Music therapy has shown efficacy in serious and chronic conditions, mental disorders, and disabilities. However, there is still much to explore regarding the mechanisms through which music interventions exert their effects. A typical session involves interactions between the therapist, the client, and the musical work itself, and to help address the challenges of capturing and comprehending its dynamics, we extend our general computational paradigm (CP) for analyzing the expressive and social behavioral processes in arts therapies.
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February 2024
The pharynx of the nematode is a neuromuscular organ that exhibits typical pumping motions, which result in the intake of food particles from the environment. In-depth inspection reveals slightly different dynamics at the various pharyngeal areas, rather than synchronous pumping motions of the whole organ, which are important for its effective functioning. While the different pumping dynamics are well characterized, the underlying mechanisms that generate them are not known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWavelength is a physical measure of light, and the intricate understanding of its link to perceived colour enables the creation of perceptual entities such as metamers-non-overlapping spectral compositions that generate identical colour percepts. By contrast, scientists have been unable to develop a physical measure linked to perceived smell, even one that merely reflects the extent of perceptual similarity between odorants. Here, to generate such a measure, we collected perceptual similarity estimates of 49,788 pairwise odorants from 199 participants who smelled 242 different multicomponent odorants and used these data to refine a predictive model that links odorant structure to odorant perception.
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July 2020
The potential benefits of autonomous systems are obvious. However, there are still major issues to be dealt with before developing such systems becomes a commonplace engineering practice, with accepted and trustworthy deliverables. We argue that a solid, evolving, publicly available, community-controlled foundation for developing next-generation autonomous systems is a must, and term the desired foundation "autonomics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArt therapy and music therapy, as well as other arts-based approaches and interventions, help to mitigate symptoms in serious and chronic diseases and to improve the well-being and quality of life for both healthy individuals and patients. Artistic creation is also researched and practiced intending to empower and understand individuals, groups, and communities. However, much research is required in order to learn how arts-based approaches operate and to enhance their effectivity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMusic making, in the form of free improvisations, is a common technique in music therapy, used to express one's feelings or ideas in the non-verbal language of music. In the broader sense, arts therapies, and music therapy in particular, are used to induce therapeutic and psychosocial effects, and to help mitigate symptoms in serious and chronic diseases. They are also used to empower the wellbeing and quality of life for both healthy individuals and patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRats' large whiskers (macrovibrissae) are used to explore their nearby environment, typically using repetitive protraction-retraction "whisking" motions that are coordinated with head and body movements [1-8]. Once objects are detected, the rat can further explore the object tactually by using both the macrovibrissae and an array of shorter, stationary microvibrissae on the chin, as well as by using the lips [9-11]. When touch occurs during whisking, a fast reflexive response, termed a touch-induced pump (TIP), may be triggered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDecades before the existence of anything resembling an artificial intelligence system, Alan Turing raised the question of how to test whether machines can think, or, in modern terminology, whether a computer claimed to exhibit intelligence indeed does so. This paper raises the analogous issue for olfaction: how to test the validity of a system claimed to reproduce arbitrary odours artificially, in a way recognizable to humans. Although odour reproduction systems are still far from being viable, the question of how to test candidates thereof is claimed to be interesting and non-trivial, and a novel method is proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Bioinformatics
August 2016
Background: Research related to cancer is vast, and continues in earnest in many directions. Due to the complexity of cancer, a better understanding of tumor growth dynamics can be gleaned from a dynamic computational model. We present a comprehensive, fully executable, spatial and temporal 3D computational model of the development of a cancerous tumor together with its environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to visualize the ongoing events of a computational model of biology is critical, both in order to see the dynamics of the biological system in action and to enable interaction with the model from which one can observe the resulting behavior. To this end, we have built a new interactive animation tool, SimuLife, for visualizing reactive models of cellular biology. SimuLife is web-based, and is freely accessible at http://simulife.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArt therapy, as well as other arts-based therapies and interventions, is used to reduce pain, stress, depression, breathlessness and other symptoms in a wide variety of serious and chronic diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer and schizophrenia. Arts-based approaches are also known to contribute to one's well-being and quality of life. However, much research is required, since the mechanisms by which these non-pharmacological treatments exert their therapeutic and psychosocial effects are not adequately understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRats repeatedly sweep their facial whiskers back and forth in order to explore their environment. Such explorative whisking appears to be driven by central pattern generators (CPGs) that operate independently of direct sensory feedback. Nevertheless, whisking can be modulated by sensory feedback, and it has been hypothesized that some of this modulation already occurs within the brainstem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the past decade, multi-level complex behavior and reactive nature of biological systems, has been a focus point for the biomedical community. We have developed a computational approach, termed Reactive Animation (RA) for simulating such complex biological systems. RA is an approach for describing the dynamic characteristics of biological systems based on facts collected from experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA primary goal for artificial nose (eNose) technology is to report perceptual qualities of novel odors. Currently, however, eNoses primarily detect and discriminate between odorants they previously "learned". We tuned an eNose to human odor pleasantness estimates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe address one of the central issues in devising languages, methods and tools for the modelling and analysis of complex biological systems, that of linking high-level (e.g. intercellular) information with lower-level (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectroolfactograms (EOGs) are the summated generator potentials of olfactory receptor neurons measured directly from the olfactory epithelium. To validate the sensory origin of the human EOG, we set out to ask whether EOGs measured in humans were odorant concentration dependent. Each of 22 subjects (12 women, mean age = 23.
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December 2008
Organogenesis, the process by which organs develop from individual precursor stem cells, requires that the precursor cells proliferate, differentiate, and aggregate to form a functioning structure. This process progresses through changes in 4 dimensions: time and 3 dimensions of space-4D. Experimental analysis of organogenesis, by its nature, cuts the 4D developmental process into static, 2D histological images or into molecular or cellular markers and interactions with little or no spatial dimensionality and minimal dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOlfaction consists of a set of transforms from a physical space of odorant molecules, through a neural space of information processing, and into a perceptual space of smell. Elucidating the rules governing these transforms depends on establishing valid metrics for each of the three spaces. Here we first briefly review the perceptual and neural spaces, and then concentrate on the physical space of odorant molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies of developmental biology are often facilitated by diagram "models" that summarize the current understanding of underlying mechanisms. The increasing complexity of our understanding of development necessitates computational models that can extend these representations to include their dynamic behavior. Here we present a prototype model of Caenorhabditis elegans vulval precursor cell fate specification that represents many processes crucial for this developmental event but that are hard to integrate using other modeling methodologies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhereas the rules underlying the perceived intensity of binary mixtures have been investigated, minimal efforts have been directed at elucidating the rules underlying the perceived pleasantness of such mixtures. To address this, 84 subjects ranked the pleasantness and intensity of 5 distinct binary mixtures (15 pairs, inter-stimulus interval = 4 s, inter-trial interval = 30 s, flow = 6 l/min, pulse = 2 s) constructed from different ratios (0:100%, 25:75%, 50:50%, 75:25%, and 100:0%, olfactometer-generated vapor phase). We found that in the majority of cases, the pleasantness of the mixture fell between the pleasantness values of its separated constituents and that it was strongly influenced by the relative intensities of the constituents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe last several decades have witnessed a vast accumulation of biological data and data analysis. Many of these data sets represent only a small fraction of the system's behavior, making the visualization of full system behavior difficult. A more complete understanding of a biological system is gained when different types of data (and/or conclusions drawn from the data) are integrated into a larger-scale representation or model of the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHealth Care Manag Sci
March 2008
Computer simulation of patient flow has been used extensively to assess the impacts of changes in the management of surgical care. However, little research is available on the utility of existing modeling techniques. The purpose of this paper is to examine the capacity of Statecharts, a system of graphical specification, for constructing a discrete-event simulation model of the perioperative process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn studies of vision and audition, stimuli can be systematically varied by wavelength and frequency, respectively, but there is no equivalent metric for olfaction. Restricted odorant-feature metrics such as number of carbons and functional group do not account for response patterns to odorants varying along other structural dimensions. We generated a multidimensional odor metric, in which each odorant molecule was represented as a vector of 1,664 molecular descriptor values.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough the family of genes encoding for olfactory receptors was identified more than 15 years ago, the difficulty of functionally expressing these receptors in an heterologous system has, with only some exceptions, rendered the receptive range of given olfactory receptors largely unknown. Furthermore, even when successfully expressed, the task of probing such a receptor with thousands of odors/ligands remains daunting. Here we provide proof of concept for a solution to this problem.
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