Publications by authors named "Damera Srikanth"

Introduction: The purpose of this study is to compare and infer the most suitable dye for visualisation of ipsilateral and contralateral sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs), positive, negative outcomes, sensitivity, their specificities and visualisation of anastomosed blood vessels in microvascular reconstruction of tongue cancers.

Materials And Methods: This is a prospective comparative study involving twenty patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue treated with wide excision of primary tongue tumour, modified functional neck dissection and microvascular reconstruction with radial forearm free flap. Consecutive random allocation was done into two groups with ten patients each.

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Introduction: The study aims to determine the variables influencing the patient's hospital discharge following maxillofacial trauma.

Materials And Methods: A 3-year retrospective analysis of patients with maxillofacial trauma was conducted on a total of 200 patients ( = 200) in this study. Clinical data were acquired from the medical case sheets of the patients who received treatment.

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Atypical perinatal sensory experience in preterm infants is thought to increase their risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities by altering the development of the sensory cortices. Here, we used resting-state fMRI data from preterm and term-born infants scanned between 32 and 48 weeks post-menstrual age to assess the effect of early ex-utero exposure on sensory cortex development. Specifically, we utilized a measure of local correlated-ness called regional homogeneity (ReHo).

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Rationale: Ameloblastic carcinoma is defined as an ameloblastoma in which there is histological evidence of malignancy in primary tumour or recurrent tumour regardless if it has metastasised or not. It is aggressive in nature.

Patient Concerns: The patient presented with a painful swelling associated with restricted mouth opening.

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The existence of a neural representation for whole words (i.e., a lexicon) is a common feature of many models of speech processing.

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It has been postulated that the brain is organized by "metamodal," sensory-independent cortical modules capable of performing tasks (e.g., word recognition) in both "standard" and novel sensory modalities.

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Aim And Objective: This case report aims to describe the management of alveolar cleft defect by iliac crest secondary bone grafting.

Background: The secondary alveolar bone grafting performed during the mixed dentition period is an essential module of modern-day rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients with alveolar defects. Iliac crest bone graft is a frequent secondary graft used and is technique sensitive.

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Background: Neuronal dysfunction plays an important role in the high prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) in people with HIV (PWH). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)-with its capability to improve neuronal function-may have the potential to serve as an alternative therapeutic approach for HAND. Brain imaging and neurobehavioral studies provide converging evidence that injury to the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is highly prevalent and contributes to HAND in PWH, suggesting that ACC may serve as a potential neuromodulation target for HAND.

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The Rationale: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is an uncommon tumour which presents at a wide variety of different head and neck sites. They are highly aggressive malignant mesenchymatous soft tissue sarcomas. Their occurrence in the outer ear is extremely rare.

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A number of fMRI studies have provided support for the existence of multiple concept representations in areas of the brain such as the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). However, the interaction among different conceptual representations remains unclear. To better understand the dynamics of how the brain extracts meaning from sensory stimuli, we conducted a human high-density electroencephalography (EEG) study in which we first trained participants to associate pseudowords with various animal and tool concepts.

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Malignant melanoma in the head and neck area is rare. The incidence of oral malignant melanomas of the head and neck is approximately four per 10 million populations per year. They are derived from epidermal melanocytes and are most frequently seen on the palate and maxillary gingiva.

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Objectives: Bone distraction is the process of new bone formation between the surfaces of bone segments gradually separated by incremental traction of soft tissues. These adaptive changes in the soft tissues allow for greater skeletal movements while minimizing the potential relapse. In this study, we are reporting our clinical experience with mandibular distraction used to achieve simultaneous skeletal and soft-tissue correction with distraction osteogenesis (DO).

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Intracranial recordings captured from subdural electrodes in patients with drug resistant epilepsy offer clinicians and researchers a powerful tool for examining neural activity in the human brain with high spatial and temporal precision. There are two major challenges, however, to interpreting these signals both within and across individuals. Anatomical distortions following implantation make accurately identifying the electrode locations difficult.

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Fibrous histiocytoma is a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin. The tumor frequently appears in sun exposed areas on skin and orbital tissues. The subcutaneous appearance of this tumor in deep soft tissues is rare.

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Recent evidence has suggested that prefrontal cortical structures may inhibit impulsive actions during conflict through activation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Consistent with this hypothesis, deep brain stimulation to the STN has been associated with altered prefrontal cortical activity and impaired response inhibition. The interactions between oscillatory activity in the STN and its presumably antikinetic neuronal spiking, however, remain poorly understood.

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Unlabelled: Neural activity preceding an event can influence subsequent memory formation, yet the precise cortical dynamics underlying this activity and the associated cognitive states remain unknown. We investigate these questions here by examining intracranial EEG recordings as 28 participants with electrodes placed for seizure monitoring participated in a verbal paired-associates memory task. We found that, preceding successfully remembered word pairs, an orientation cue triggered a low-frequency 2-4 Hz phase reset in the right temporoparietal junction with concurrent increases in low-frequency power across cortical regions that included the prefrontal cortex and left temporal lobe.

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Reinstatement of neural activity is hypothesized to underlie our ability to mentally travel back in time to recover the context of a previous experience. We used intracranial recordings to directly examine the precise spatiotemporal extent of neural reinstatement as 32 participants with electrodes placed for seizure monitoring performed a paired-associates episodic verbal memory task. By cueing recall, we were able to compare reinstatement during correct and incorrect trials, and found that successful retrieval occurs with reinstatement of a gradually changing neural signal present during encoding.

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A real tonic: In a conceptually new approach to controlled release, the natural daily insulin profile in response to three meals is mimicked (see graph) with release of an insulin conjugate from a matrix, triggered by quinine, a component of tonic water.

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