Publications by authors named "D Tamlyn"

Home visiting programs for marginalized families have included both Public Health Nurses (PHNs) and Community Home Visitors (CHV). Support for families requires health care providers to implement effective communication and collaboration practices; however, few studies have examined how this is carried out. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore how an Enhanced Home Visiting (EHV) program in Nova Scotia Canada was organized, delivered through the experiences of PHNs and CHVs.

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Becoming cognizant of the actual and potential oppressive dimensions of the teaching practices of nurse educators is essential in establishing a more democratic and enlightening experience for both teachers and students. Although there has been an ardent trend toward the promotion of critical thinking and reflective ability among nursing students, rarely has attention focused on the ability of nurse educators to be critically reflective of their own teaching. The authors pose key questions about the reality of nursing education today and how it can sometimes continue to reflect a philosophy that seems to contravene the notion of a more liberated approach to teaching.

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