Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
February 2020
Aim: To evaluate possibilities of routine X-ray methods for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis of carotid arteries.
Material And Methods: At the initial stage of the study, 468 X-ray radiograms of the cervical spine with the detailed description of soft tissues and projections of the neck vessels were studied. The next stage included evaluation of 'screening' abilities of digital fluorography of lungs (886 X-ray radiograms were analyzed).
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2015
Objective: to compare the frequency, preferential localization, severity of disturbances of venous circulation in the brain and limbs.
Material And Methods: Authors examined 140 people during 2009-2014: 20 apparently healthy people without clinical manifestations of extra-intracerebral venous insufficiency; 70 patients with clinical and instrumental signs of venous encephalopathy; 50 patients with varicose disease. History and clinical status were studied for all patients.