Background: Antigen-specific memory B cells play a key role in the induction of desensitization and remission to food allergens in oral immunotherapy and in the development of natural tolerance (NT). Here, we characterized milk allergen Bos d 9-specific B cells in oral allergen-specific immunotherapy (OIT) and in children spontaneously outgrowing cow's milk allergy (CMA) due to NT.
Methods: Samples from children with CMA who received oral OIT (before, during, and after), children who naturally outgrew CMA (NT), and healthy individuals were received from Stanford biobank.
Background: Although avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and SARS-CoV-2 belong to different genera of the Coronaviridae family, exposure to IBV may result in the development of cross-reactive antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 due to homologous epitopes. We aimed to investigate whether antibody responses to IBV cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 in poultry farm personnel who are occupationally exposed to aerosolized IBV vaccines.
Methods: We analyzed sera from poultry farm personnel, COVID-19 patients, and pre-pandemic controls.
J Allergy Clin Immunol
October 2021
Background: Respiratory infections with rhinoviruses (RV) are strongly associated with development and exacerbations of asthma, and they pose an additional health risk for subjects with allergy.
Objective: How RV infections and chronic allergic diseases are linked and what role RV plays in the breaking of tolerance in regulatory T (Treg) cells is unknown. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of RV on Treg cells.
Background: Asthma patients present with distinct immunological profiles, with a predominance of type 2 endotype. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of high-altitude treatment on the clinical and immunological response in asthma.
Methods: Twenty-six hospitalized asthma patients (nine eosinophilic allergic; EA, nine noneosinophilic allergic; NEA and eight noneosinophilic nonallergic; NN) and nine healthy controls in high altitude for 21 days were enrolled in the study.