Probl Endokrinol (Mosk)
December 1979
The adrenocorticotropic (ACT) activity of the hypophysis (according to the blood 11-HCS level) was studied in 27 female patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis, aged from 16 to 24 years (19 with moderately severe and 8 with severe form) and in 7 healthy girls. The ST activity of the hypophysis was ascertained in 11 patients by the blood STH content before and after the insulin hypoglycemia. The metopyron test was also carried out in 6 patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Endokrinol (Mosk)
December 1978
In examination of patients with thyrotoxicosis, aged from 14 to 24 years, there was revealed a reduction of the activity of the mediatory link of the sympathico-adrenal ssystem without any connection with age, the severity and duration of the disease, and also with the efficacy of drug therapy. The functional test with insulin in patients with thyrotoxicosis permitted to detect definite reserve possibilities of the adrenergic regulation intensified with increased duration of the disease and with advance of the patient's age, but not with increased severity of the disease. The insulin test offered a possibility of assessing the sympathico-adrenal system reactivity in cases of different degree of the disease compensation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn patients with thyrotoxicosis combined with primary affection of the central nervous system (CNS)-encephalitis, diencephalitis-there was revealed, like in common thyrotoxicosis, an increased production by the adrenal cortex of hydrocortisone, its intensified transformation and inactivation, reduced production of 17-ketosteroid chiefly due to the fall of dehydroepiandrosterone content, an increased urinary excretion of adrenaline and a decreased-of noradrenaline. The use of functional test with the ACTH administration demonstrated organic affection of the CNS to sharply aggravate the weakening and even the exhaustion of the functional reserves of the glomerular and the reticular zones of the adrenal cortex developing during thyrotoxicosis, and also the reserve possibilities of the sympathico-adrenal system. Direction of the changes in the 24-hour excretion of 17-OCS and corticosteriods was the same in the majority of cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe 24-hour urinary estrogen excretion was studied in 12 women of reproductive age at periods corresponding to the middle and the end of the follicular phase, the middle and the end of the lutein phase of the menstrual cycle; pregnandiol excretion was determined at the same periods in 20 women, the urinary sum total and individual 17-KS content--in 26 women, free cortizol and its metabolites--in 19 women. The 24-hour estrogen excretion reached the maximum on the days corresponding to the ovulation peak (the 14th-15th days), and remained at a sufficiently high level in the middle of the lutein phase. Pregnandiol excretion increased by the end of the folliculin phase and reached the maximum during the lutein phase.
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