds using three assays: agar gel precipitation (AGP), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and dot-blot DNA hybridisation. Isolate GA-5 served to standardise the in vivo pathogenicity assay, while the remaining five were recent isolates from Israel. Each isolate was inoculated into susceptible 4-day-old birds housed with an equal number of uninoculated birds.

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The antigenic profile of cell cultures infected with Marek's disease virus (MDV) was determined by the immunoblotting method using convalescent immune serum obtained from chickens that survived infection with MDV strain GA5. The MDV antigen profile in infected cell lysates could be accurately determined since this method has advantages over the immunoprecipitation method used in other studies. We studied six very virulent MDV isolates and the prototype of serotype 1 MDV, the GA5 strain.

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