Publications by authors named "David Doley"

Background: Hemispherical photography (HP) is a popular method to estimate canopy structure and understorey light environment, which analyses photographs acquired with wide view-angle lens (i.e. fisheye lens).

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Dispersion of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in streams around nickel laterite mines, which are mostly located in the tropics, may pose serious risks for the environment and human health. In an earlier study, a local natural wetland effectively removed Cr from a nickel mine environment in Indonesia. In order to understand the processes and conditions that would facilitate the establishment of operational constructed wetlands that would remove Cr from mine water discharge, we used two native macrophyte species from the same wetland, Lepironia articulata and Machaerina rubiginosa, in a series of mesocosm experiments to follow the distribution of Cr species in water, substrate and plants.

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Background And Aims: Functional-structural plant (FSP) models have been widely used to understand the complex interactions between plant architecture and underlying developmental mechanisms. However, to obtain evidence that a model captures these mechanisms correctly, a clear distinction must be made between model outputs used for calibration and thus verification, and outputs used for validation. In pattern-oriented modelling (POM), multiple verification patterns are used as filters for rejecting unrealistic model structures and parameter combinations, while a second, independent set of patterns is used for validation.

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Ecophysiological research in Australia has focussed, at different times, on the fundamental similarities in function between all plant species, and on the peculiarity of Australian species with respect to their survival in stressful environments. Early work on plant water relations emphasised the differences between species, and indicated that diverse structural and functional attributes occurred in species from the same water-limited environment. Most recent research has emphasised processes that optimise rates of carbon dioxide exchange, but the understanding of functioning in plants with different morphological arrangements is incomplete.

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Leaf water relations responses to limited water supply were determined in 7-month-old plants of a dry inland provenance of Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely and in a humid coastal provenance (Gympie) and a dry inland provenance (Hungry Hills) of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. Each provenance of E.

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Photosynthetic acclimation was studied in seedlings of three subtropical rainforest species representing early (Omalanthus populifolius), middle (Duboisia myoporoides) and late (Acmena ingens) successional stages in forest development. Changes in the photosynthetic characteristics of pre-existing leaves were observed following the transfer of plants between deep shade (1-5% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), selectively filtered to produce a red/far-red (R/FR) ratio of 0.1) and open glasshouse (60% PAR and a R/FR ratio of 1.

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