Publications by authors named "Daniel Toal"

This paper presents a docking station heave motion prediction method for dynamic remotely operated vehicle (ROV) docking, based on the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Due to the limited power onboard the subsea vehicle, high hydrodynamic drag forces, and inertia, work-class ROVs are often unable to match the heave motion of a docking station suspended from a surface vessel. Therefore, the docking relies entirely on the experience of the ROV pilot to estimate heave motion, and on human-in-the-loop ROV control.

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In recent years, we have seen significant interest in the use of permanently deployed resident robotic vehicles for commercial inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) activities. This paper presents a concept and demonstration, through offshore trials, of a low-cost, low-maintenance, navigational marker that can eliminate drift in vehicle INS solution when the vehicle is close to the IMR target. The subsea localisation marker system is fixed on location on the resident field asset and is used in on-vehicle machine vision algorithms for pose estimation and facilitation of a high-resolution world coordinate frame registration with a high refresh rate.

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With the growth of the internet of things (IoT), many challenges like information security and privacy, interoperability/standard, and regulatory and legal issues are arising. This work focused on the information security issue, which is one of the primary challenges faced by connected systems that needs to be resolved without impairing system behaviour. Information, which is made available on the Internet by the things, varies from insensitive information (e.

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Many current and future applications of underwater robotics require real-time sensing and interpretation of the environment. As the vast majority of robots are equipped with cameras, computer vision is playing an increasingly important role it this field. This paper presents the implementation and experimental results of underwater StereoFusion, an algorithm for real-time 3D dense reconstruction and camera tracking.

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Work-class ROVs equipped with robotic manipulators are extensively used for subsea intervention operations. Manipulators are teleoperated by human pilots relying on visual feedback from the worksite. Operating in a remote environment, with limited pilot perception and poor visibility, manipulator collisions which may cause significant damage are likely to happen.

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Oceanic conditions play an important role in determining the effects of climate change and these effects can be monitored through the changes in the physical properties of sea water. In fact, Oceanographers use various probes for measuring the properties within the water column. CTDs (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) provide profiles of physical and chemical parameters of the water column.

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A miniature sensor for accurate measurement of pressure (depth) with temperature compensation in the ocean environment is described. The sensor is based on an optical fibre Extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer (EFPI) combined with a Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG). The EFPI provides pressure measurements while the Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) provides temperature measurements.

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There has been a significant increase in the proliferation and implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in different disciplines, including the monitoring of maritime environments, healthcare systems, and industrial sectors. It has now become critical to address the security issues of data communication while considering sensor node constraints. There are many proposed schemes, including the scheme being proposed in this paper, to ensure that there is a high level of security in WSNs.

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