Publications by authors named "Dario L Ringach"

Sparse coding enables cortical populations to represent sensory inputs efficiently, yet its temporal dynamics remain poorly understood. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we show that stimulus onset triggers broad cortical activation, initially reducing sparseness and increasing mutual information. Subsequently, competitive interactions sustain mutual information as activity declines and sparseness increases.

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Neurons in primary visual cortex (area V1) adapt in varying degrees to the average contrast of the environment, suggesting that the representation of visual stimuli may interact with the state of cortical gain control in complex ways. To investigate this possibility, we measured and analyzed the responses of neural populations in mouse V1 to visual stimuli as a function of contrast in different environments, each characterized by a unique distribution of contrast values. Our findings reveal that, for a fixed stimulus, the population response can be described by a vector function (), where the gain is a decreasing function of the mean contrast of the environment.

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Neurons in primary visual cortex (area V1) adapt in different degrees to the average contrast of the environment, suggesting that the representation of visual stimuli may interact with the state of cortical gain control in complex ways. To investigate this possibility, we measured and analyzed the responses of neural populations to visual stimuli as a function of contrast in different environments, each characterized by a unique distribution of contrast. Our findings reveal that, for a given stimulus, the population response can be described by a vector function , where the gain is a decreasing function of the mean contrast of the environment.

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The magnitude of neural responses in sensory cortex depends on the intensity of a stimulus and its probability of being observed within the environment. How these two variables combine to influence the overall response of cortical populations remains unknown. Here we show that, in primary visual cortex, the vector magnitude of the population response is described by a separable power law that factors the intensity of a stimulus and its probability.

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How do neural populations adapt to the time-varying statistics of sensory input? We used two-photon imaging to measure the activity of neurons in mouse primary visual cortex adapted to different sensory environments, each defined by a distinct probability distribution over a stimulus set. We find that two properties of adaptation capture how the population response to a given stimulus, viewed as a vector, changes across environments. First, the ratio between the response magnitudes is a power law of the ratio between the stimulus probabilities.

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The magnitude of neural responses in sensory cortex depends on the intensity of a stimulus and its probability of being observed within the environment. How these two variables combine to influence the overall response of cortical populations remains unknown. Here we show that, in primary visual cortex, the vector magnitude of the population response is described by a separable power-law that factors the intensity of a stimulus and its probability.

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How do neural populations adapt to the time-varying statistics of sensory input? To investigate, we measured the activity of neurons in primary visual cortex adapted to different environments, each associated with a distinct probability distribution over a stimulus set. Within each environment, a stimulus sequence was generated by independently sampling form its distribution. We find that two properties of adaptation capture how the population responses to a given stimulus, viewed as vectors, are linked across environments.

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In higher mammals, the thalamic afferents to primary visual cortex cluster according to their responses to increases (ON) or decreases (OFF) in luminance. This feature of thalamocortical wiring is thought to create columnar, ON/OFF domains in V1. We have recently shown that mice also have ON/OFF cortical domains, but the organization of their thalamic afferents remains unknown.

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In higher mammals, thalamic afferents to primary visual cortex (area V1) segregate according to their responses to increases (ON) or decreases (OFF) in luminance. This organization induces columnar, ON/OFF domains postulated to provide a scaffold for the emergence of orientation tuning. To further test this idea, we asked whether ON/OFF domains exist in mouse V1.

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The mouse primary visual cortex is a model system for understanding the relationship between cortical structure, function, and behavior (Seabrook et al., 2017; Chaplin and Margrie, 2020; Hooks and Chen, 2020; Saleem, 2020; Flossmann and Rochefort, 2021). Binocular neurons in V1 are the cellular basis of binocular vision, which is required for predation (Scholl et al.

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Depth perception emerges from the development of binocular neurons in primary visual cortex. Vision is required for these neurons to acquire their mature responses to visual stimuli. The prevailing view is that vision does not influence binocular circuitry until the onset of the critical period, about a week after eye opening, and that plasticity of visual responses is triggered by increased inhibition.

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How many thalamic neurons converge onto a cortical cell? This is an important question, because the organization of thalamocortical projections can influence the cortical architecture. Here, we estimate the degree of thalamocortical convergence in primary visual cortex by taking advantage of the cortical expansion-neurons within a restricted volume in primary visual cortex have overlapping receptive fields driven by a smaller set of inputs from the lateral geniculate nucleus. Under these conditions, the measurements of cortical receptive fields in a population can be used to infer the receptive fields of their geniculate inputs and the weights of their projections using non-negative matrix factorization.

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High acuity stereopsis emerges during an early postnatal critical period when binocular neurons in the primary visual cortex sharpen their receptive field tuning properties. We find that this sharpening is achieved by dismantling the binocular circuit present at critical period onset and building it anew. Longitudinal imaging of receptive field tuning (e.

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Layer 6 appears to perform a very important role in the function of macaque primary visual cortex, V1, but not enough is understood about the functional characteristics of neurons in the layer 6 population. It is unclear to what extent the population is homogeneous with respect to their visual properties or if one can identify distinct subpopulations. Here we performed a cluster analysis based on measurements of the responses of single neurons in layer 6 of primary visual cortex in male macaque monkeys () to achromatic grating stimuli that varied in orientation, direction of motion, spatial and temporal frequency, and contrast.

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The normalization model provides an elegant account of contextual modulation in individual neurons of primary visual cortex. Understanding the implications of normalization at the population level is hindered by the heterogeneity of cortical neurons, which differ in the composition of their normalization pools and semi-saturation constants. Here we introduce a geometric approach to investigate contextual modulation in neural populations and study how the representation of stimulus orientation is transformed by the presence of a mask.

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Brain state determines patterns of spiking output that underlie behavior. In neocortex, brain state is reflected in the spontaneous activity of the network, which is regulated in part by neuromodulatory input from the brain stem and by local inhibition. We find that fast-spiking, parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory neurons, which exert state-dependent control of network gain and spike patterns, cluster into two stable and functionally distinct subnetworks that are differentially engaged by ascending neuromodulation.

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Sensory experience in early postnatal life, during so-called critical periods, restructures neural circuitry to enhance information processing. Why the cortex is susceptible to sensory instruction in early life and why this susceptibility wanes with age are unclear. Here we define a developmentally restricted engagement of inhibitory circuitry that shapes localized dendritic activity and is needed for vision to drive the emergence of binocular visual responses in the mouse primary visual cortex.

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Neurons in primary visual cortex are selective to the orientation and spatial frequency of sinusoidal gratings. In the classic model of cortical organization, a population of neurons responding to the same region of the visual field but tuned to all possible feature combinations provides a detailed representation of the local image. Such a functional module is assumed to be replicated across primary visual cortex to provide a uniform representation of the image across the entire visual field.

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In cat visual cortex, the response of a neural population to the linear combination of two sinusoidal gratings (a plaid) can be well approximated by a weighted sum of the population responses to the individual gratings - a property we refer to as . We tested subspace invariance in mouse primary visual cortex by measuring the angle between the population response to a plaid and the plane spanned by the population responses to its individual components. We found robust violations of subspace invariance arising from a strong, negative correlation between the responses of neurons to individual gratings and their responses to the plaid.

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Push-pull is a canonical computation of excitatory cortical circuits. By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit in frontal cortex that originates in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons. During arousal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition.

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Activists opposed to the use of animals in scientific research are increasingly dominating the public discourse and pressuring government officials to severely limit the scope of the work. Polls show that public support for animal research is in decline. Scientists must respond by engaging with the public and policymakers to explain their research and its importance and by addressing moral concerns and objections.

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The primary visual cortex of higher mammals is organized into two-dimensional maps, where the preference of cells for stimulus parameters is arranged regularly on the cortical surface. In contrast, the preference of neurons in the rodent appears to be arranged randomly, in what is termed a salt-and-pepper map. Here we revisited the spatial organization of receptive fields in mouse primary visual cortex by measuring the tuning of pyramidal neurons in the joint orientation and spatial frequency domain.

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Unlabelled: We do not fully understand how behavioral state modulates the processing and transmission of sensory signals. Here, we studied the cortical representation of the retinal image in mice that spontaneously switched between a state of rest and a constricted pupil, and one of active locomotion and a dilated pupil, indicative of heightened attention. We measured the selectivity of neurons in primary visual cortex for orientation and spatial frequency, as well as their response gain, in these two behavioral states.

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Objective: Quantifying the relationship between microelectrode-recorded multi-unit activity (MUA) and local field potentials (LFPs) in distinct brain regions can provide detailed information on the extent of functional connectivity in spatially widespread networks. These methods are common in studies of cognition using non-human animal models, but are rare in humans. Here we applied a neuronal spike-triggered impulse response to electrophysiological recordings from the human epileptic brain for the first time, and we evaluate functional connectivity in relation to brain areas supporting the generation of seizures.

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There is increasing evidence that the phase of ongoing oscillations plays a role in neural coding, but its relative importance throughout the brain has yet to be understood. We assessed single-trial phase coding in four temporal lobe and four frontal lobe regions of the human brain using local field potentials (LFPs) recorded during a card-matching task. In the temporal lobe, classification of correct/incorrect matches based on LFP phase was significantly better than classification based on amplitude and comparable to the full LFP signal.

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