Publications by authors named "D V Pechenkin"

The article deals with experimental evaluation with flow cytofluorimetry technique of the level of cellular immunologic memory in persons vaccinated with plague and anthrax live dry vaccines. It is established that the introduction of plague and anthrax live dry vaccines into organism of vaccinated persons ignites immunologic rearrangement manifested by reliable increase of level of blood concentration of Th1-lymphocytes (immunologic memory cells) against the background of vaccination. The higher correlation coefficient is detected between leucocytes lysis coefficient and stimulation coefficient according blood concentration level of T-lymphocytes predominantly at the expense of Th1-lymphocytes.

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The study of the time course of changes in cell immunological parameters by a magnetic separation technique in human beings during the administration of plague vaccine in relation to the immunological load revealed the higher blood levels of all T lymphocyte subpopulations on day 14 after vaccination. These changes are most typical of a primary vaccinated cohort. The increased frequency of plague vaccine administration and multiple immunizations with live plague, anthrax, and tularemia vaccines produce the time-course of changes in T lymphocyte populations (subpopulations) in response to the regular administration of plague vaccine.

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Aim: To study relationship between Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cultivation temperature and immunobiological properties of lypopolysaccharide (LPS).

Materials And Methods: LPS producing strain--Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 164/84 OX; experimental animal--guinea pigs, rabbits; methods--immunochemical (indirect hemagglutionation assay, RDP), physico-chemical (electrophoresis, gas-liquid chromatography), standard biochemical and statistical methods.

Results: It was established that increase of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cultivation temperature from 10 degrees C to 37 degrees C was associated with attenuation of LPS toxicity in guinea pigs, decrease of its immunochemical activity and contents and degree of acylation of 3OH-14:0 hydoxyacid as well as amount of electrophoretically detected O-side chains.

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The biological and physico-chemical properties of cultures of two isogenous recombinant variants of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis were studied. The cell genomes of the cultures are distinguished from one another only by the presence or by the absence of the fra-operon, which is a determined attribute of the plague microbe capsule-forming process. The expression of the attribute is amplified by rising the microbial biomass cultivation temperature and stimulates the decrease in the viability of the bacteria and adaptation potential in vitro.

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