Introduction: We explore factors that were associated with awareness of and receptivity to FDA's Fresh Empire tobacco public education campaign.
Methods: Evaluation data were 10,674 survey responses from 5,129 unique respondents who identified with the Hip Hop peer crowd between 2016 and 2019. The sample was predominantly non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic youth.
Similar to national trends, in Illinois, fatal opioid overdoses have risen. Black men (35+) outrank all other racial subgroups for the highest rate of fatal opioid overdoses in the state. To address this, Prevention First and the Illinois Department of Human Services developed a public health education campaign to support increasing enrollment in recovery services, with a focus on Black men (35+).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Studies show that tobacco use among sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations is disproportionately higher than heterosexual or cisgender populations. However, few studies have examined tobacco use among SGM subgroups by race/ethnicity or associations between SGM-specific discrimination and connection to SGM identity and tobacco use.
Methods: This study analysed survey data from 11 313 SGM (gay, lesbian, bisexual, other sexual minority or gender minority) young adults in the USA and reported current cigarette, e-cigarette, other tobacco (cigar, smokeless tobacco, hookah) and polytobacco use.
Int J Environ Res Public Health
August 2022
To address a statewide need for obesity prevention, the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust launched in 2021, a mass media nutrition education effort for teens, ages 13-18. utilizes the SAVI messaging approach, an audience-centric message development framework that recognizes barriers to healthy living and offers realistic solutions. Five months into the campaign, an online survey was conducted ( = 200) to assess short-term program goals related to campaign delivery, engagement, and relevance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
February 2022
The prevalence rate of Cigar, Little Cigar, and Cigarillo (CLCC) use among youth rose above the rate of cigarettes for the first time in 2019, and Black and Hispanic youth remain disproportionately more susceptible and likely to use these products compared to White youth. Addressing this disparity through education requires a clearer understanding of the ways youth refer to, and group, CLCCs. Twenty-eight virtual focus groups with youth ages 13-17 ( = 105) were conducted across the U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF: Understanding which adolescents are at greatest risk for cigarettes and other tobacco products is critical to inform tailored and targeted interventions. : We used peer crowds (macro-level subcultures) to identify subgroups of adolescents at-risk for using and being open to using cigarettes; cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars (cigar products); hookah; e-cigarettes; any tobacco product; and multiple products. : In 2017, youth ages 12-17 in five U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Recent research has found that the Hip Hop peer crowd has a strong link to risky health behaviors, including tobacco use. The current study expands on previous research on the Hip Hop peer crowd by investigating the nuances of the effects on cigarette risk that Hip Hop identification has in combination with other peer crowds.
Methods: Targeted social media advertisements were used to recruit youth to complete an online survey.
Background: Peer crowds are macro-level, reputation-based subcultures with shared preferences, values, and behavior. The Country peer crowd has been the focus of tobacco industry research and marketing but has yet to be the primary focus of public health research. The current study explores the utility of Down and Dirty, a Social Branding tobacco education campaign, in changing Virginia Country teens' chewing tobacco-related attitudes and behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Peer crowds, peer groups with macro-level connections and shared norms that transcend geography and race/ethnicity, have been linked to risky health behaviors. Research has demonstrated that Hip Hop peer crowd identification, which is common among multicultural youth, is associated with increased risk of tobacco use. To address this, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products created Fresh Empire, the first national tobacco education campaign tailored for Hip Hop youth aged 12-17 who are multicultural (Hispanic, African American, Asian-Pacific Islander, or Multiracial).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrounded on research showing that peer crowds vary in risk behavior, several recent health behavior interventions, including the US Food and Drug Administration's Fresh Empire campaign, have targeted high-risk peer crowds. We establish the scientific foundations for using this approach. We introduce peer crowd targeting as a strategy for culturally targeting health behavior interventions to youths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Housing First Model (HFM) is an approach to serving formerly homeless individuals with dually diagnosed mental health and substance use disorders regardless of their choice to use substances or engage in other risky behaviors. The model has been widely diffused across the United States since 2000 as a result of positive findings related to consumer outcomes. However, a lack of clear fidelity guidelines has resulted in inconsistent implementation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHousing First is a form of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless consumers with mental health and substance abuse issues. In light of the model's growing popularity and wide diffusion, researchers and policy makers have identified a need to better understand its critical ingredients and the processes through which they affect consumer outcomes. Researchers used a bottom-up approach to understand the critical ingredients of Housing First within community-based programs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA feeling of belonging to an academic context is a critical determinant of academic achievement and persistence, particularly for students of color. Despite the fact that students of color are generally more susceptible to fluctuations in belonging uncertainty than White students, survey design can unintentionally mask this reality. We investigated whether context effects undermine the accurate assessment of belonging uncertainty in junior high and high school students (Study 1) and college students (Study 2).
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