Publications by authors named "Daniel Meyerkort"

Introduction: Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) is a reliable procedure in alleviating pain and restoring function. However, there is limited published literature of the outcomes of this procedure and the ability to return to sport in elite athletes. This study aims to assess the outcomes of first MTPJ arthrodesis in the elite athlete population and their ability to return to professional sport.

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Purpose: The study sought to investigate the effectiveness of a cryocompression Game Ready™ (GR) versus usual care protocol (UC) on early post-operative recovery following total knee arthroplasty.

Methods: This study prospectively randomised 72 total knee arthroplasties to a 2-week (from day 0) intervention of GR treatment (n = 36, 63.9% females) or UC of ice with static compression (n = 36, 45.

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Background: Surgical exposure of the Lisfranc joint complex is within close proximity to the deep peroneal nerve, which can be injured in this approach. Common clinical practice is to remove Lisfranc hardware at 3 to 4 months postoperatively. However, it is unknown if this provides a clinical benefit or risks injury to the deep peroneal nerve.

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Aims: To highlight a case of recurrent atraumatic anterior hip dislocation management using a dual mobility prothesis.

Methods: The stability of the patient's hip was assessed using X-ray and MRI scans. Upon the third spontaneous anterior dislocation it was decided with the patient's consent to undergo a total hip replacement.

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Case: We present a case of systemic cobalt toxicity secondary to third-body wear of a cobalt-chromium (CoCr) femoral head following revision of a fractured ceramic bearing. Removal of the CoCr head was followed by resolution of much of the systemic symptoms.

Conclusion: This case supports previous reports of cobalt toxicity secondary to catastrophic third-body wear of a CoCr femoral head following a fractured ceramic bearing.

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Purpose: Both autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and tibial tubercle transfer (TTT) have been used to treat chondral defects in the patellofemoral joint resulting in clinical improvement. Our study investigates the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI) graft at 5-year follow-up to determine if it provides a durable treatment option in patients with an average age of 42 (standard deviation 11.6).

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