Objective: To determine whether induced sputum (IS) with hypertonic saline inhalation is safe to use in asthmatics within 24 hours of two commonly used airway challenges, namely endotoxin and dust mite allergen, and to assess whether IS can enhance mucociliary clearance (MCC) rates in asthmatics.
Methods: IS (three 7-minute inhalation periods of 3%, 4%, and 5% hypertonic saline) was employed before (N = 29) and within 24 hours of inhaled challenges with endotoxin (N = 13) and dust mite allergen (N = 12) in a cohort of mild to moderate asthmatics. Safety was assessed by lung function (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second; FEV1) and MCC was measured using a radiolabeled gamma scintigraphy method (Tcm99 sulfur colloid).