Publications by authors named "David Del Rio"

The loss of a sense, such as vision, forces individuals to adapt to their environment and its demands in a variety of ways. In the case of blindness, significant neurofunctional and cognitive changes have been documented. However, there is no clear consensus on the differences in performance between adult blind participants and sighted controls in cognitive processes such as working memory (WM).

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Background: New technologies can provide practical solutions that respond to the needs of the elderly, improving their quality of life and well-being. The aim of this research was to validate a multimodal approach based on a video call system, by comparing the scores of different clinically validated tests at baseline and at the end of the intervention.

Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted with 7 healthy participants aged 61 to 92 years over a 6-month period.

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  • The study investigates the link between cognitive and linguistic skills and spontaneous speech in individuals with fluent aphasia using standardized tasks and picture description tasks.* -
  • Despite initial predictions, the results showed no significant correlation between attentional measures and discourse performance in participants with aphasia; naming and semantic association were more relevant for their speech.* -
  • The findings imply that basic attentional abilities might not significantly influence descriptive speech in fluent aphasia, indicating a complex relationship that standard measures often fail to capture.*
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Ageing entails different functional brain changes. Education, reading experience, and leisure activities, among others, might contribute to the maintenance of cognitive performance among older adults and are conceptualised as proxies for cognitive reserve. However, ageing also conveys a depletion of working memory capacity, which adversely impacts language comprehension.

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Verbal fluency tests are easy and quick to use in neuropsychological assessments, so they have been counted among the most classical tools in this context. To date, several normative data for verbal fluency tests have been provided in different languages and countries. A systematic review was carried out with studies that provide normative data for verbal fluency tests.

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Neuropsychological tests have commonly been used to determine the organization of cognitive functions by identifying latent variables. In contrast, an approach which has seldom been employed is network analysis. We characterize the network structure of a set of representative neuropsychological test scores in cognitively healthy older adults and MCI and dementia patients using network analysis.

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The decline in semantic verbal fluency as we age may originate from both semantic memory degradation and executive function deficits. We investigated to what extent semantic memory is organized into categories in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (n = 81) and healthy controls (n = 83). We obtained the semantic networks automatically from the probability of co-occurrence of words in a verbal fluency test and characterized them with graph-theory tools.

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In this paper, a novel Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag for "pick to light" applications is presented. The proposed tag architecture shows the implementation of a novel voltage limiter and a supply voltage (VDD) monitoring circuit to guarantee a correct operation between the tag and the reader for the "pick to light" application. The feasibility to power the tag with different photovoltaic cells is also analyzed, showing the influence of the illuminance level (lx), type of source light (fluorescent, LED or halogen) and type of photovoltaic cell (photodiode or solar cell) on the amount of harvested energy.

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Evidence has shown that negative distracting stimuli are most difficult to control when we are focused in a relevant task, while positive and neutral distractors might be equally overcome. Still, recent meta-analytic evidence has pointed out that differences in the ability to cope with positive or neutral distractors may be difficult to detect in healthy people and in laboratory sets. Here we re-analyse memory performance in four already published working memory experiments in which affective and non-affective distractors were used.

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Background music is a part of our everyday activities. Considerable evidence suggests that listening to music while performing cognitive tasks may negatively influence performance. However, other studies have shown that it can benefit memory when the music played during the encoding of information is also provided during the retrieval of that information, in the so-called .

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The active maintenance of information in visual working memory (WM) is known to rely on the sustained activity over functional networks including frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal cortices. Previous studies have described interference-based disturbances in the functional coupling between prefrontal and posterior cortices, and that such disturbances can be restored for a successful WM performance after the presentation of the interfering stimulus. However, very few studies have applied functional connectivity measures to the analysis of the brain dynamics involved in overriding emotional distraction, and all of them have limited their analysis to the particular connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex.

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Background: Most research points to the ɛ4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene as the most recognizable genetic risk factor associated with Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. It has been also suggested that the APOEɛ4 allele has a negative influence on cognitive functioning, which begins long before cognitive impairment becomes manifest. However, still, little is known about the APOEɛ4 interaction with cognitive intervention programs.

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Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) might represent the preclinical phase of Alzheimer's disease. Given the interest to characterize it, the present study explores (1) if there are differences in lexical retrieval (LexR) and sentence comprehension (SComp) between SCD and matched controls, and (2) the predictive value of demographic variables and executive functions in relation to LexR and SComp in each group. A sample of 135 participants voluntarily took part in this study (66 with SCD).

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Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is considered a transitional stage between healthy aging and dementia, specifically Alzheimer's disease (AD). The most common cognitive impairment of MCI includes episodic memory loss and difficulties in working memory (WM). Interference can deplete WM, and an optimal WM performance requires an effective control of attentional resources between the memoranda and the incoming stimuli.

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Unpleasant emotional distraction can impair the retention of non-emotional information in working memory (WM). Research links the prefrontal cortex with the successful control of such biologically relevant distractors, although the temporal changes in this brain mechanism remain unexplored. We use magnetoencephalography to investigate the temporal dynamics of the cognitive control of both unpleasant and pleasant distraction, in the millisecond (ms) scale.

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Emotional stimuli automatically recruit attentional resources. Although this usually brings more adaptive responses, it may suppose a disadvantage when emotional information is task-irrelevant and should be ignored. Previous studies have shown how emotional stimuli with a negative content exert a greater interference than neutral stimuli during a concurrent working memory (WM) task.

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Introduction And Aim: The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the semantic verbal fluency task has revealed that people with dementia produced fewer words and smaller semantic clustering than people without dementia. However, in people with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), research has shown conflicting results regarding the amount and number of semantic clusters that are made. The aim of this study was to provide new data to this controversial issue.

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Objective: The precise pathophysiology of fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain, remains to be clarified. When subjected to the same amount of stimulation, patients show enhanced brain responses as compared to controls, providing evidence of central pain augmentation in this syndrome. We aimed to characterize brain response differences when stimulation is adjusted to elicit similar subjective levels of pain in both groups.

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Inter-individual differences in cognitive performance are based on an efficient use of task-related brain resources. However, little is known yet on how these differences might be reflected on resting-state brain networks. Here we used Magnetoencephalography resting-state recordings to assess the relationship between a behavioral measurement of verbal working memory and functional connectivity as measured through Mutual Information.

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Object-relative clauses are generally harder to process than subject-relative clauses. Increased processing costs for object-relatives have been attributed either to working memory demands for the establishment of long-distance dependencies or to difficulties processing unexpected, noncanonical structures. The current study uses self-paced reading to contrast the impact of both kinds of factors in Spanish object-relative clauses, manipulating the interposition of the subject of the relative clause between object and verb.

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During sentence processing there is a preference to treat the first noun phrase found as the subject and agent, unless marked the other way. This preference would lead to a conflict in thematic role assignment when the syntactic structure conforms to a non-canonical object-before-subject pattern. Left perisylvian and fronto-parietal brain networks have been found to be engaged by increased computational demands during sentence comprehension, while event-reated brain potentials have been used to study the on-line manifestation of these demands.

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Interindividual variability in vocabulary, sentence comprehension and working memory is studied in older people with mild cognitive impairment, very low cognitive impairment and normal state, according to the Mini Examen Cognoscitivo (MEC). In the study participated 71 seniors, aged between 62 to 90 years of age, with low instructional level (from one to five years of regular education). Variability measures were calculated in a test of lexical knowledge, another of working memory, and also in one of sentence comprehension.

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The perception of meter, or the alternation of strong and weak beats, was assessed in musically trained listeners through magnetoencephalography. Metrical accents were examined with no temporal disruption of the serial grouping of tones. Results showed an effect of metrical processing among identical standard tones in the left hemisphere, with larger responses on strong than on weak beats.

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The capacity to appreciate beauty is one of our species' most remarkable traits. Although knowledge about its neural correlates is growing, little is known about any gender-related differences. We have explored possible differences between men and women's neural correlates of aesthetic preference.

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Most of human cognitive activity involves, to a greater or lesser extent, the integration of information from different modalities, a process also referred to as 'binding'. Although the neural basis of several forms of binding has been extensively investigated, the neurobiological mechanisms of the encoding phase of integration of words and their spatial location have not been previously investigated. This process is at the core of what Baddeley proposed in his revised model as episodic buffer.

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