Publications by authors named "Curtis R"

A series of 123 consecutive referred cases of lens dislocation in the dog were classified as primary (100), secondary (21) and congenital (two). Cases designated as primary lens luxation comprised only the terrier breeds or crossbreds and collectively appeared to represent a single clinical entity characterised by age of onset (mean four to five years), essential bilaterality and the apparent absence of antecedent ocular disease. Elevated intraocular pressures were encountered in many eyes exhibiting subluxation.

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A step-by-step approach to the systematic management of chronic boutonniere deformity due to trauma is presented. If surgical intervention is necessary, the problem should be approached one step at a time. The following stages are described: stage I, tendolysis of the extensor tendon and freeing of the transverse retinacular ligament; stage II, sectioning of the transverse retinacular ligament; stage III, tendon lengthening of the lateral bands over the middle phalanx; and stage IV, repair of the central extensor tendon.

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Four hundred and fifteen males and 367 females who had invasive malignant tumours of the salivary glands as their first cancer diagnosed in Connecticut between 1935 and 1978 were identified and followed 2342 and 2868 person-years respectively. Overall a slight excess of second primary cancers (relative risk 1.35) was observed.

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The suspensory apparatus of the canine lens was studied in gross specimens stained with periodic acid and Schiff's reagent, and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Two distinct groupings of zonular fibres were discernible: those passing along the crests of the ciliary processes and inserting at the lens anterior to the equator, and those arising from the walls of the ciliary processes and inserting posteriorly at the lens. In addition, zonular fibres were found to arise from single plicae and from processes of intermediate size located between the main ciliary processes.

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Data were collected on anti-microbial usage and health problems, in beef feedlot calves. Although the association between them was not significant, many feedlot owners did not use recommended dosages or duration of treatment and this may have led to a reduced recovery rate.Injectable tetracyclines were the most frequent antimicrobial for primary treatment of sick calves; whereas chloramphenicol was selected most frequently when the primary treatment appeared to be ineffective.

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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insufficiency is unusual in children younger than 14 years of age. Nontraumatic ACL laxity is found in two distinct groups of children: (1) those with generalized nonpathologic joint laxity, and (2) those with congenital absence or attenuation of the ligament, usually associated with other congenital anomalies in the same limb. ACL insufficiency secondary to trauma most often is associated with avulsion of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia.

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Four litters of Tibetan Terriers were bred in order to study the ocular pathology of primary lens luxation, which in this breed is due to an autosomal recessive gene. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were carried out on ocular tissues of 5 dogs from 2 homozygous litters killed at various ages up to the time of onset of clinical subluxation. All eyes showed zonular abnormality, in particular a bizarre arrangement of fibrillar material associated with the ciliary processes and relating to the system of zonular fibres inserting posteriorly at the lens equator.

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An adult membrane oxygenator of new design has been described which possesses excellent operating characteristics. The preliminary safety and efficacy of the device was demonstrated by in vitro performance testing and by the minimal blood trauma and absence of significant time dependent change during 6 hr ex vivo perfusions. These encouraging results are the basis for proceeding with clinical studies.

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Incidence of second primary cancers was evaluated in 7,127 women with invasive cancer of the cervix uteri, diagnosed between 1935 and 1978, and followed up to 38 years (average, 8.9 yr) in Connecticut. Among 5,997 women treated with radiation, 449 developed second primary cancers compared with 313 expected (relative risk = 1.

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Three years of data on factors associated with death losses and health costs in Ontario feedlot calves were analyzed. The results support the previously reported findings; however, significant differences in the third year (1980-81) of the study were noted. Calf groups that were "mixed" after arrival in the feedlot or had a larger than average number of calves (means = 142) had increased death losses and health costs.

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Cooling the amputated part and the partially amputated devascularized extremity is critical for a successful replantation attempt. Cooling devascularized or amputated tissue is the simplest and most effective method for preventing the detrimental effects of ischemia. Successful microsurgical revascularization begins with proper treatment in the local referring emergency room.

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Fifteen patients with a diagnosis of peritendinous fibrosis of the dorsum of the hand (Secretan's disease) were treated between 1958 and 1980. Thirteen patients had excision of a dorsal fibroma with extensor tendolysis when necessary. Preoperative findings included a hard dorsal mass and limitation of motion.

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In an attempt to find explanation for the initial erroneous sequence assignment for malformin, a sequence-isomer of the natural product, 3-isoleucine-5-valine malformin or briefly "allomalformin" that on partial acid hydrolysis could have given rise to misleading fragments, was synthesized and compared with both natural and synthetic preparations of malformin. Allomalformin is identical to the parent microbial peptide (malformin A, or briefly malformin) with respect to biological activity and conformation (ORD and CD spectra) and is indistinguishable from it by high pressure liquid chromatography. Yet, the two isomers have slightly different Rf values on thin-layer chromatograms and by this method no allomalformin could be detected in samples of the natural product.

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One hundred cases of isolated flexor profundus tendon laceration or rupture were repaired by tendon graft over a 30-year period. Thirteen patients were over 40 years of age with the age range in the study from 1 1/2 to 60 years. Unless the flexor profundus tendon remained in the decussation of the superficialis, all grafts were placed around the superficialis tendon decussation.

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Subtalar dislocation of the foot.

J Bone Joint Surg Am

March 1982

We studied a series of seventeen cases of subtalar dislocation of the foot. There were on anterior, twelve medial, and four lateral dislocations. Of the seventeen dislocations, fourteen were closed and three, open.

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Primary lens luxation is the most common form of lens displacement encountered in the dog in the United Kingdom. The condition arises in early to late middle age, is essentially bilateral and occurs typically in the terrier breeds. Subluxation is rarely observed before 3 years of age but luxation of the lens is ultimately almost invariable.

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To obtain information regarding the antiethylene properties and binding site of Ag(+), studies were initiated to define conditions under which Ag(+) does or does not inhibit ethylene action. AgNO(3), applied as a leaf spray, inhibited 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethrel)-induced leaf abscission from green cuttings of Vigna radiata in white light but lost considerable activity in the dark. In the absence of Ethrel, AgNO(3) stimulated abscission in the dark.

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A work simulator is an electromechanical device used for rehabilitation of the upper extremity. Various tools have been designed to simulate the basic motions required of the upper extremity in the activities of daily living and most occupations. Provision has been made for varying levels of resistance to interchangeable tools for exercise and to allow evaluation of the patient's functional ability.

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Intravascular coagulation is the final common pathway of failure in replanted digits and "free" tissue transfers. To address this clinical problem, a model based upon intimal damage and stasis in the rat femoral vein was developed. The ability of local, intraarterially administered Thrombolysin to achieve "local" clot lysis was investigated.

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