Publications by authors named "Croxatto H"

During mating, males provide not only the spermatozoa to fertilize the oocyte but also other stimuli that are essential for initiating and maintaining the reproductive programme in females. In the mammalian oviduct, mating regulates sperm storage, egg transport, fertilization, early embryonic development, and oestradiol metabolism. However, the main molecules underlying these processes are poorly understood.

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Progesterone regulates uterine function during the luteal phase and is essential for the acquisition of endometrial receptivity. The objective of the present study was to identify endometrial transcripts whose expression is altered during the window of implantation after the administration of 200 mg of the antiprogestin mifepristone, 48 h after the LH peak (LH+2, LH+0=LH peak), and to determine the relationship of these transcripts with those regulated during the acquisition of receptivity. Endometrial samples were obtained in LH+7 from seven women of proven fertility, each one contributing with one cycle treated with placebo and another with mifepristone.

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Objective: This study aims to determine the lowest effective of three Nestorone (NES)/estradiol (E2) transdermal gel doses to ensure ovulation suppression in 90-95% of cycles.

Methods: This was a randomized, open-label, three-treatment-period cross-over study to evaluate the effects of NES/E2 transdermal gel on ovulation inhibition, suppression of follicular growth and pharmacokinetic parameters. The doses were low (1.

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Background: Endometrial function is essential for embryo implantation. The aim of this study was to analyze gene expression profiles from individual endometrial samples obtained from women with repeated implantation failure after IVF in oocyte donation programs.

Methods: Seventeen volunteers were recruited: women who had previously participated as recipients in oocyte donation cycles and repeatedly exhibited implantation failure (Group A, study group, n = 5) or had at least one successful cycle (Group B, control group, n = 6) and spontaneously fertile women (Group C, normal fertility group, n = 6).

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Objective: To determine whether a 3-month contraceptive vaginal ring (CVR) delivering ulipristal acetate (UPA) can inhibit ovulation in 90% of cycles.

Study Design: This was a randomized dose-finding parallel group clinical trial. Fifty-five healthy women with normal ovulation at baseline were randomized to receive a low-dose (1500 μg/day) or a high-dose (2500 μg/day) UPA-CVR for two consecutive 12-week treatment periods, followed by a recovery cycle.

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Background: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is expressed in all female reproductive organs. Therefore, inhibitors of COX-2 may affect reproductive function. We evaluated the effect of extended administration of meloxicam on ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

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Background: The days just prior to ovulation are the most crucial for emergency contraception (EC) efficacy. Ulipristal acetate (UPA) and levonorgestrel's (LNG) capacity to inhibit follicular rupture have never been compared directly at this time of the cycle.

Study Design: Raw data from three pharmacodynamics studies with similar methodology were pooled to allow direct comparison of UPA, LNG and LNG + meloxicam's ability to prevent ovulation when administered orally in the advanced follicular phase, with a leading follicle of ≥ 18 mm.

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Reproductive success stems from a finely regulated balance between follicular maturation and atresia, in which the role of carbohydrate structure is poorly understood. Here, we describe for the first time a fraction of purified recombinant human FSH that is capable of bringing about the cell death of granulosa cells and preventing follicular maturation in a rat model. Further analysis by mass spectrometry revealed the presence of the lectin Concanavalin-A (Con-A) within this fraction of recombinant FSH.

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Background: The mechanism of action of levonorgestrel (LNG) as emergency contraception (EC) remains a subject of debate and its effect on sperm function has been only partially explained. The aim of this study was to assess whether LNG at a similar dose to those found in serum following oral intake for EC could affect spermatozoa when exposed to human fallopian tubes in vitro.

Methods: Fifteen mini-laparotomies were performed, the side on which ovulation occurred was recorded, and both tubes were removed and perfused with a suspension containing 1 × 10(6) motile spermatozoa, with or without LNG.

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Background: Progesterone receptor modulators (PRMs) delivered by contraceptive vaginal rings provide an opportunity for development of an estrogen-free contraceptive that does not require daily oral intake of steroids. The objective of this proof-of-concept study was to determine whether continuous delivery of 600-800 mcg of ulipristal acetate (UPA) from a contraceptive vaginal ring could achieve 80% to 90% inhibition of ovulation.

Study Design: This was a prospective, controlled, open-labeled, multicenter international trial to examine the effectiveness and safety of this prototype vaginal ring.

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Background: Mifepristone alone or in combination with ethinyl estradiol (EE) can effectively stop an episode of uterine bleeding in women using the etonogestrel-releasing contraceptive implant, Implanon® but could impair contraceptive efficacy.

Aim: To examine the effects of administration of mifepristone alone or with EE on ovarian function and cervical mucus consistency in women using Implanon.

Study Design: Women using Implanon were randomized to mifepristone 25 mg twice daily on day 1 plus placebo 1 daily for 4 days or plus EE 20 mcg daily for days 2-5.

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The hypothesis that levonorgestrel (LNG) used as an emergency contraceptive interferes with endometrial receptivity remains unproven. We compared the endometrial gene expression profile during the receptive period after administering a single dose of LNG 1.5 mg or placebo on day 1 of the luteal phase.

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Background: The contraceptive efficacy of emergency contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel (LNG-EC) has been estimated in most previous studies by judging the day of ovulation from presumptive menstrual cycle data, thus providing poorly reliable estimates.

Methods: In the present study, the efficacy of LNG-EC was determined in 393 cycles by dating ovulation on the basis of reliable hormonal and ovarian parameters validated by a database constructed in a separate study. In addition, the efficacy was determined separately for cycles in which LNG-EC was given before or after ovulation.

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Background: Mating changes the mechanism by which E2 regulates oviductal egg transport, from a non-genomic to a genomic mode. Previously, we found that E2 increased the expression of several genes in the oviduct of mated rats, but not in unmated rats. Among the transcripts that increased its level by E2 only in mated rats was the one coding for an s100 calcium binding protein G (s100 g) whose functional role in the oviduct is unknown.

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Background: The endometrium is a dynamic tissue whose changes are driven by the ovarian steroidal hormones. Its main function is to provide an adequate substrate for embryo implantation. Using microarray technology, several reports have provided the gene expression patterns of human endometrial tissue during the window of implantation.

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Males are expected to assist their mates whenever this behaviour raises survival of offspring with little expense in terms of mating opportunities. At a more proximate level, cortisol and testosterone hormones seem involved in the expression of parental care in mammals. We examined the consequences to postnatal offspring development and survival of the males' presence in the social rodent, Octodon degus.

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Aim: The type of estrogen and progestin as well as their doses, route and regimens of administration may each affect the benefit-risk profile of postmenopausal hormone therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the endometrial effect of progesterone released continuously from a vaginal ring, combined with transdermal estradiol in postmenopausal women.

Method: Forty-four postmenopausal women participated in a randomized, double-blind, dose-finding study evaluating two hormonal treatments, combining 50 microg/day of estradiol delivered by transdermal patches and either 0.

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Background: Current methods of hormonal emergency contraception (EC) are ineffective in preventing follicular rupture when administered in the advanced pre-ovulatory phase. This study was designed to determine the capacity of ulipristal acetate (UPA), a selective progesterone receptor modulator developed for EC, to block follicular rupture when administered with a follicle of >or=18 mm.

Methods: This was a double-blind, crossover, randomized, placebo-controlled study.

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Background: We aimed to evaluate whether emergency contraception with levonorgestrel (LNG-EC) administered after ovulation is equally effective to LNG-EC administered before ovulation.

Study Design: We studied a cohort of women attending a family planning clinic for EC. From interview, we recorded menstrual history, time of intercourse and of intake of LNG-EC.

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Estradiol (E(2)) accelerates oviductal egg transport through intraoviductal non-genomic pathways in unmated rats and through genomic pathways in mated rats. This shift in pathways has been designated as intracellular path shifting (IPS), and represents a novel and hitherto unrecognized effect of mating on the female reproductive tract. We had reported previously that IPS involves shutting down the E(2) non-genomic pathway up- and downstream of 2-methoxyestradiol.

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Background: Mating changes the mode of action of 17beta-estradiol (E2) to accelerate oviductal egg transport from a nongenomic to a genomic mode, although in both pathways estrogen receptors (ER) are required. This change was designated as intracellular path shifting (IPS).

Methods: Herein, we examined the subcellular distribution of ESR1 and ESR2 (formerly known as ER-alpha and ER-beta) in oviductal epithelial cells of rats on day 1 of cycle (C1) or pregnancy (P1) using immunoelectron microscopy for ESR1 and ESR2.

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Background: There is evidence that cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors can prevent or delay follicular rupture. COX-2 inhibitors, such as meloxicam, may offer advantages over emergency contraception with levonorgestrel, such as extending the therapeutic window for up to 24 h. We assessed the effect of meloxicam administered in the late follicular phase upon ovulation in women.

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The aim of the present study was to determine the endocrine activity of cultured early antral follicles (EAF) isolated from prepubertal diethylstilbestrol-treated rats. The effect of steroidogenic substrates and FSH on steroid, inhibin A and B, Pro-alphaC and activin A production was evaluated. Androsterone was the predominant steroid produced by EAF.

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Background: The Population Council studied a pre-coital contraceptive microbicide vaginal product containing levonorgestrel (LNG) as active component and Carraguard gel as a vehicle (Carra/LNG gel) for couples who engage in occasional unplanned intercourse. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sexual intercourse after vaginal application of Carra/LNG gel on serum levels of LNG in women and to assess LNG absorption by the male partner.

Study Design: This was a randomized, cross-over, pharmacokinetic study including an abstinence arm and an arm in which couples engaged in sexual intercourse between 2 and 4 h after gel application.

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Background: Gene expression profiling of normal receptive endometrium has been characterized, but intrinsic defects in endometrial gene expression associated with implantation failure have not been reported.

Methods: Women who had previously participated as recipients in oocyte donation cycles and repeatedly exhibited implantation failure (Group A, study group) or had at least one successful cycle (Group B, control group) and spontaneously fertile women (Group C, normal fertility group) were recruited. All were treated with exogenous estradiol and progesterone to induce an endometrial cycle, and an endometrial biopsy was taken on the seventh day of progesterone administration.

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