Publications by authors named "David M Maahs"

Background: Improved insulin infusion set survival and faster insulin action are important issues for pump users and for the development of an artificial pancreas. The current recommendation is to change infusion sets every 3 days. Our objectives were to determine the effect of lipohypertrophy (LH) on infusion set survival and continuous glucose monitoring glucose levels.

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Background: Automated insulin delivery systems, utilizing a control algorithm to dose insulin based upon subcutaneous continuous glucose sensor values and insulin pump therapy, will soon be available for commercial use. The objective of this study was to determine the preliminary safety and efficacy of initialization parameters with the Medtronic hybrid closed-loop controller by comparing percentage of time in range, 70-180 mg/dL (3.9-10 mmol/L), mean glucose values, as well as percentage of time above and below target range between sensor-augmented pump therapy and hybrid closed-loop, in adults and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

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Background: Vasopressin exerts important cardio-renal effects, but remains problematic to measure. Copeptin is a more stable peptide derived from the same precursor molecule. We examined the associations between copeptin, coronary artery calcium (CAC), albuminuria and impaired glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

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Overnight predictive low glucose suspend (PLGS) reduces hypoglycemia across all ages; however, there are no reports on behavior or experience differences across age groups, especially in pediatrics. As run-in for a subsequent randomized clinical trial (RCT), 127 subjects (50% male) ages 4-45 yr utilized the experimental PLGS system nightly for 5-10 nights (PLGS active phase). We analyzed the number of blood glucose (BG) checks and boluses given per age group.

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Background: Women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have a four-fold increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to non-diabetic (non-DM) women, as opposed to double the risk in T1D men compared to non-DM men. It is unclear how early in life CVD risk differences begin in T1D females. Therefore, our objective was to compare CVD risk factors in adolescents with and without T1D to determine the effects of gender on CVD risk factors.

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Background And Aims: In patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D), cardiovascular disease (CVD) events are more common and occur earlier in life than in non-diabetics. Reduced brachial artery distensibility (BrachD) is an independent risk factor for development of CVD. Our aim was to determine if adults with T1D have lower BrachD compared to adults without diabetes and also to determine how age and gender affect the relationship of BrachD with T1D status.

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Many patients with advanced type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and all patients with T1DM require insulin to keep blood glucose levels in the target range. The most common route of insulin administration is subcutaneous insulin injections. There are many ways to deliver insulin subcutaneously such as vials and syringes, insulin pens, and insulin pumps.

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Objective: Reduced insulin sensitivity (IS) is well documented in type 1 diabetes (T1D) and may contribute to vascular complications. We examined the association of estimated IS (eIS) with incident macro- and microvascular complications in adults with T1D in the prospective CACTI study.

Methods: Participants (N=652) were 19-56 years old at baseline and re-examined 6.

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Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and dialysis in the Western world. Early DKD, including microalbuminuria and renal hyperfiltration, is common in adolescents with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Furthermore, youth-onset T2D carries a higher risk of progressive DKD than adult-onset T2D of similar diabetes duration.

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Background: Insulin resistance is associated with microalbuminuria among youth with diabetes mellitus. We sought to determine the dose-response effect of insulin sensitivity (IS) on the magnitude of albuminuria and whether there is a threshold below which urine albumin excretion increases.

Methods: These analyses included participants from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study with incident diabetes who completed a baseline study visit (n = 2988).

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Background: Urine uric acid (UUA) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy via its effect on tubular cells. We hypothesized that the UUA level would be higher in adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) than in those without T1D. We also hypothesized that UUA and fractional uric acid excretion (FeUA) would be higher in adolescents with T1D and hyperfiltration [estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥141 mL/min/1.

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Context: People with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have markedly reduced insulin sensitivity (IS) compared to their nondiabetic counterparts, and reduced IS is linked to higher cardiovascular risk.

Objective: This study aimed to develop and validate an improved method for estimating IS in people with T1D.

Design: Prospective cohort.

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Background: The aim of the present study was to compare characteristics and diabetes management in children and adolescents with and without at least one parent with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Methods: In all, 12 890 participants aged <18 years at enrollment in the T1D Exchange Registry were included in the present study. Statistical comparisons between those with and without parental T1D were conducted using a univariate generalized linear mixed model.

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Background: A subset of periodontal microorganisms has been associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the leading complication of type 1 diabetes (t1DM). The authors therefore evaluated the association between periodontal microorganism groups and early markers of CVD in youth with t1DM.

Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted among youth aged 12 to 19 years at enrollment; 105 had t1DM for ≥5 years and were seeking care at the Barbara Davis Center, University of Colorado, from 2009 to 2011, and 71 did not have diabetes.

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Aims/hypothesis: While the use of insulin pumps in paediatrics has expanded dramatically, there is still considerable variability among countries in the use of pump technology. The present study sought to describe differences in metabolic control and pump use in young people with type 1 diabetes using data collected in three multicentre registries.

Methods: Data for the years 2011 and 2012 from 54,410 children and adolescents were collected from the Prospective Diabetes Follow-up Registry (DPV; n = 26,198), T1D Exchange (T1DX; n = 13,755) and the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA; n = 14,457).

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A major challenge in preventing vascular complications in diabetes is the inability to identify high-risk patients at an early stage, emphasizing the importance of discovering new risk factors, technologies and therapeutic targets to reduce the development and progression of complications. Promising biomarkers which may improve risk stratification and serve as therapeutic targets, include: uric acid, insulin sensitivity, copeptin, SGLT-2 and Klotho/FGF-23. Non-invasive measures of macrovasuclar disease in youth, include: 1) pulse wave velocity to examine arterial stiffness; 2) carotid intima-media thickness to evaluate arterial thickness; 3) cardiac MRI to investigate cardiac function and structure.

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Objective: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children and adolescents with established type 1 diabetes is a major problem with considerable morbidity, mortality, and associated costs to patients, families, and health care systems. We analyzed data from three multinational type 1 diabetes registries/audits with similarly advanced, yet differing, health care systems with an aim to identify factors associated with DKA admissions.

Research Design And Methods: Data from 49,859 individuals <18 years with type 1 diabetes duration ≥1 year from the Prospective Diabetes Follow-up Registry (DPV) initiative (n = 22,397, Austria and Germany), the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA; n = 16,314, England and Wales), and the T1D Exchange (T1DX; n = 11,148, U.

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Apolipoprotein B (apoB) and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) are cardiovascular disease risk markers, although data in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) are limited. We hypothesized that elevated apoB and non-HDL-C would be associated with greater odds of coronary artery calcification progression (CACp), a measure of coronary atherosclerosis, than either category alone in adults with type 1 DM. We grouped subjects with type 1 DM (n = 652) into 4 groups: elevated apoB (≥90 mg/dl) and elevated non-HDL-C (≥130 mg/dl), elevated non-HDL-C alone, elevated apoB alone, and normal apoB and non-HDL-C.

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