Reducing the dimensionality in layered materials typically yields properties distinct from bulk properties. In systems with broken inversion symmetry, strong spin-orbit coupling induces relativistic electron interactions such as the Rashba-Edelstein effect (REE). Initially proposed in two-dimensional magnets, applying the REE theory to real three-dimensional systems poses challenges, necessitating experimental validation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChiral magnets have garnered significant interest due to the emergence of unique phenomena prohibited in inversion-symmetric magnets. While the equilibrium characteristics of chiral magnets have been extensively explored through the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), nonequilibrium properties like magnetic damping have received comparatively less attention. We present the inaugural direct observation of chiral damping through Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIncreasing temperature can enhance the geographical spread and behavior of disease vector mosquitoes, exposing vulnerable populations to -borne viruses and infections. To address this risk, cost-effective and sustained intervention vector control tools are required, such as volatile pyrethroid spatial repellents. This study used a high-throughput screening system toxicity bioassay to determine the discriminating concentrations of transfluthrin-treated filter papers with variable air-drying times exposed to pyrethroid-susceptible mosquitoes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpin-transfer torque (STT) and spin-orbit torque (SOT) form the core of spintronics, allowing for the control of magnetization through electric currents. While the sign of SOT can be manipulated through material and structural engineering, it is conventionally understood that STT lacks a degree of freedom in its sign. However, this study presents the first demonstration of manipulating the STT sign by engineering heavy metals adjacent to magnetic materials in magnetic heterostructures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a major vector of dengue fever in tropical regions. Spatial repellents (SRs) have shown promise in delaying pesticide resistance. Methods for discriminating concentrations (DCs) are well established using various bioassay tools, while data for high-throughput screening system (HITSS) toxicity bioassay (TOX) are absent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHerein, we report an exotic domain-wall dynamics showing double Walker breakdowns in magnetic multilayer films composed of two magnetic layers. Such multiple Walker breakdowns are attributed to the internal magnetic dipole field, which is antisymmetric on the domain walls of the lower and upper magnetic layers. A micromagnetic simulation shows four phases of the domain-wall dynamics, which result in a phase diagram with the phase boundaries of the double Walker breakdown fields.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Entomological surveillance is an important means of assessing the efficacy of insect vector management programs and estimating disease transmission thresholds. Among baited traps, Biogents' BG-Sentinel (BGS) trap baited with BG-Lure is considered to have the most similar outcome to, and be a possible replacement for, human-landing catches for the epidemiologically relevant monitoring of adult Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. In contrast to the BGS trap, the Black Hole ultraviolet (UV) light trap, which is widely used to catch nocturnal flying insects, is not baited with synthetic human odor-mimicking lures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined the presence of insecticide resistance in different developmental stages (adults, first instars, and eggs) of the tropical bed bug, Cimex hemipterus (F.) using several insecticide formulations. Adults and first instars of five strains (Queensland, Kuala Lumpur, Bukit Mertajam, Saujana, and Krystal Point) were evaluated using the surface contact method and compared with a susceptible strain (Monheim) of the common bed bug Cimex lectularius L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSymmetry breaking is a fundamental concept that prevails in many branches of physics. In magnetic materials, broken inversion symmetry induces the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), which results in fascinating physical behaviours with the potential for application in future spintronic devices. Here, we report the observation of a bulk DMI in GdFeCo amorphous ferrimagnets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe insect male accessory gland (MAG) is an internal reproductive organ responsible for the synthesis and secretion of seminal fluid components, which play a pivotal role in the male reproductive strategy. In many species of insects, the effective ejaculation of the MAG products is essential for male reproduction. For this purpose, the fruit fly Drosophila has evolved binucleation in the MAG cells, which causes high plasticity of the glandular epithelium, leading to an increase in the volume of seminal fluid that is ejaculated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the presence of a magnetic field, the flow of charged particles in a conductor is deflected from the direction of the applied force, which gives rise to the ordinary Hall effect. Analogously, moving skyrmions with non-zero topological charges and finite fictitious magnetic fields exhibit the skyrmion Hall effect, which is detrimental for applications such as skyrmion racetrack memory. It was predicted that the skyrmion Hall effect vanishes for antiferromagnetic skyrmions because their fictitious magnetic field, proportional to net spin density, is zero.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs a large amount of stream data are generated through sensors over the Internet of Things environment, studies on complex event processing have been conducted to detect information required by users or specific applications in real time. A complex event is made by combining primitive events through a number of operators. However, the existing complex event-processing methods take a long time because they do not consider similarity and redundancy of operators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnidirectional motion of magnetic structures such as the magnetic domain and domain walls is a key concept underlying next-generation memory and logic devices. As a potential candidate of such unidirectional motion, it has been recently demonstrated that the magnetic bubblecade-the coherent unidirectional motion of magnetic bubbles-can be generated by applying an alternating magnetic field. Here we report the optimal configuration of applied magnetic field for the magnetic bubblecade.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in magnetic objects is of enormous interest, because it generates built-in chirality of magnetic domain walls (DWs) and topologically protected skyrmions, leading to efficient motion driven by spin-orbit torques. Because of its importance for both potential applications and fundamental research, many experimental efforts have been devoted to DMI investigation. However, current experimental probing techniques cover only limited ranges of the DMI strength and have specific sample requirements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe climbing abilities of two bed bug species, Cimex lectularius L. and Cimex hemipterus (F.), were determined by evaluating their escape rates from smooth surface pitfall traps using four commercial bed bug monitors (Verifi Bed Bug Detector, ClimbUp Insect Interceptor, BlackOut Bed Bug Detector, and SenSci Volcano Bed Bug Detector).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper, a 120 frames per second (fps) low noise CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) based on a Two-Step Single Slope ADC (TS SS ADC) and column self-calibration technique is proposed. The TS SS ADC is suitable for high speed video systems because its conversion speed is much faster (by more than 10 times) than that of the Single Slope ADC (SS ADC). However, there exist some mismatching errors between the coarse block and the fine block due to the 2-step operation of the TS SS ADC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: A decreased percent of differential function is a common indication for infant pyeloplasty but there is no recognized fetal ultrasound parameter to predict this deficit. We determined whether there is a correlation between fetal pyelectasis and the newborn percent differential function that may enhance prenatal counseling and guide postnatal evaluation.
Materials And Methods: Our database was queried for fetal and newborn measures with fetal pyelectasis on ultrasound and the percent of differential function on renal scintigraphy.
Objective: To compare the outcomes between patients with stage T1a/b with those of patients with T1c cancer of the prostate treated with radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP), as the appropriate management of clinical stage T1a/b prostate cancer is subject to debate; although many patients are managed expectantly, some have adverse pathological features suggesting that more active treatment might be beneficial.
Patients And Methods: From 1983 to 2003, 3478 men had RRP by one surgeon. From this group, we retrospectively identified 29 men with clinical stage T1a and 83 with clinical stage T1b disease.
We report the activity, stability, and reusability of enzyme-carbon nanotube conjugates in aqueous solutions. A variety of enzymes were covalently attached to oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). These conjugates were soluble in aqueous buffer, retained a high fraction of their native activity, and were stable at higher temperatures relative to their solution phase counterparts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Nanosci Nanotechnol
December 2003
Silicon nanocolumns have been used as novel supports for the high-density immobilization of enzymes. Silicon nanocolumns with diameters of ca. 50-100 nm and a height of 1 micron were constructed using glancing angle deposition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKorean J Gastroenterol
October 2003
Background/aims: Lamivudine, an oral nucleoside analogue, effectively suppresses hepatitis B virus (HBV) replications and improves liver enzymes as well as liver histology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of lamivudine and the patient-dependent or laboratory variables that predict HBeAg seroconversion.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 519 consecutive patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B who were treated with lamivudine.