High levels of anthropogenic impact on the environment requires a detailed study of the features of the influence of heavy metals and ionizing radiation on living organisms, and provides for the development and use of effective means of protecting the body from its negative influence. The purpose of the work was to study the characteristics of the exchange of bile pigments of rats under the action of ecopathogenic factors (ionizing radiation and cadmium) on the organism and the corrective properties of liposomes on the basis of milk phospholipids. An analysis of the chromatographic studies of bilirubin and derivatives (nonconjugated bilirubin, bilirubin sulfate, billirubin glucuronide, urobilin and stercobilin) in the whole blood, liver, jejunum contents and feces under the action on the animal organism of ecopathogenic factors (ionizing radiation and cadmium) indicate material violation of the exchange bile pigments that may be due to the destabilization of the structural and functional hot hepatocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStructural and dynamical state of the apical and mitochondrial membranes of enterocytes of the rat small intestine under experimental enteric pathology conditions have been investigated. The modifications of structural and dynamical features of membranes at the use of BAA FLP-MD have been shown. The similarities arising in the versatile destructive changes of membranes are as follows: modification of the lipid phase structure of the membrane, changes in dynamical properties of membrane components and topography, disorders of hydrophobic protein-lipid interactions, conformational changes of protein molecules etc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUkr Biokhim Zh (1999)
September 2008
It's known that in newborn calves with dyspepsia in lipids leucocytes, erythrocytes, plasma and serum extracted from blood occur violation of parity between separate classes phospholipids in compare with healthy calves. It's revealed increasing of lipophosphatidilholin, sphingomielin, phosphatidilholin and decreasing of amount of phosphatidilserin, lizophosphatidic and phosphatidic acids in quantitative contents of phospholipids extracted from blood components. Indicated violations could be recovered after the treatment of ill calves by enterosgel in doze, which we developed and tested.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUkr Biokhim Zh (1999)
January 2008
The review deals with peculiarities of molecular mechanisms of metabolism regulation of fatty acids and other lipid components in preruminant and ruminant animals (i.e. before and after formation of the functioning of the mixed microbial population in the rumen).
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