Publications by authors named "Daniel R Kennedy"

Background: Thiol isomerases play essential and nonredundant roles in platelet activation, aggregation, and thrombus formation. Thiol isomerase inhibitors have the potential to overcome the 2 major drawbacks of current antithrombotic therapies, as they target both arterial and venous thrombosis without enhancing bleeding risks. Recently, a Food and Drug Administration-approved drug, zafirlukast (ZAF), was shown to be a promising pan-thiol isomerase inhibitor.

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The 2022-2023 Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) was charged to (1) complete the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) revisions (now renamed as COEPA - Curriculum Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activities) after receiving feedback at the 2022 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting; (2) offer guidance on how the revised COEPA education outcomes and EPA statements should be used by member institutions, faculty, preceptor, and students; (3) guide input into the ongoing revision of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) standards for the Doctor of Pharmacy program. The published report of the 2021-2022 AAC outlines the work of the Committee through the spring of 2022. This 2022-2023 AAC report focuses on the work related to finalizing the COEPA educational outcomes, EPAs, preamble, and glossary and formally receiving approval from the AACP Board of Directors.

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The 2021-2023 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) was charged with and completed the revision of the 2013 Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Outcomes and the 2016 Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) statements for new pharmacy graduates. This work resulted in a new combined document, the Curricular Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activities (COEPA) that was unanimously approved by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Board of Directors and was published in the Journal. The AAC was also charged with providing stakeholders with guidance about how to use the new COEPA document.

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The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Academic Affairs Committee was charged with revising both the 2013 Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) Educational Outcomes (EOs) and the 2016 Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). The Committee changed the document name from the CAPE outcomes to COEPA, (Curricular Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activities) since the EOs and EPAs would now be housed together. A draft of the COEPA EOs and EPAs was released at the AACP July 2022 Annual meeting.

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Thiol isomerases, including PDI, ERp57, ERp5, and ERp72, play important and distinct roles in cancer progression, cancer cell signaling, and metastasis. We recently discovered that zafirlukast, an FDA-approved medication for asthma, is a pan-thiol isomerase inhibitor. Zafirlukast inhibited the growth of multiple cancer cell lines with an IC in the low micromolar range, while also inhibiting cellular thiol isomerase activity, EGFR activation, and downstream phosphorylation of Gab1.

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The 2021-22 Academic Affairs Committee was charged to 1) Update the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) statements for new pharmacy graduates; 2) Nominate at least one person for an elected AACP or Council Office; and 3) Consider ways that AACP can improve its financial health. This report primarily focuses on the process undertaken by the committee to revise the CAPE Educational Outcomes and EPAs. Proposed changes to the current outcomes are discussed and the reasoning behind these revisions are described.

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To determine the extent to which pharmacy faculty engaged in remote work during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and, secondarily, to characterize pharmacy faculty and administrator perceptions of remote work. A 28-question online survey was sent to 6548 members of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Questions centered on the extent of remote work and perceptions of its impact on productivity, effectiveness, and work-life balance.

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Article Synopsis
  • Faculty face numerous daily tasks, making effective prioritization difficult due to varying urgency and importance.
  • Tools like the Eisenhower Matrix and Time Management Matrix can help faculty categorize tasks to distinguish between career-building activities and distractions.
  • Developing strategies to manage common distractions, like emails and meetings, and focusing on genuinely urgent tasks can boost productivity and efficiency for faculty members.
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To explore methods that pharmacy programs can use to redefine their work environment to reduce stress, improve well-being, and increase faculty productivity. To demonstrate a culture of support, organizations should consider a five-fold approach to enhancing and maintaining faculty well-being, including optimizing faculty and staff support, establishing a faculty development and mentoring program, permitting flexibility in work schedules, improving productivity of meetings, and managing communication tools. Individuals can also take measures to improve their well-being, including controlling email, giving attention to faculty citizenship, implementing stress reduction and coping techniques, and maintaining boundaries between work and home.

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To examine the placement of pathophysiology, anatomy, and physiology within the curricula of US pharmacy schools and colleges for variations in program length, prerequisites, institution type, geographic region, and establishment date. The websites of 146 pharmacy programs were examined for information related to pathophysiology, anatomy, and physiology courses and instruction. Eight programs listed uninterpretable or incomplete website data and were excluded, producing a final sample size of 138 programs.

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  • The drug review evaluates remimazolam, a newly approved benzodiazepine, focusing on its safety and effectiveness in comparison to midazolam.
  • Remimazolam offers faster onset and recovery times, has no significant drug-drug interactions, but may require dose adjustments for certain patients, including the elderly and those with severe liver issues.
  • Despite its advantages, remimazolam is more expensive than existing options, necessitating a review of its costs versus benefits in clinical settings.
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The thiol isomerase, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), plays important intracellular roles during protein folding, maintaining cellular function and viability. Recent studies suggest novel roles for extracellular cell surface PDI in enhancing cellular activation and promoting their function. Moreover, a number of food-derived substances have been shown to regulate cellular PDI activity and alter disease progression.

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The musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, creatively depicts the life and career of founding father Alexander Hamilton. While Hamilton is the primary focus, highlights of the career and personal journeys of other leaders, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr, are interjected throughout the production. Often the musical numbers in focus on aspects of leadership and career development that Hamilton and his contemporaries were learning or needed to learn.

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Background And Purpose: Multiple members of the thiol isomerase (TI) family of enzymes are present in and released by platelets. Inhibition of these enzymes results in diminished platelet responses, aggregation, adhesion and thrombus formation. Recently, the therapeutic potential of TI inhibition has been recognised and drug-development technologies were used to identify selective small molecule inhibitors.

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To characterize shared governance in US schools and colleges of pharmacy and recommend best practices to promote faculty engagement and satisfaction. The literature review revealed only one study on governance in a pharmacy school and some data from an AACP Faculty Survey. Of the 926 faculty members who responded to the survey, the majority were satisfied or very satisfied with faculty governance (64%) and the level of input into faculty governance (63%) at their school.

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The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus identified in 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in seismic changes throughout society. Accordingly, academia has been forced to adapt. Changes across all aspects of teaching and instruction have occurred.

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Most pharmacy faculty members are more confident in their foundation as research scientists or clinical pharmacists than with the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). However, many wish to enter this rewarding field of scholarship in order to test pedagogical innovations, measure teaching effectiveness, and share success with the Academy. This commentary provides general advice for those who wish to explore SoTL but lack formal education and training in this area.

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To assess the effects of a computer-free classroom on first-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students' performance in a pathophysiology course. In the 2018 course offering, the instructor enforced an electronics-free classroom where students could not access computers to take notes during lectures. Data were compared to a previous iteration of the course in which students could use computers for notetaking if they desired.

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To incorporate active-learning sessions into a lecture-based pharmacology course, assess the impact on student learning and attitudes, and address commonly perceived barriers to implementing active learning. Prior to the redesign, the course met twice a week for 75 minutes. As part of the redesign, the two weekly lecture sessions were reduced to 50 minutes each.

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This commentary describes the significance of faculty citizenship in the broader context of institutional culture and defines faculty citizenship for use across all aspects of faculty roles in the Academy. The definition includes two key components (engagement and collegiality) that can be used to measure citizenship behaviors. Continued discussion and study of faculty citizenship will further the Academy's understanding and use of the concept.

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P&T and Me.

Am J Pharm Educ

October 2018

Very few occasions bring more stress to a faculty member than the promotion and/or tenure (P&T) process. In this commentary, two recent chairs of P&T committees give their advice to future petitioners. Subtopics of the editorial discuss knowing the expectations, finding mentors to guide you, understanding the role of peer reviewers and preparing your dossier.

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Retransfusion of a patient's own shed blood during cardiac surgery is attractive since it reduces the need for allogeneic transfusion, minimizes cost, and decreases transfusion related morbidity. Evidence suggests that lipid micro-emboli associated with the retransfusion of the shed blood are the predominant causes of the neurocognitive disorders. We have developed a novel acoustophoretic filtration system that can remove lipids from blood at clinically relevant flow rates.

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To survey the practices of awarding honors upon graduation with a doctor of pharmacy degree. College and school of pharmacy websites were systematically searched to identify if, and then how, graduation honors are awarded. Programs that offer graduation honors were categorized and quantified based upon grade point average (GPA) cutoffs, honors enrollment, research project completion, faculty vote, course failure considerations, and ethics code violations.

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To create an elective course to foster student interest in pursuing a career in academic pharmacy. The course met for two hours once weekly throughout the semester and required student attendance at the AACP Annual Meeting. The course included didactic instruction, a student-designed individual teaching seminar, design and implementation of a research project for presentation at a national meeting, and drafting of a manuscript suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

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