Publications by authors named "Cynthia Schonfeld"

The increasing popularity of motorcycles in Australia is a significant concern as motorcycle riders represent 15% of all road fatalities and an even greater proportion of serious injuries. This study assessed the psychosocial factors influencing motorcycle riders' intentions to perform both safe and risky riding behaviours. Using an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB), motorcycle riders (n=229) from Queensland, Australia were surveyed to assess their riding attitudes, subjective norm (general and specific), perceived behavioural control (PBC), group norm, self-identity, sensation seeking, and aggression, as well as their intentions, in relation to three safe (e.

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The present study reports on a group of 132 recidivist offenders' stages of change and self-efficacy levels for changing and controlling both their drinking and drink driving behaviours. The majority of the sample reported being motivated to change their drink driving, but not their drinking behaviours. The sample also indicated high self-efficacy levels for the two behaviours, although a notable finding was that participants reported higher levels of control over their drinking rather than drink driving behaviours.

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