Publications by authors named "Datchary J"

We report an exceptional case of a very late local failure in a 9-year-old boy presenting with a chordoma of the cranio-cervical junction. The child was initially treated with a combination of surgical resection followed by high dose photon-proton radiation therapy. This aggressive therapy allowed a 9-year remission with minimal side-effects.

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We report an exceptional case of a very late local failure in a 9-year-old boy presenting with a chordoma of the cranio-cervical junction. The child was initially treated with a combination of surgical resection followed by high dose photon-proton radiation therapy. This aggressive therapy allowed a 9-year remission with minimal side-effects.

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Hadrontherapy, a type of radiation therapy dealing with heavy charged particles, has become for the past decade one of the most sophisticated and attractive approach in the management of cancer. This is related with major technological innovations that have made available, at a relatively cheap cost, compact proton accelerators equipped with rotational gantries. The implementation of pencil beam scanning should also make treatment planning and delivery much easier and faster than conventional approaches.

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Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of irradiation of internal mammary nodes (IMN) on 10-year overall survival in breast cancer patients after mastectomy.

Methods And Patients: This multicenter phase 3 study enrolled patients with positive axillary nodes (pN+) or central/medial tumors with or without pN+. Other inclusion criteria were age <75 and a Karnofsky index ≥70.

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With over 70,000 patients treated worldwide, protontherapy has an evolution on their clinical applications and technological developments. The ballistic advantage of the Bragg peak gives the possibility of getting a high conformation of the dose distribution to the target volume. Protontherapy has accumulated a considerable experience in the management of selected rare malignancies such as uveal melanomas and base of the skull chordomas and chondrosarcomas.

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Proton beam therapy uses positively charged particles, protons, whose physical properties improve dose-distribution (Bragg peak characterized by a sharp distal and lateral penumbra) compared with conventional photon-based radiation therapy (X-ray). These ballistic advantages apply to the treatment of deep-sited tumours located close to critical structures and requiring high-dose levels. [60-250 MeV] proton-beam therapy is now widely accepted as the "gold standard" in specific indications in adults--ocular melanoma, chordoma and chondrosarcoma of the base of skull --and is regarded as a highly promising treatment modality in the treatment of paediatric malignancies (brain tumours, sarcomas…).

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Background: This study evaluates the relation of the early oestrogen-regulated gene gabarapl1 to cellular growth and its prognostic significance in breast adenocarcinoma.

Methods: First, the relation between GABARAPL1 expression and MCF-7 growth rate was analysed. Thereafter, by performing macroarray and reverse transcriptase quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) experiments, gabarapl1 expression was quantified in several histological breast tumour types and in a retrospective cohort of 265 breast cancers.

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Pediatric tumors still represent a formidable challenge despite the considerable therapeutical advances that have been reported for the past 30 years. This is largely related with the untowards side-effects of local therapy that are still acknowledged as the "price for cure". In this setting, Proton therapy a sophisticated radiotherapeutical modality seems to represent a real breakthrough due to its unique ability to spare close and distant normal organs compared with modern photons techniques.

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Purpose: The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the prognostic significance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) tissue contents in primary breast adenocarcinoma.

Patients And Methods: Patients from 3 medical centers were included between 1994 and 2001. Biologic factors in tumor extracts were all assayed in the same laboratory.

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Purpose: To evaluate outcomes and tolerance of high-dose photon and proton therapy in the management of skull base and cervical canal primary bony malignancies in children.

Patients And Methods: Thirty children were treated postoperatively with high-dose photon-proton (29 patients) or protons-only (1 patient) radiotherapy. Twenty-six patients had chordomas (CH), 3 had low-grade chondrosarcomas (CS), and 1 had an aggressive chondroma (AC).

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It has been shown that a delay in radiotherapy (RT) initiation resulted in a higher local relapse (LR) rate. The present analysis investigated retrospectively if the RT-adjuvant therapy sequence modified local-disease-free survival (L-DFS) after breast-conserving surgery (BCS) in node-positive (N +) breast cancer patients. Among seven French Adjuvant Study Group trials, 1,831 patients were assessable: 475 received RT directly after BCS, 567 after the 3rd chemotherapy (CT) cycle, and 789 after the 6th CT cycle.

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Background: Radiotherapy (RT) after breast-conserving surgery (BCS) has produced significant reductions in ipsilateral breast carcinoma (BC) recurrence. It was shown previously that a delay in the initiation of RT resulted in a higher local recurrence (LR) rate. In the current retrospective analysis, the authors investigated whether the RT-adjuvant therapy sequence modified local-disease-free survival (L-DFS) after BCS in patients with early-stage, lymph node-positive BC.

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PURPOSE To evaluate long-term cardiac function in patients without disease who had received six cycles of fluorouracil 500 mg/m(2), epirubicin 50 mg/m(2), and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m(2) (FEC 50) or the same regimen with epirubicin 100 mg/m(2) (FEC 100) as adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive breast cancer in the French Adjuvant Study Group-05 trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS One hundred fifty patients (FEC 50, n = 65; FEC 100, n = 85) who were without disease and who gave their informed consent were enrolled for long-term cardiac assessment. The assessment included cardiac events occurring after the end of chemotherapy, vital signs, concomitant disease, ECG, isotopic left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and echographic parameters.

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Purpose: To evaluate the duration and dose intensity of epirubicin-based regimens in premenopausal patients with lymph node-positive breast cancer.

Patients And Methods: Between 1986 and 1990, 621 patients with operable breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive fluorouracil (Roche SA, Basel, Switzerland) 500 mg/m2, epirubicin (Pharmacia SA, Milan, Italy) 50 mg/m2, and cyclophosphamide (Asta Medica AG, Frankfurt, Germany) 500 mg/m2 every 21 days (FEC 50) for six cycles (6 FEC 50); FEC 50 for three cycles (3 FEC 50); or the same regimen with epirubicin 75 mg/m2 (FEC 75) for three cycles (3 FEC 75). All patients in the three arms received chest wall irradiation at the end of the third cycle.

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Early diagnosis of a ventricular aneurysm after myocardial infarction may provide a valuable means of preventing certain complications. We studied 55 patients with acute myocardial infarction on the 8th day by Technetium 99 angioscintigraphy with study of wall motion and ejection fraction at equilibrium. The results were compared with left ventriculography performed three months after infarction.

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The haemodynamic effects of a single dose of between 0.15 and 0.25 mg/kg hydralazine were studied during cardiac catheterisation of 9 patients with primary congestive cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

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