Publications by authors named "Daniel Nielsen"

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  • * A study analyzed 2,379 CNS isolates from swine, identifying 29 serotypes, with serotypes 1 and 7 being the most common causes of CNS infections, accounting for 32% of submissions.
  • * Findings indicated that clinical signs alone do not define pathotypes, serotype diversity is greater than previously known, MALDI-TOF MS has a 7% false-positive rate, and virulence-associated genes are unreliable for identifying CNS disease isolates.
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Large-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channels (BK channels) and the Na/K-ATPase are expressed universally in vascular smooth muscle. The Na/K-ATPase may act via changes in the intracellular Ca concentration mediated by the Na/Ca exchanger (NCX) and via Src kinase. Both pathways are known to regulate BK channels.

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Unlabelled: O157:H7-adulterated food products are associated with disease outbreaks in humans. Although cattle feces are a source for O157:H7 contamination, it is unclear if human-associated outbreak isolates differentially colonize and shed in the feces of cattle from that of non-outbreak isolates. It is also unclear if phenotypes, such as biofilm formation, cell attachment, or toxin production, differentiate environmental O157:H7 isolates from those associated with human illness.

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Mapping of O with luminescent sensors within intact animals is challenging due to attenuation of excitation and emission light caused by tissue absorption and scattering as well as interfering background fluorescence. Here we show the application of luminescent O sensor nanoparticles (∼50-70 nm) composed of the O indicator platinum(II) tetra(4-fluoro)phenyltetrabenzoporphyrin (PtTPTBPF) immobilized in poly(methyl methacrylate--methacrylic acid) (PMMA-MA). We injected the sensor nanoparticles into the gastrovascular system of intact colony fractions of reef-building tropical corals that harbor photosynthetic microalgae in their tissues.

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  • * A study using advanced imaging techniques assessed the biomolecular composition of these microalgae over six weeks in different Arctic fjord sites, revealing their ability to adapt to changing sea ice conditions.
  • * Environmental changes, such as nitrogen limitation and rising water temperatures, can lead to a shift in the algae's nutrient composition, potentially impacting carbon transfer in the marine ecosystem due to climate change effects.
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  • Developed a flexible model for estimating upper limit populations of long-tailed macaques using camera trap images and habitat preference mapping.
  • The model combines environmental data, GPS data, and direct sightings to produce estimated population numbers, optimized through a parameter representing inquisitiveness.
  • Results indicate that long-tailed macaque populations are up to 80% smaller than expected, highlighting the model's accuracy and potential as a noninvasive tool for wildlife conservation across species.
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Arctic sea-ice diatoms fuel polar marine food webs as they emerge from winter darkness into spring. Through their photosynthetic activity they manufacture the nutrients and energy that underpin secondary production. Sea-ice diatom abundance and biomolecular composition vary in space and time.

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is a global bacterial foodborne pathogen associated with a variety of contaminated food products. Poultry products are a common source of -associated foodborne illness, and an estimated 7% of human illnesses in the United States are attributed to turkey products. From November 2017 to March 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a turkey-associated outbreak of multidrug-resistant (MDR; resistant to ≥3 antimicrobial classes) serovar Reading (.

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Background: Inappropriate diagnosis of infections results in antibiotic overuse and may delay diagnosis of underlying conditions. Here we describe the development and characteristics of 2 safety measures of inappropriate diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), the most common inpatient infections on general medicine services.

Methods: Measures were developed from guidelines and literature and adapted based on data from patients hospitalized with UTI and CAP in 49 Michigan hospitals and feedback from end-users, a technical expert panel (TEP), and a patient focus group.

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is a widespread, highly infectious bacterial pathogen that causes respiratory disease in swine and increases the severity of respiratory infections caused by other viral or bacterial pathogens. However, the impact of infection on the swine respiratory microbiota has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we aim to assess the influence of infection on the community structure and abundance of members of the swine nasal microbiota.

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In 2022, long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), a once ubiquitous primate species, was elevated to Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. In 2023, recognizing that the long-tailed macaque is threatened by multiple factors: (1) declining native habitats across Southeast Asia; (2) overutilization for scientific, commercial, and recreational purposes; (3) inadequate regulatory mechanisms; and (4) culling due to human-macaque conflicts, a petition for rulemaking was submitted to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to add the species to the US Endangered Species Act, the nation's most effective law to protect at risk species. The long-tailed macaque remains unprotected across much of its geographical range despite the documented continual decline of the species and related sub-species and the recent IUCN reassessment.

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Bordetella bronchiseptica and Streptococcus suis are widely distributed swine pathogens. B. bronchiseptica is a primary pathogen and causes atrophic rhinitis and bronchopneumonia.

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Influenza A virus (IAV) is an important contributing pathogen of porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) infections. Evidence in humans has shown that IAV can disturb the nasal microbiota and increase host susceptibility to bacterial secondary infections. Few, small-scale studies have examined the impact of IAV infection on the swine nasal microbiota.

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This work presents the shape optimization and subsequent experimental validation of an acoustic lens with application to a compact loudspeaker, such as found in commercial speakerphones. The shape optimization framework is based on a combined lumped parameter and boundary element method model using free form deformation geometry parameterization. To test the optimized design, the loudspeaker lens is three-dimensionally printed and experimentally characterized under anechoic conditions on a finite baffle with respect to its off-axis frequency response.

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Coral reefs worldwide are threatened by environmental stress. The observable decline in coral cover, is principally due to the intensifying breakdown of the coral symbiosis, a process known as 'bleaching'. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is considered a key driver of coral bleaching, where environmental stress leads to increased ROS expression.

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Sessile invertebrates are frequently sampled and processed whole for downstream analyses. However, their apparent structural simplicity is deceptive as these organisms often harbour discrete compartments. These compartments have physicochemical conditions that differ markedly from neighbouring tissues, and that have likely evolved to support specific functions.

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Primary production in the Southern Ocean is dominated by diatom-rich phytoplankton assemblages, whose individual physiological characteristics and community composition are strongly shaped by the environment, yet knowledge on how diatoms allocate cellular energy in response to ocean acidification (OA) is limited. Understanding such changes in allocation is integral to determining the nutritional quality of diatoms and the subsequent impacts on the trophic transfer of energy and nutrients. Using synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy, we analysed the macromolecular content of selected individual diatom taxa from a natural Antarctic phytoplankton community exposed to a gradient of fCO levels (288-1263 µatm).

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Quantitative traits such as maximum growth rate and cell radial diameter are one facet of ecological strategy variation across bacteria and archaea. Another facet is substrate-use pathways, such as iron reduction or methylotrophy. Here, we ask how these two facets intersect, using a large compilation of data for culturable species and examining seven quantitative traits (genome size, signal transduction protein count, histidine kinase count, growth temperature, temperature-adjusted maximum growth rate, cell radial diameter and 16S rRNA operon copy number).

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This paper demonstrates how significant improvement in frequency response and directivity of a loudspeaker may be obtained by optimizing the local properties of the materials for the diaphragm and surround. Performance is investigated as the considered frequency range and off-axis requirements are progressively expanded. The results are generated by optimizing the values and layout of stiffness, mass, and damping of both the speaker diaphragm and surround.

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Among bacteria and archaea, maximum relative growth rate, cell diameter, and genome size are widely regarded as important influences on ecological strategy. Via the most extensive data compilation so far for these traits across all clades and habitats, we ask whether they are correlated and if so how. Overall, we found little correlation among them, indicating they should be considered as independent dimensions of ecological variation.

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Bacteria and archaea have very different ecology compared to plants. One similarity, though, is that much discussion of their ecological strategies has invoked concepts such as oligotrophy or stress tolerance. For plants, so-called 'trait ecology'-strategy description reframed along measurable trait dimensions-has made global syntheses possible.

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Solid-phase synthesis of peptides (SPPS) with release through formation of C-terminal γ-, δ-, or ε-lactams is presented. The natural products ciliatamide A and C were synthesized in up to 90% yield. Peptides carrying C-terminal lactams were shown to possess increased bio-stability and comparable biological activity as compared to the parent non-lactamized peptide amides.

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Determining the adaptive capacity of marine phytoplankton is important in predicting changes in phytoplankton responses to ocean warming. Phytoplankton may consist of high levels of standing phenotypic and genetic variability, the basis of rapid evolution; however, few studies have quantified trait variability within and amongst closely related diatom species. Using 35 clonal cultures of the ubiquitous marine diatom Leptocylindrus isolated from six locations, spanning 2000 km of the south-eastern Australian coastline, we found evidence of significant intraspecific morphological and metabolic trait variability, which for 8 of 9 traits (growth rate, biovolume, C:N, silica deposition, silica incorporation rate, chl-a, and photosynthetic efficiency under dark adapted, growth irradiance, and high-light adaptation) were greater within a species than between species.

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MOL361 (DSM 14220) is the reference and type strain for the genus, commonly found in the intestinal tract of animal species. Long-read sequencing was performed on this strain to complement publicly available Illumina HiSeq-based data, producing a complete annotated genome sequence.

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A synthesis of phenotypic and quantitative genomic traits is provided for bacteria and archaea, in the form of a scripted, reproducible workflow that standardizes and merges 26 sources. The resulting unified dataset covers 14 phenotypic traits, 5 quantitative genomic traits, and 4 environmental characteristics for approximately 170,000 strain-level and 15,000 species-aggregated records. It spans all habitats including soils, marine and fresh waters and sediments, host-associated and thermal.

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