Publications by authors named "Cucchiarini L"

Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a rare genetic arrhythmic disorder with a complex model of transmission. At least 20 different genes have been identified as BrS-causal or susceptibility genes. Of these, is the most frequently mutated.

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Objective: In this research, fatty acid profile and polyphenolic content of an ethanolic extract of walnut from Juglans regia L. collected in Central Italy, were characterized. The potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the extract were investigated in the human keratinocytes cell line.

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Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) are relevant components of the Mediterranean diet providing important macronutrients, micronutrients and other bioactive constituents including unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytosterols and polyphenols. Although the walnut beneficial effects in human health are widely recognized by a lot of epidemiologic studies very little is known regarding its effect on damaged DNA.

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Some epidemiological studies have suggested possible associations between exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) and various diseases. Recently, ELF-EMF has been considered as a therapeutic agent. To support ELF-EMF use in regenerative medicine, in particular in the treatment of skin injuries, we investigated whether significant cell damage occurs after ELF-EMF exposure.

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The characteristic aromatic composition of white truffles (Tuber magnatum Pico) determines its culinary and commercial value. However modifications of truffle organoleptic proprieties occur during preservation. A study of headspace of white truffles by using Electronic nose (E-nose), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and sensory analyses was performed.

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An aqueous extract of V. vinifera L. tendrils was evaluated for its ability to enrich the antioxidant capacity of cultured cells.

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Background: Anastomotic dehiscence is one of the most severe complications of colorectal surgery. Gaining insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of anastomotic dehiscence following colorectal surgery is important for the reduction of postoperative complications.

Objective: Based on the close relationship between surgical stress and oxidative stress, the present study aimed to determine whether a correlation exists between increased levels of reactive oxygen species and colorectal anastomotic dehiscence.

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Surgical resection at any location in the body leads to stress response with cellular and subcellular change, leading to tissue damage. The intestine is extremely sensitive to surgical stress with consequent postoperative complications. It has been suggested that the increase of reactive oxygen species as subcellular changes plays an important role in this process.

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Keratinocytes are cells strongly exposed to oxidative stress, but normally good equipped for antioxidant responses. However, it has long been suggested that exogenous antioxidants could play a useful role in minimizing the adverse skin responses associated with such oxidant species. In this work it was paid attention to the extract of Rhodiola rosea L.

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In the present work mites previously identified as Dermanyssus gallinae De Geer (Acari, Mesostigmata) using morphological keys were investigated by molecular tools. The complete internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S ribosomal DNA, and ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA from mites were amplified and sequenced to examine the level of sequence variations and to explore the feasibility of using this region in the identification of this mite.

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Quercetin is a well-investigated antioxidant known to protect cells against oxidative nuclear DNA damage. There is no knowledge regarding its effect on oxidative mitochondrial DNA damage. In this study we investigated the effect of quercetin on oxidatively-injured DNA.

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Rhodiola rosea L. (Crassulaceae) is a plant that lives at high altitude in Europe and Asia, widely used for its high capacity to increase the organism resistance to different stress conditions. Although a few international literature supports these effects, today R.

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Rhodiola rosea L. (Crassulaceae) is a plant living at high altitudes in Europe and Asia. Its roots have long been used in the traditional medical system of these geographical areas to increase the organism resistance to physical stress; today, it has become an important component of many dietary supplements.

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Escherichia coli cultures exposed to a 300mT static magnetic field (SMF) were studied in order to analyse possible induced changes in cellular growth and gene expression. Biomass was evaluated by visible-light spectrometry and gene expression analyses were carried out by use of RNA arbitrarily primed PCR. The bacterial strain XL-1Blue, cultivated in traditional and modified Luria-Bertani medium, was exposed to SMF generated by permanent neodymium magnetic disks.

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The effects of magnetic fields produced by permanent magnets on different DNA sources were investigated in vivo and in vitro. Escherichia coli DNA, plasmid, and amplification products of different lengths were used as the magnetic field target. The in vivo assays did not reveal any DNA alterations following exposure, demonstrating the presence of cell dependent mechanisms, such as the repair system and the buffering action of the heat shock proteins DNA K/J (Hsp 70/40).

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PCR amplification of the complete intergenic spacer region (IGS) of the Tuber borchii nuclear ribosomal repeat was obtained using universal primers CNL 12 and NS1rev. In order to improve amplification yield a specific primer, T1, was selected from a partial sequence of the IGS product. IGS diversity was characterized both at the intraindividual and intraspecific level.

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The sequence and characterisation of the entire nuclear rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS) for the genus Tuber are presented. Sequence analyses showed that the organisation of the Tuber borchii rDNA IGS is typical of rDNA spacers, consisting of a central repetitive region and flanking unique sequences on either side. Direct repeats, symmetry elements, tandem repeats and possible areas of recombination were found.

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Exposure of rabbit red blood cells to dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) caused a significant decline in glutathione content which was largely prevented by quercetin, whereas it was insensitive to various antioxidants, iron chelators or scavengers of reactive oxygen species. This response was not mediated by chemical reduction of either extracellular DHA or intracellular glutathione disulfide. In addition, the flavonoid did not affect the uptake of DHA or its reduction to ascorbic acid.

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Exposure of rabbit reticulocytes to Fe(II)/ascorbate induced a pronounced decay in hexokinase activity. In reticulocytes, this enzyme is present in at least three different molecular forms, Ia, Ia* and Ib, sub-types of hexokinase type I, which show different intracellular distribution. Hexokinase Ia and Ib are soluble, whereas hexokinase Ia* is almost entirely bound to the mitochondria.

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Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) has been employed extensively in the separation of proteins by elution using a descending salt gradient, with and without the use of detergents or denaturing agents. In this study, a new hydrophobic interaction chromatographic support, Toyopearl Phenyl 650 S, was investigated in order to examine the distribution of multiple forms of rabbit reticulocyte hexokinase type I. These distinct forms of the enzyme, designated hexokinase Ia, Ia* and Ib, show similar kinetic and physical properties, similar molecular masses (ca.

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In this paper we report the complete separation of amino acids as DABS-derivatives using a 3µm Supelcosil LC-18 (25 cm × 2.1 mm I.D.

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In this paper we report the purification of pig erythrocyte hexokinase type III, at preparative level, using 52 liters of starting material (hemolysate). This was possible using a new efficient anion exchanger support, the Toyopearl DEAE 650 M which allows completely to change the strategy of removing hemoglobin from hemolysates, permitting to handle large amounts of starting material and reducing work would have required months using conventional anion exchanger supports, to only 2-3 days. Furthermore, we have tested the binding of other red blood cell enzymes to the Toyopearl DEAE 650 M, showing a wider potential use of this chromatographic support for their purification at a preparative level.

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We have investigated a new anion exchange chromatographic support (Toyopearl DEAE 650 S) which simultaneously allows easily to remove hemoglobin from hemolysates and to obtain a very high resolution of enzymes present in multiple forms. The results obtained are better than those obtainable using an anion-exchange HPLC column. The data obtained at analytical level suggest a wider use of this new matrix also for preparative purposes without significant changes in the resolution.

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