Introduction: In the field of plastic surgery, epidermal transplantation is a potential treatment for chronic wounds that results in only minor donor site morbidity. Improving the regenerative capacities of epidermal grafts or single-cell suspensions and therefore accelerating healing processes would be of significant interest.
Methods: In the present study, we analyzed the effects of growth factors and adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) on keratinocyte properties.
Soil and groundwater from the Neponset River floodplain deposit that receive high concentrations of deicing agents from nearby highways were investigated. The silty sand floodplain is separated by a silty aquitard from the underlying aquifer that serves as a public water supply. We made a transport-based assessment of the capacity of the aquitard to protect the underlying aquifer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe extend Bouwer and Rice (1976) slug test theory to incorporate background head trends that may be important in incompressible material of low permeability k. The extension, which features a convolution integral of the background head, is closed form for linear trends. A sensitivity study suggests that a rising background head can diminish the head changes associated with a slug-out test and underestimate k if it is ignored, as does falling background trend with a slug-in test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use laboratory and field data to calibrate existing geochemical and transport models of cation exchange induced by contamination of an unconfined aquifer at a road salt storage facility built upon a glacial till drumlin in eastern Massachusetts. A Gaines and Thomas selectivity coefficient K models the equilibrium sodium and divalent cation distribution in the groundwater and solid matrix, while an existing method of characteristics model describes the advective transport of total dissolved cations and sorbed sodium. Laboratory isotherms of split spoon soil samples from the drumlin calibrate K with an average value of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use Monod kinetics to calibrate previously published data that documentthe aerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbon vapors in soil microcosms from a weathered petroleum spill site. Monod kinetics offer insight into biodegradation mechanics because they address biomass growth as well as substrate depletion. A blend of five aromatics and five alkanes dose the microcosm sets at four strengths, and a finite difference model describes the response superimposed across the constituent substrates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFe(III)-reducing isolates were recovered from two aquifers in which Fe(III) reduction is known to be important. Strain Bem(T) was enriched from subsurface sediments collected in Bemidji, MN, USA, near a site where Fe(III) reduction is important in aromatic hydrocarbon degradation. Strains P11, P35(T) and P39 were isolated from the groundwater of an aquifer in Plymouth, MA, USA, in which Fe(III) reduction is important because of long-term inputs of acetate as a highway de-icing agent to the subsurface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe incorporate a linear estimate of casing friction into the analytical slug test theory of Springer and Gelhar (1991) for high permeability aquifers. The modified theory elucidates the influence of inertia and casing friction on consistent, closed form equations for the free surface, pressure, and velocity fluctuations for overdamped and underdamped conditions. A consistent, but small, correction for kinetic energy is included as well.
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