Publications by authors named "David Hinchliffe"

The influence of different feedstuffs on parameters of digestion and ethology in growing rabbits (duration and number of feed intake, needed masticatory movements, pH value in stomach and small intestine, dry matter content of stomach chyme, level of destruction of cell structures in small intestine) was analysed. 384 five weeks old rabbits were fed with one of three feedstuffs: pellets (mean fibre length = 3 mm), fibre blocks (mean fibre length = 40 mm) and hay-oat-beat-ration (length of hay fibre ≥ 70 mm). The masticatory movements and duration for uptake 0.

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A pilot toxicology database system has been created which is accessible on-line via the world-wide web or in-house via an intranet. It is intended to be suitable as a source of toxicological information and to support structure-activity relationship studies, and it can be searched on chemical structural and substructural as well as toxicological and physico-chemical data. Successful completion of the pilot has led to an ongoing project to develop and expand the system.

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