Neuroendocrine neoplasia (NEN) of small bowel (SBNEN) frequently present with metastatic disease. Theranostics (molecular imaging followed by targeting therapy) allow for personalised medicine. Liquid biopsies enable precise identification of residual disease and real-time monitoring of therapeutic response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Soc Trans
June 2017
Azobenzene is a photo-isomerizing molecule whose end-to-end distance changes upon external illumination. When combined with site-specific reactive groups, it can be used as molecular tweezers to remote-control the structure and function of protein targets. The present study gives a brief overview over the rational design strategies that use an azobenzene-based photoswitchable cross-linker to engineer ON/OFF switches into functional proteins or to reprogram proteins for novel functions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe F1 sub-complex of ATP synthase is a biological nanomotor that converts the free energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work with an astonishing efficiency of up to 100% (Kinosita et al., 2000). To probe the principal mechanics of the machine, I re-engineered the active site of E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn recent years, interest in controlling protein function with light has increased. Light offers a number of unique advantages over other methods, including spatial and temporal control and high selectivity. Here, we describe a general protocol for engineering a protein to be controllable with light via reaction with an exogenously introduced photoisomerizable small molecule and illustrate our protocol with two examples from the literature: the engineering of the calcium affinity of the cell-cell adhesion protein cadherin, which is an example of a protein that switches from a native to a disrupted state (Ritterson et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFControllable protein-based machines and materials are of considerable interest for diverse biotechnological applications. We previously re-engineered an ATP-driven protein machine, a group II chaperonin, to function as a light-gated nanocage. Here we develop and test a model for the molecular mechanism of the re-engineered chaperonin, which undergoes a large-scale closed to open conformational change triggered by reversible photo-isomerization of a site-specifically attached azobenzene crosslinker.
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