Publications by authors named "Darconza G"

Purpose: To evaluate the effects of pregnancy on gastrointestinal function, we determined gastric emptying time, orocecal transit time, and fasting gastrointestinal hormone levels (cholecystokinin, gastrin, pancreatic polypeptide, neurotensin) in 11 women with mild dyspeptic symptoms during the first and third trimesters of their pregnancies, and again 4-6 months after delivery.

Methods: After the women ingested a disaccharide solution, orocecal transit time was determined by monitoring breath hydrogen concentrations at 10-min intervals, and values were compared with the postpartum value. Ultrasound examinations of gastric emptying were performed during the same intervals.

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In a sample group of 92 women undergoing prenatal echo-guided transabdominal amniocentesis between the 12th and 23rd week of pregnancy the Authors analysed amniotic fluid and maternal serum using the recently developed method of high resolution protein electrophoresis in order to identify the presence of particular proteins in the amniotic fluid which are pathognomonic for a number of maternofetal pathologies. The results obtained in normal and pathological pregnancies or in the case of twins showed a marked dispersion in amniotic fluid of total protein concentrations depending on the period of gestation; in addition, albumin, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-glycoprotein acid, alpha 2-macroglobulin and beta 2-protein were also found. Plasma levels of prealbumin, albumin, alpha 1-glycoprotein acid and IgG were slightly reduced, whereas there was a marked increase in ceruloplasmin, transferrin and fibrinogen; C3 and haptoglobin levels were normal.

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Recently, it has been shown that changes in gastric electrical rhythm can be connected with clinical syndromes characterized by nausea and vomiting, among these the nausea of pregnancy. We studied gastric electrical activity during the first trimester of pregnancy in nine women with nausea and vomiting (study group) by means of cutaneous electrogastrography. Recordings were made before and after a standardized meal in the 6th-8th wk of gestation, and 2 months after voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP).

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The authors describe a case of near-term pregnancy in a bicornuate uterus, discussing the differential diagnosis with the amniotic band syndrome and amnio-chorionic separation and discussing the distinctive characteristics of each of them.

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The results of 147 amniocenteses are analysed. The authors found chromosome abnormalities in 1.4% of the cases (two Down's syndromes were diagnosed) and no short and/or long-term materno-foetal complications were encountered.

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The Authors established a method for detecting the electrical activity in the human uterus in vivo in order to observe possible variations in the two phases of the menstrual cycle. The results of surveys on six women, both in the follicular and in the luteal phase, as well as the spectral analysis, indicated an increase of frequency and intensity in the follicular phase.

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The Authors suggest a new conceived line of metal cervical dilators, testing them on a group, made up of 69 patients, who will undergo Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption (VPI). Comparing the results with those obtained within a further test-group, made up of 69 women who have undergone a cervical dilation, performed by traditional Hegar dilators, it has been noticed that the new dilators are less traumatic on the cervical canal of the uterus; they can be used more easily and a wider employment is foreseen.

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The authors have set up a new technique for recording the human tubal electrical activity in vivo. A polyethylene catheter was used with six couples of electrodes placed on the tube of 5 women during simple laparohysterectomy. The slow electrical activity was recorded by means of a 8-channel paper amplifying recorder for 3-5 days from surgery.

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