Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
February 2024
The purpose of the article is to attract the attention of specialists in the resort business in the document being developed - the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation «On Approval of the Regulations on the Districts of Sanitary (Mining and Sanitary) Protection of Natural Medicinal Resources», the draft of which is proposed for discussion. The article presents all the comments on the discussed draft Regulation and proposals for making appropriate changes with their reasoned justification. The proposals put forward to change the wording of specific paragraphs of the Regulation are aimed at protecting and preserving the wealth of our country - natural healing factors that form the basis of sanatorium treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExisting approaches for the field measurements of the frequency-dependent soil properties take a significant amount of time, making it difficult to obtain new experimental data and study the electrical soil properties further. However, a relatively uncomplicated measurement device assembled from accessible electronic components can make the measurements almost as easy as those for the regular low-frequency resistivity. This article presents a detailed description of such a device: the description includes the functional scheme, pseudocodes for central parts of the calculation algorithm, used electronic components, and working principle of the device.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To study the prevalence and clinical aspects of Barrett's esophagus (BE) in natives and newcomers in East Siberia.
Subjects And Methods: Clinical examinations and esophagogastroduodenoscopy were performed in 12975 Caucasoids and 1489 Khakases in Abakan (Khakasia), 1861 Caucasoids and 5829 Tuvinians in Kyzyl (Republic of Tuva), and 1177 Caucasoids in Dudinka (Taimyr). The diagnosis of BE was verified by morphological study.
Eksp Klin Gastroenterol
September 2010
Aim: To study prevalence and risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease in different age-gender groups.
Material And Methods: 506 men of military age, in 375 men in age 40-60 years old, 296 women in age 18-30 years old were investigated. The research included clinical examination with standard questionnaires filling and endoscopy.
Probl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
February 2007
The paper presents the results of anterior spine fusion in 250 patients with tuberculous spondylitis involving 2 to 8 vertebrae, by using free and non-free autologous bone grafts, carbonaceous implants, and revascularized transplants. Anterior spine fusion added to posterior spinal fixation with a CD-type metal construction. A tuberculous process in the spine was cured in 96.
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