Publications by authors named "Cuignet O"

We report the unexpected discovery of a large laryngeal neurofibroma during a direct laryngoscopy for intubation in a 18-year old female with a medical history of neurofibromatosis type 1. The most striking feature of this case report is the discrepancy between the absence of clinical manifestations and the size and location of the neurofibroma. This case highlights the importance of a careful preoperative assessment, especially in the context of multisystemic disease.

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The aim of this study is to observe if the effects of electro-acupuncture (EA) on analgesia and peripheral sensory thresholds are transposable from the model of heat pain in volunteers to the clinical setting of burn scar pain. After severe burns, pathological burn scars (PPBS) may occur with excruciating pain that respond poorly to treatment and prevent patients from wearing their pressure garments, thereby leading to unesthetic and function-limiting scars. EA might be of greater benefit in terms of analgesia and functional recovery, should it interrupt this vicious circle by counteracting the peripheral hyperalgesia characterizing PPBS.

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Objective: Nociception is the major cause of burn pain and leads to central hyperalgesia. Gabapentin (Gp) is an antihyperalgesic drug that selectively affects central sensitization. We studied the opioid-sparing and analgesic effects of Gp in severely burned patients.

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In a previous study, we assessed the efficacy of a continuous fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) in reducing the pain at thigh autograft skin donor sites. However, a continuous local anesthetic infusion may cause toxicity or infection. In this prospective, randomized double-blind study, we compared the analgesic efficacy of FICB when given as a single shot vs continuous infusion during the 72-hour postoperative period up to the first dressing change (1dc).

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Unlabelled: Postoperative pain from split skin donor sites is often more intense than the pain at the grafted site. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind study we assessed the efficacy of a continuous fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) in reducing the pain at the thigh donor site. Twenty patients, with a total burn surface area of 16% +/- 13% (mean +/- SD) were randomized 1:1 to receive either ropivacaine 0.

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Unlabelled: Perfluorocarbon-based emulsions increase the blood solubility of isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane, with a maximal effect reported for the less soluble isoflurane. Current volatile anesthetics are less soluble and may be more affected by this phenomenon. Perflubron (Oxygent(TM)) is a perfluorocarbon-based emulsion in late-stage clinical testing in surgical patients for use as a temporary oxygen carrier.

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We compared the toxicity of systemic local anesthetics bupivacaine and ropivacaine administered at equivalent and equipotent doses. In the first experiments, 18 male Wistar rats were anesthetized with thiopental and maintained under positive controlled ventilation. Electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, and invasive arterial blood pressure were continuously recorded.

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Unlabelled: Perfluorocarbon emulsions (PFEs) appear as platelets in automated cell counters, which may affect samples from thrombocytopenic patients (less than 100,000/microL). Therefore, we mixed clinically relevant concentrations of perfluorodichlorooctane (Oxyfluor(R); Hemagen, Inc., St.

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