Study Question: What are the costs and effects of tubal patency testing by hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) compared to hysterosalpingography (HSG) in infertile women during the fertility work-up?
Summary Answer: During the fertility work-up, clinical management based on the test results of HyFoSy leads to slightly lower, though not statistically significant, live birth rates, at lower costs, compared to management based on HSG results.
What Is Known Already: Traditionally, tubal patency testing during the fertility work-up is performed by HSG. The FOAM trial, formally a non-inferiority study, showed that management decisions based on the results of HyFoSy resulted in a comparable live birth rate at 12 months compared to HSG (46% versus 47%; difference -1.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
May 2024
Introduction: As maternal age during pregnancy is rising all over the world, there is a growing need for prognostic factors that determine maternal and perinatal outcomes in older women.
Material And Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort study of women aged 40 years or older at the time of delivery in four Santeon hospitals across the Netherlands between January 2016 and December 2019. Outcomes were compared between women of 40-44 years (advanced maternal age) and 45 years and older (very advanced maternal age).
Background: Women with complicated pregnancies often require hospital admission. Telemonitoring at home is a promising alternative that fulfils a worldwide need in obstetric health care. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation to digital care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Obstet Gynecol
May 2023
Background: Management of late preterm prelabor rupture of membranes between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks' gestation balances the risks of preterm birth with the risks of infection for both the mother and the neonate. Expectant management to prolong pregnancy showed similar risks of neonatal sepsis, but children at 2 years of age showed more neurodevelopmental delay when compared with induction of labor. Long-term outcomes on child development after 2 years of age are unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFive years ago, we described the skin-to-skin caesarean section, a procedure in which parental participation, slow delivery and direct skin-to-skin contact are important aspects. By multiple research, the skin-to-skin CS has been shown to have positive outcomes for the child and parents, as long as there is attention for neonatal thermal regulation. These outcomes should lead to cost reduction, versus the extra personnel costs for the nurse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Question: Does hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) lead to similar pregnancy outcomes, compared with hysterosalpingography (HSG), as first-choice tubal patency test in infertile couples?
Summary Answer: HyFoSy and HSG produce similar findings in a majority of patients and clinical management based on the results of either HyFoSy or HSG, leads to comparable pregnancy outcomes. HyFoSy is experienced as significantly less painful.
What Is Known Already: Traditionally, tubal patency testing during fertility work-up is performed by HSG.
PLoS Med
February 2022
Background: Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The recurrence rate of spontaneous preterm birth is high, and additional preventive measures are required. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of low-dose aspirin compared to placebo in the prevention of preterm birth in women with a previous spontaneous preterm birth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Little is known about the pathophysiology of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). Proposed underlying causes are multifactorial and thyroid function is hypothesized to be causally involved. In this study, we aimed to assess the utility of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) as a marker and predictor for the severity and clinical course of HG.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
February 2020
Objective: We aimed to identify determinants that predict hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) disease course and severity.
Study Design: For this study, we combined data of the Maternal and Offspring outcomes after Treatment of HyperEmesis by Refeeding (MOTHER) randomized controlled trial (RCT) and its associated observational cohort with non-randomised patients. Between October 2013 and March 2016, in 19 hospitals in the Netherlands, women hospitalised for HG were approached for study participation.
Research Question: What is the cost-effectiveness of gonadotrophins compared with clomiphene citrate in couples with unexplained subfertility undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) with ovarian stimulation under strict cancellation criteria?
Design: A cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Between July 2013 and March 2016, 738 couples were randomized to gonadotrophins (369) or clomiphene citrate (369) in a multicentre RCT in the Netherlands. The direct medical costs of both strategies were compared.
Introduction: Pregnant women faced with complications of pregnancy often require long-term hospital admission for maternal and/or fetal monitoring. Antenatal admissions cause a burden to patients as well as hospital resources and costs. A telemonitoring platform connected to wireless cardiotocography (CTG) and automated blood pressure (BP) devices can be used for telemonitoring in pregnancy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To assess the effectiveness of amnioinfusion in women with second-trimester preterm prelabor rupture of membranes.
Methods: We performed a nationwide, multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial, the PPROM: Expectant Management versus Induction of Labor-III (PPROMEXIL-III) trial, in women with singleton pregnancies and preterm prelabor rupture of membranes at 16 0/7 to 24 0/7 weeks of gestation with oligohydramnios (single deepest pocket less than 20 mm). Participants were allocated to transabdominal amnioinfusion or no intervention in a one-to-one ratio by a web-based system.
BMC Womens Health
May 2018
Background: Tubal pathology is a causative factor in 20% of subfertile couples. Traditionally, tubal testing during fertility work-up is performed by hysterosalpingography (HSG). Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) is a new technique that is thought to have comparable accuracy as HSG, while it is less expensive and more patient friendly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To compare the effects of immediate delivery an expectant management among women whose pregnancies were complicated by preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) in the late preterm period (from 34 0/7 weeks until 36 6/7 weeks of gestation).
Data Sources: PubMed, Scopus,, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched from inception until December 2016.
Background: Registry-based studies report an increased risk for end-stage kidney disease after hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs). It is unclear whether HDPs lead to an increased incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and/or progression of kidney function decline.
Study Design: Subanalysis of the Prevention of Renal and Vascular Endstage Disease (PREVEND) Study, a Dutch population-based cohort with follow-up of 5 visits approximately 3 years apart.
Am J Clin Nutr
September 2017
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) leads to dehydration, poor nutritional intake, and weight loss. HG has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight. Information about the potential effectiveness of treatments for HG is limited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Pregnancy Childbirth
July 2017
Background: Current management of preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes (PPROM) involves either initiating birth soon after PPROM or, alternatively, adopting a 'wait and see' approach (expectant management). It is unclear which strategy is most beneficial for mothers and their babies. This is an update of a Cochrane review published in 2010 (Buchanan 2010).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Comparing maternal and neonatal outcomes after conventional cesarean section (CS) versus a "natural" or "skin-to-skin" cesarean section (SSCS).
Methods: Retrospective cohort of women who underwent a SSCS (01-2013 until 12-2013) compared to conventional CS (08-2011 to 08-2012). CS before 37 weeks, under general anesthesia and in case of fetal distress were excluded.
Introduction And Hypothesis: Based on nationwide recommended questionnaires for women with pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), we developed a web-based questionnaire (WBQ) that can be sent to women prior to their first visit. We hypothesized that using this WBQ would contribute to a more efficient first visit. Furthermore, we were interested in the satisfaction of patients who used the WBQ.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
November 2015
Objective: We recently reported that induction of labour does not improve short term neonatal outcome in women with late preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) as compared to expectant management (PPROMEXIL trial). In this study the neurodevelopmental and behavioural outcome of the children from this trial at 2 years of age was studied.
Study Design: We studied outcome of offspring of women randomised in the PPROMEXIL study.