Publications by authors named "D L Strenge"

Flavonols are small (C15) plant-specific molecules that are required for petunia and maize pollen to germinate. They exist in two chemical forms: the aglycone or glycosyl conjugates. Flavonol-deficient pollen is biochemically complemented by flavonol aglycones but not by the glycosylated forms that accumulate in wild type (WT) pollen.

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Many areas in the field of health physics require evaluation of the change of radionuclide quantity in a medium with time. A general solution to first-order compartmental models is presented in this paper for application to systems consisting of one physical medium that contains any number of radionuclide decay chain members. The general analytical solution to the problem is first described mathematically and then extended to four applications: 1) evaluation of the quantity of radionuclides as a function of time, 2) evaluation of the time integral of the quantity during a time period, 3) evaluation of the amount in a medium as a function of time following deposition at a constant rate, and 4) evaluation of the time integral of the amount in a medium after deposition at a constant rate for a time.

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Multimedia modelers from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) collaborated to conduct a detailed and quantitative benchmarking analysis of three multimedia models. The three models--RESRAD (DOE), MMSOILS (EPA), and MEPAS (DOE)--represent analytically-based tools that are used by the respective agencies for performing human exposure and health risk assessments. The study is performed by individuals who participate directly in the ongoing design, development, and application of the models.

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This paper is one in a series that describes results of a benchmarking analysis initiated by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). An overview of the study is provided in a companion paper by Laniak et al. presented in this journal issue.

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The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was conducted to estimate the radiation dose that individuals could have received as a result of emissions to the air and water from Hanford Site operations since 1944. The largest doses were to the human thyroid gland from 131I released into the atmosphere from Hanford facilities in the 1945-1947 time period. In support of the dose reconstruction effort, a database of historical environmental radioactivity measurements was constructed.

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