Research regulations around the world do not impose any limits on the risks to which consenting adults may be exposed. Nonetheless, most review committees regard some risks as too high, even for consenting adults. To justify this practice, commentators have appealed to a range of considerations which are external to informed consent and the risks themselves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Public Health Policy
June 2022
The coronavirus pandemic continues to hinder the ability of businesses to operate at full capacity. Vaccination offers a path for employees to return to work, and for businesses to resume full capacity, while protecting themselves, their fellow workers, and customers. Many employers reluctant to mandate vaccination for their employees are considering other ways to increase employee vaccination rates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe biorights movement argues that current treatment of biospecimen donors is unfair. To evaluate this claim, the present Science & Society article identifies the standards used to determine credit and compensation in research, and applies them to donors. This analysis suggests most donors deserve credit and, contrary to current practice, some deserve compensation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: One third of people newly living with HIV/AIDS are adolescents. Research on adolescent HIV prevention is critical owing to differences between adolescents and adults. Parental permission requirements are often considered a barrier to adolescent enrollment in research, but whether adolescents view this barrier as the most important one is unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo examine whether (a) non-minority participants differed from racial minority participants in the understanding of biospecimens collected for research purposes, (b) patients differed from comparison group in their understanding of the ways their biospecimens could be used by researchers, and (c) participants received adequate information before consenting to donate blood for research studies. We analyzed cross-sectional data from female breast cancer patients scheduled to receive chemotherapy at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) clinical sites and a healthy comparison group. After reading a consent form related to biospecimens and consenting to participate in a clinical trial, participants' understanding of biospecimen collection was evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiscussion of the ethics of clinical trials in lower income countries has been dominated by concern over double standards. Most prominently, clinical trials of interventions that are less effective than the worldwide best treatment methods typically are not permitted in higher income countries. Commentators conclude that permitting such trials in lower income countries involves an ethical double standard.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEmerging data suggest that type 1 diabetes is a more aggressive disease in children than in adults, with important differences in pathophysiology and clinical course. Therefore, the efficacy of disease-modifying therapies may be different in the two populations. Understanding the developmental and regulatory pathways for type 1 diabetes-modifying therapies in children will enable industry, academia, funders, advocacy groups, and regulators to translate new science to clinical care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic research on human biospecimens is increasingly common. However, debate continues over the level of risk that this research poses to sample donors. Some argue that genetic research on biospecimens poses minimal risk; others argue that it poses greater than minimal risk and therefore needs additional requirements and limitations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn 2013, researchers announced that a newborn child from Mississippi, USA might have been functionally cured of HIV by being given combination antiretroviral therapy within hours of birth. Public and media attention has since been captured by the possibility of finding a cure for HIV transmitted from mother to child. Research into the strategy used for the Mississippi patient is crucially important to establish whether it can be replicated and shown to work in diverse populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a previous article,' I attempted to assess the likely impact of the most prominent versions of the therapeutic misconception (TM) on research subjects' informed consent. I concluded that the TM is not nearly as significant a concern as is commonly thought, and that focusing on it is more likely to undermine than promote research subjects' informed consent. A recent commentary rejects these conclusions, as least as they pertain to the "consensus" definition of the TM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWork on the therapeutic misconception suggests that investigators should ensure that potential research subjects understand the fundamental differences between clinical research and clinical care. Yet, what potential research subjects should understand depends on their circumstances and the study in question. This analysis implies that researchers and review committees should stop attempting to define, measure, and dispel the therapeutic misconception, and instead should focus on what potential subjects should understand to participate in individual studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Recent development of drugs that target specific pathways in tumors has increased scientific interest in studying drug effects on tumor tissue. As a result, biopsies have become an important part of many early-phase clinical trials. Performing nondiagnostic tumor biopsies raises technical and ethical concerns mostly related to the use of a potentially harmful procedure with no potential benefit to the patient.
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