Publications by authors named "D Eisenhardt"

Background: Swimmers commonly access performance metrics such as lap splits, distance, and pacing information between work bouts while they rest. Recently, a new category of tracking devices for swimming was introduced with the FORM Smart Swim Goggles (FORM Goggles). The goggles have a built-in see-through display and are capable of tracking and displaying distance, time splits, stroke, and pace metrics in real time using machine learning and augmented reality through a heads-up display.

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The health of the Western honey bee is threatened by a global epidemic of deformed wing virus (DWV) infections driven by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor acting as mechanical and biological virus vector. Three different variants of DWV, DWV-A, -B and -C exist. Virulence differences between these variants and their relation to V.

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An animal's internal state is a critical parameter required for adaptation to a given environment. An important aspect of an animal's internal state is the energy state that is adjusted to the needs of an animal by energy homeostasis. Glucose is one essential source of energy, especially for the brain.

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In honeybees, age-associated structural modifications can be observed in the mushroom bodies. Prominent examples are the synaptic complexes (microglomeruli, MG) in the mushroom body calyces, which were shown to alter their size and density with age. It is not known whether the amount of intracellular synaptic proteins in the MG is altered as well.

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The transcription factor cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) is involved in neuronal plasticity. Phosphorylation activates CREB and an increased level of phosphorylated CREB is regarded as an indicator of CREB-dependent transcriptional activation. In honeybees(Apis mellifera)we recently demonstrated a particular high abundance of the phosphorylated honeybee CREB homolog (pAmCREB) in the central brain and in a subpopulation of mushroom body neurons.

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