Publications by authors named "D Sokolovski"

We propose detecting the moment an atom emits a photon by means of a nearly classical macroscopic clock and discuss its viability. It is shown that what happens in such a measurement depends on the relation between the clock's accuracy and the width of the energy range available to the photon. Implications of the analysis for the long standing Schrödinger's cat problem are reported.

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Eisenbud-Wigner-Smith delay and the Larmor time give different estimates for the duration of a quantum scattering event. The difference is most pronounced in the case where the de Broglie wavelength is large compared to the size of the scatterer. We use the methods of quantum measurement theory to analyse both approaches and to decide which one of them, if any, describes the duration a particle spends in the region that contains the scattering potential.

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The aim of the present paper is to bring clarity, through simplicity, to the important and long-standing problem: does a resonance contribute to the forward-angle scattering of the F + H reaction? We reduce the problem to its essentials and present a well-defined, yet rigorous and unambiguous, investigation of structure in the differential cross sections (DCSs) of the following three state-to-state reactions at a translational energy of 62.09 meV: F + H( = 0, = 0, = 0) → FH( = 3, = 0, 1, 2, = 0) + H, where , , and , , are the initial and final vibrational, rotational and helicity quantum numbers respectively. , we carry out quantum-scattering calculations for the Fu-Xu-Zhang potential energy surface, obtaining accurate numerical scattering matrix elements for indistinguishable H.

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Probabilities of the outcomes of consecutive quantum measurements can be obtained by construction probability amplitudes, thus implying the unitary evolution of the measured system, broken each time a measurement is made. In practice, the experimenter needs to know all past outcomes at the end of the experiment, and that requires the presence of probes carrying the corresponding records. With this in mind, we consider two different ways to extend the description of a quantum system beyond what is actually measured and recorded.

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We study non-relativistic propagation of Gaussian wave packets in one-dimensional Eckart potential, a barrier, or a well. In the picture used, the transmitted wave packet results from interference between the copies of the freely propagating state with different spatial shifts (delays), [Formula: see text], induced by the scattering potential. The Uncertainty Principle precludes relating the particle's final position to the delay experienced in the potential, except in the classical limit.

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