Publications by authors named "Dae-Hyun Kim"

Primary bronchogenic carcinoma of the lung is extremely rare in childhood, particularly the squamous cell type. Only 13 cases have been reported in the literature. We report a case of squamous cell carcinoma in an autistic, 16-year-old boy who presented with a productive cough.

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Objective: Cholecystokinin (CCK) is released in response to lipid intake and stimulates insulin secretion. We hypothesized that CCK deficiency would alter the regulation of insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis.

Research Design And Methods: We used quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to determine body composition and studied plasma glucose and insulin secretion of CCK gene knockout (CCK-KO) mice and their wild-type controls using intraperitoneal glucose and arginine infusions.

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Background: Many reports have described tracheal replacement using aortic allografts, with varying results and minimal understanding of the mechanism of tracheal regeneration. The present study attempted tracheal regeneration in adult dogs using fresh aortic allografts (FAA) and cryopreserved aortic allografts (CAA).

Materials And Methods: Twelve adult beagles underwent tracheal resection and were transplanted with FAA (n = 5) or CAA (n = 7).

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Background: Dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines are currently being evaluated as a novel strategy for tumor vaccination and immunotherapy. However, inducing long-term regression in established tumor-implanted mice is difficult. Here, we show that deoxypohophyllotoxin (DPT) induces maturation and activation of bone marrow-derived DCs via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 activation of MAPK and NF-κB.

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Background And Purpose: We hypothesized that retinal microvascular signs are associated with executive dysfunction, slow gait, and depressive mood, which are characteristic features of microvascular disease affecting frontal subcortical regions of the brain.

Methods: In the Cardiovascular Health Study, 1744 participants (mean age, 78) free of stroke had retinal photographs and carotid ultrasound during the 1997 to 1998 visit. We examined the cross-sectional association of retinal signs with the digit-symbol substitution test (DSST) score, gait speed, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression score, and depressive mood, defined as Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression score >9 or antidepressant use.

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Ferulate (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) is a well-known phenolic compound that scavenges free radicals and exerts anti-inflammatory effects. Forkhead box O3a (FOXO3a), a transcription factor that plays important roles in aging processes, decreases with age and is negatively regulated through phosphorylation by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling. The present study investigated the efficacy of short-term ferulate feeding on age-related changes in PI3K/Akt/FOXO3a and upstream insulin signaling pathways in aged rats.

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Recent research has suggested that a perfusion-weighted image (PWI) relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) map after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) provides information about the collateral circulation in the ischemic region. In this study, we demonstrate the usefulness of the rCBV ratio in PWI in predicting poor outcome after using IV t-PA in AIS. We recruited 58 stroke patients who were treated with IV t-PA after diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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Hypertriglyceridemia is characterized by increased production and decreased clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins including very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron. Due to its proatherogenic profile, hypertriglyceridemia contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. While the pathophysiology of hypertriglyceridemia remains poorly understood, its close association with obesity and type 2 diabetes implicates insulin resistance in the pathogenesis of hypertriglyceridemia.

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Purpose: To compare the secondary radiation doses following intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and proton beam therapy (PBT) in patients with lung and liver cancer.

Methods And Materials: IMRT and PBT were planned for three lung cancer and three liver cancer patients. The treatment beams were delivered to phantoms and the corresponding secondary doses during irradiation were measured at various points 20-50 cm from the beam isocenter using ion chamber and CR-39 detectors for IMRT and PBT, respectively.

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The bioactive flavonoid baicalein has been shown to have radioprotective activity, although the molecular mechanism is poorly understood in vivo. C57BL/6 mice were irradiated with X-rays (15 Gy) with and without baicalein treatment (5 mg/kg/day). Irradiation groups showed an increase of NF-κB-mediated inflammatory factors with oxidative damage and showed inactivation of FOXO and its target genes, catalase and SOD.

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The use of the intrathecal infusion pump for therapeutic treatment and pain management is increasing. For example, one such application is the pain treatment of cancer patients suffering from severe chronic pain, where all other treatment methods have failed. This method is gaining popularity because of its high cure effect with low dosage.

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A 62-year-old man with lung cancer underwent a right lower bilobectomy of the lung. After resection, we insufflated air through the diaphragm into the peritoneal cavity, and sudden cardiac arrest developed in the patient. A large number of air bubbles were aspirated from the heart and great vessels, and the patient recovered after resuscitation.

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Article Synopsis
  • Dermal melanocytosis involves ectopic melanocytes located in the dermis and includes forms like the Mongolian spot, blue nevus, nevus of Ota, and nevus of Ito.
  • Some cases don't match these typical forms, leading to variations in appearance.
  • This report details a specific case of congenital unilateral dermal melanocytosis, showing extensive blue patches on one side of the body and confirming elongated melanocytes through histopathology.
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Background: Chemokines and their receptors are important players in tumorigenesis by facilitating tumor proliferation and metastasis. Little is known about the possible function of chemokine receptors in relation to the development and progression of malignant cutaneous tumors.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the chemokine receptor CCR3 expression pattern and the protein expression level in selected malignant cutaneous tumors.

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Purpose: A new strain of the H1N1 subtype of influenza A virus resulted in a pandemic outbreak. In South Korea, cases of pandemic influenza have increased. Therefore, we explored perception or preventive behaviors for this virus in hospital employees and outpatients.

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the incidence of possible complications of cervical lateral screw fixation and the achievements of bicortical purchase using the Roy-Camille, Magerl and the modified methods.

Methods: Six fresh-frozen cervical spine segments were harvested. The Roy-Camille technique was applied to C3 and C4, and the Magerl technique was applied to C5, C6, and C7 of one side of each cadaver.

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We hypothesized that methotrexate (MTX) normalizes the increased permeability of the blood-tumor barrier and thus reduces the accessibility of rituximab (RTX) to central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma. Here, we evaluated the combinational treatment capability of RTX and MTX using an alternative treatment schedule against CNS lymphoma. We developed a CNS lymphoma animal model that closely mimics the morphological and molecular characteristics of human CNS lymphoma by injecting Raji human Burkitt lymphoma cells into the brains of immune-compromised mice and tested a novel combinational treatment schedule by which penetration of RTX was not influenced by MTX administration.

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Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a member of the genus Begomovirus of the family Geminiviridae, members of which are characterized by closed circular single-stranded DNA genomes of 2.7-2.8 kb in length, and include viruses transmitted by the Bemisia tabaci whitefly.

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Background And Purpose: There is little information available about the effects of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) hospital notification on transfer and intrahospital processing times in cases of acute ischemic stroke.

Methods: This study retrospectively investigated the real transfer and imaging processing times for cases of suspected acute stroke (AS) with EMS notification of a requirement for intravenous (IV) tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and for cases without notification. Also we compared the intra-hospital processing times for receiving t-PA between patients with and without EMS prehospital notification.

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Background/aims: Stiff arteries cause high pulse pressure and flow to be transmitted to distal organs during systole, damaging the cerebral microvasculatures. We investigated the association between the severity of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD), the pulsatility of cerebral arteries, and the stiffness of large arteries in patients with lacunar infarction (LI).

Methods: Subjects included 120 patients with LIs, who underwent MRI, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, and brachial ankle pulse wave velocity (BaPWV).

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Purpose: A proper patient-physician interaction (PPI) creates rapport between doctors and patients and improves medical outcomes. The importance of PPI evaluation items was evaluated in each medical student in grades 3 and 4, before and after their clinical clerkship.

Methods: Six PPI evaluation guidelines (SEGUE, Kalamazoo Consensus, Calgary-Cambridge Guide, Macy guideline, 2 Korean Consortium guidelines) were selected and importance of each guideline was evaluated through the structured questionnaire in 73 pre-clinical clerkship (3rd-grade) and 78 post-clinical clerkship (4th-grade) medical students.

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The internal pressures of medication reservoirs of gas-compensated intrathecal medication infusion pumps decrease when medication is discharged, and these discharge-induced pressure drops can decrease the volume of medication discharged. To prevent these reductions, the volumes discharged must be adjusted to maintain the required dosage levels. In this study, the authors developed an automatic control algorithm for an intrathecal infusion pump developed by the Korean National Cancer Center that regulates single-dose volumes.

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Background: The safety and short-term efficacy of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy has not been demonstrated. The aim of the randomised Comparison of Open versus laparoscopic surgery for mid and low REctal cancer After Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (COREAN) trial was to compare open surgery with laparoscopic surgery for mid or low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.

Methods: Between April 4, 2006, and Aug 26, 2009, patients with cT3N0-2 mid or low rectal cancer without distant metastasis after preoperative chemoradiotherapy were enrolled at three tertiary-referral hospitals.

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