Publications by authors named "D Malthe-Soerenssen"

The advent of automated insulin delivery (AID) systems in 2020 marked a disruptive event in managing type 1 diabetes, benefiting children and adults alike. By 2024, advances in real-world data and research motivated an update to the French consensus on AID systems to expand accessibility, refine guidelines, and optimize patient follow-up. AID systems have consistently improved glycemic control by reducing HbA1c, increasing time-in-range (TIR), and minimizing hypoglycemia, with significant benefits even for specific populations such as individuals with poor glycemic control, brittle diabetes, children, very young children, pregnant women, those with insulin resistance or gastroparesis, or after bariatric surgery.

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Background/purpose: Proton radiation-therapy (PrT) may provide clinical benefit for lung cancer compared to photon radiation-therapy (PhT), however is more costly. Literature reporting costs for PrT, PhT, and comparisons thereof, particularly from a societal perspective, are scarce. This study aims to provide an adaptable framework to estimate PrT/PhT costs, demonstrated through application to lung cancer, from societal and healthcare perspectives.

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Hypermutable P. aeruginosa isolates frequently display resistance emergence during treatment. Mechanisms of such resistance emergence have not been explored using dynamic hollow-fiber studies and multi-omics-informed mathematical modeling.

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Background & Objective: Since early detection increases survival rates, colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is a major concern for researchers. CD10 is a cell membrane-bound metalloproteinase involved in carcinogenesis. Studies have associated it with the progression of CRC to advanced stages, metastasis, and venous invasions.

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Glasses having the stoichiometry ratio [(70-x) BO-10NaO-20ZnO-xNiO] where 0.0 ≤ x < 0.3 mol% were synthesized using a melt quenching technique.

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