Background: Skin cancer specimen handling in Australian histopathology laboratories, while largely standardised, exhibits significant variations that affect clinical decision-making and patient outcomes.
Objective: This article provides clinicians with an understanding of histopathological processes to enhance diagnostic precision, inform surgical margin evaluations and refine management approaches.
Discussion: Understanding specimen handling and protocols is vital for accurate interpretation of pathology reports and management of skin cancers.
Background: Capture of cancer stage at diagnosis is important yet poorly reported by health services to population-based cancer registries. In this paper we describe current completeness of stage information for endometrial cancer available in Australian cancer registries; and develop and validate a set of rules to enable cancer registry medical coders to calculate stage using data available to them (registry-derived stage or 'RD-Stage').
Methodology: Rules for deriving RD-stage (Endometrial carcinoma) were developed using the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) TNM (tumour, nodes, metastasis) Staging System (8 Edition).