Publications by authors named "DM Manley"

We report the measurement of the helicity asymmetry E for the pπ^{0} and nπ^{+} final states using, for the first time, an elliptically polarized photon beam in combination with a longitudinally polarized target at the Crystal Ball experiment at MAMI. The results agree very well with data that were taken with a circularly polarized photon beam, showing that it is possible to simultaneously measure polarization observables that require linearly (e.g.

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A precise measurement of the differential cross sections dσ/dΩ and the linearly polarized photon beam asymmetry Σ_{3} for Compton scattering on the proton below pion threshold has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost 4π detector at the Mainz Microtron. The incident photons were produced by the recently upgraded Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility and impinged on a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target, with the scattered photons detected in the Crystal Ball/TAPS setup. Using the highest statistics Compton scattering data ever measured on the proton along with two effective field theories (both covariant baryon and heavy-baryon) and one fixed-t dispersion relation model, constraining the fits with the Baldin sum rule, we have obtained the proton electric and magnetic polarizabilities with unprecedented precision: α_{E1}=10.

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The quasifree photon beam asymmetry, , has been measured at photon energies, , from 390 to 610 MeV, corresponding to center of mass energy from 1.271 to 1.424 GeV, for the first time.

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The double-polarization observable E and helicity-dependent cross sections σ_{1/2}, σ_{3/2} have been measured for the photoproduction of π^{0} pairs off quasifree protons and neutrons at the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the Crystal Ball/TAPS setup. A circularly polarized photon beam was produced by bremsstrahlung from longitudinally polarized electrons and impinged on a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products were detected with an almost 4π covering calorimeter.

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We report a measurement of the spin polarization of the recoiling neutron in deuterium photodisintegration, utilizing a new large acceptance polarimeter within the Crystal Ball at MAMI. The measured photon energy range of 300-700 MeV provides the first measurement of recoil neutron polarization at photon energies where the quark substructure of the deuteron plays a role, thereby providing important new constraints on photodisintegration mechanisms. A very high neutron polarization in a narrow structure centered around E_{γ}∼570  MeV is observed, which is inconsistent with current theoretical predictions employing nucleon resonance degrees of freedom.

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The reactions γp→ηp and γp→η^{'}p are measured from their thresholds up to the center-of-mass energy W=1.96  GeV with the tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. Differential cross sections are obtained with unprecedented statistical accuracy, providing fine energy binning and full production-angle coverage.

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  • The double polarization observable E and helicity-dependent cross sections for η photoproduction from protons and neutrons were measured using a circularly polarized photon beam at the Mainz MAMI accelerator.
  • The experimental setup, including the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors, was effective in capturing decay photons and recoil nucleons from η decay processes.
  • The findings indicate that the narrow structure in η photoproduction from neutrons is linked to a spin-1/2 amplitude and suggests contributions from specific nucleon resonances, aligning well with recent reaction model predictions.
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The spin polarizabilities of the nucleon describe how the spin of the nucleon responds to an incident polarized photon. The most model-independent way to extract the nucleon spin polarizabilities is through polarized Compton scattering. Double-polarized Compton scattering asymmetries on the proton were measured in the Δ(1232) region using circularly polarized incident photons and a transversely polarized proton target at the Mainz Microtron.

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We present new data for the transverse target asymmetry T and the very first data for the beam-target asymmetry F in the γ[over →]p[over →]→ηp reaction up to a center-of-mass energy of W=1.9  GeV. The data were obtained with the Crystal-Ball/TAPS detector setup at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz Microtron MAMI.

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  • The study discusses how the size and shape of the neutron skin in lead-208 ((208)Pb) were analyzed using pion photoproduction cross sections measured by the Crystal Ball detector at the MAMI facility.
  • The neutron distribution was characterized with specific measurements: a half-height radius of 6.70 ± 0.03 fm and a diffuseness of 0.55 ± 0.01(stat) (-0.03)(+0.02)(sys) fm, leading to a neutron skin thickness of 0.15 ± 0.03(stat) (-0.03)(+0.01)(sys) fm.
  • This is the first time neutron skin thickness has been effectively measured using an electromagnetic approach, revealing that
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  • Precise angular distributions for Ï€0 meson photoproduction off neutrons in deuterons were measured for the first time, eliminating effects from nuclear Fermi motion through complete kinematic reconstruction.
  • Final-state interaction effects were assessed by comparing reaction cross sections for quasifree protons in deuterons to those of free protons, applied as a correction to the quasifree neutron findings.
  • Results from the experiment at the Mainz Microtron MAMI revealed significant discrepancies in model predictions, providing important constraints for future analyses, particularly within the Bonn-Gatchina coupled-channel framework.
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We report the first large-acceptance measurement of polarization transfer from a polarized photon beam to a recoiling nucleon. The measurement pioneers a novel polarimetry technique, which can be applied to many other nuclear and hadron physics experiments. The commissioning reaction of 1H(γ, p)π0 in the range 0.

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The photoproduction of η mesons off nucleons bound in 2H and 3He has been measured in coincidence with recoil protons and recoil neutrons for incident photon energies from threshold up to 1.4 GeV. The experiments were performed at the Mainz MAMI accelerator, using the Glasgow tagged photon facility.

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  • A precision measurement was conducted on differential cross sections and photon asymmetry for the γp→π0p reaction using advanced detection methods at the Mainz Microtron.
  • The experiment utilized a tagged photon beam with a nearly 4Ï€ detector setup including the Crystal Ball/TAPS system and a liquid hydrogen target.
  • The resulting data enabled a detailed analysis of the energy dependence of specific amplitude components, providing a rigorous test of chiral perturbation theory in its relevant energy range.
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Beam-helicity asymmetries have been measured at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz in the three isospin channels gamma[over -->]p-->pi(+)pi(0)n, gamma[over -->]p-->pi(0)pi(0)p, and gamma[over -->]p-->pi(+)pi(-)p. The circularly polarized photons, produced from bremsstrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons, were tagged with the Glasgow magnetic spectrometer. Charged pions and the decay photons of pi(0) mesons were detected in a 4pi electromagnetic calorimeter which combined the Crystal Ball detector with the TAPS detector.

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We present the first detailed measurement of incoherent photoproduction of neutral pions to a discrete state of a residual nucleus. The 12C(gamma,pi(0))(12)C*(4.4 MeV) reaction has been studied with the Glasgow photon tagger at MAMI employing a new technique which uses the large solid angle Crystal Ball detector both as a pi(0) spectrometer and to detect decay photons from the excited residual nucleus.

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Understanding membrane protein folding and stability is required for a molecular explanation of function and for the development of interventions in membrane protein folding diseases. Stable aqueous detergent solutions of the Escherichia coli glycerol facilitator in its native oligomeric state have been difficult to prepare as the protein readily unfolds and forms nonspecific aggregates. Here, we report a study of the structure and stability of the glycerol facilitator in several detergent solutions by Blue Native and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence.

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Reductions in regional coronary flow result in tissue deoxygenation and decrease in surface temperature, changes detectable by near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) and thermal imaging, respectively. In anesthetized open-chest pigs, an inflatable occluder and flow probe were placed around the left anterior descending artery. Gated NIRS and nongated thermal images were acquired at baseline, partial (17% and 50%), and complete occlusion and reflow.

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Effects of coronary vasodilator, dipyridamole, on epicardial oxygenation and flow were investigated under conditions of moderate coronary occlusion using near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) and thermal imaging. In anesthetized open chest pigs an inflatable occluder and flow probe were placed around the left anterior descending artery (LAD). In the ischemic group (n = 11) LAD occlusion (50% flow, 80 min) was followed by complete occlusion (10 min, n = 4), and reflow.

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We report on the first determination of upper limits on the branching ratio (BR) of eta decay to pi0pi0gamma and to pi0pi0pi0gamma. Both decay modes are strictly forbidden by charge conjugation (C) invariance. Using the Crystal Ball multiphoton detector, we obtained BR(eta-->pi0pi0gamma)<5 x 10(-4) at the 90% confidence level, in support of C invariance of isoscalar electromagnetic interactions of the light quarks.

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Data are presented for the reaction pi(-)p-->pi(0)pi(0)n in the range from threshold to p(pi(-))=750 MeV/c. The systematics of the data and multipole analyses are examined for sensitivity to a f(0)(600) ("sigma") meson. A one-pion-exchange mechanism is found to be very weak, or absent.

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We report new measurements of the ratio of the electric form factor to the magnetic form factor of the neutron, G(n)(E)/G(n)(M), obtained via recoil polarimetry from the quasielastic 2H(e-->,e(')n-->)1H reaction at Q2 values of 0.45, 1.13, and 1.

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Recently the Crystal Ball Collaboration measured precise new data for the near-threshold reaction K(-)p-->etaLambda, which is dominated by formation of the Lambda(1670)1 / 2(-). In this Letter, we present results of a unitary, multichannel analysis that incorporates the new Crystal Ball data. For our preferred fit, we obtain mass M = 1673+/-2 MeV, width Gamma = 23+/-6 MeV, and elasticity x = 0.

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We have determined the quadratic slope parameter alpha for eta-->3pi(0) to be alpha = -0.031(4) from a 99% pure sample of 10(6)eta-->3pi(0) decays produced in the reaction pi(-)p-->n(eta) close to the eta threshold using the Crystal Ball detector at the AGS. The result is four times more precise than the present world data and disagrees with current chiral perturbation theory calculations by about four standard deviations.

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