Study Question: To what extent are self-reported diagnoses of food allergies associated with fecundability, the per-cycle probability of conception?
Summary Answer: Fecundability was not appreciably associated with self-reported food allergy diagnoses, number of food allergies, age at first diagnosis, or time since last allergic reaction.
What Is Known Already: Food allergies are atopic diseases that are characterized by an inappropriate immune response to a normally harmless dietary substance. While some studies have observed associations between atopic disorders and infertility, no study has examined the association between food allergies and fecundability, the per-cycle probability of conception.
Aims: Migraine and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are both twice as common in women as men. Cross-sectional studies have shown associations between migraine and several psychiatric conditions, including PTSD. PTSD is disproportionally common among patients in headache clinics, and individuals with migraine and PTSD report greater disability from migraines and more frequent medication use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Am Assoc Nurse Pract
November 2024
Modeling has led to proposals that the amount of neural tissue folding is set by the level of differential expansion between tissue layers and that the wavelength is set by the thickness of the outer layer. Here, we used inbred mouse strains with distinct amounts of cerebellar folding to investigate these predictions. We identified a distinct critical period during which the folding amount diverges between the two strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModeling has proposed that the amount of neural tissue folding is set by the level of differential-expansion between tissue layers and that the wavelength is set by the thickness of the outer layer. Here we used inbred mouse strains with distinct amounts of cerebellar folding to investigate these predictions. We identified a critical period where the folding amount diverges between the strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To assess the association between preconception antibiotic use and fecundability, the per menstrual cycle probability of conception.
Design:, a Danish prospective cohort study of women trying to conceive (2007-2020).
Background: Migraine is associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy through common pathophysiological features. This study evaluates the association between migraine diagnosis and treatment, and risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink GOLD, a large longitudinal database of patient records in the UK.
Background: Migraine is common among females of reproductive age (estimated prevalence:17-24%) and may be associated with reproductive health through underlying central nervous system excitability, autoimmune conditions, and autonomic dysfunction. We evaluated the extent to which pre-pregnancy migraine diagnosis and medication use are associated with risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB).
Methods: We analyzed data from a preconception study of pregnancy planners (2013-2021).
Background: Many reproductive-aged North Americans use antibiotics in the weeks preceding conception or during early pregnancy. Antibiotic use may influence risk of spontaneous abortion (SAB) by disrupting the reproductive tract microbiome or treating harmful infections. However, this association has not been extensively studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To prospectively examine the association between time-to-pregnancy (TTP) and postpartum depression (PPD) and determine whether perceived stress during early pregnancy mediated this association.
Methods: In Pregnancy Study Online, an internet-based preconception cohort study of pregnancy planners, participants completed questionnaires every 8 weeks for up to 12 months or conception, during pregnancy, and at postpartum. A total of 2643 women provided information on sociodemographic factors, reproductive history, and stress (i.
Introduction: Fibromyalgia guidelines recommend multi-modal, non-pharmacological interventions but there is limited evidence on the optimal programme. The Fibromyalgia Active Management and Exercise programme (FAME) aimed to improve function and quality of life. It consisted of 12 sessions delivered by a multidisciplinary team and incorporated education, exercise, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and mindfulness approaches.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To evaluate the relationships among history of asthma, asthma severity, and spontaneous abortion (SAB).
Methods: Pregnancy Study Online is a preconception cohort study of North American couples. During the preconception period, female participants reported their history of physician-diagnosed asthma, age at first diagnosis, and use of asthma medications in the previous 4 weeks.
Some reproductive-aged individuals remain unvaccinated against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) because of concerns about potential adverse effects on fertility. Using data from an internet-based preconception cohort study, we examined the associations of COVID-19 vaccination and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with fertility among couples trying to conceive spontaneously. We enrolled 2,126 self-identified female participants aged 21-45 year residing in the United States or Canada during December 2020-September 2021 and followed them through November 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Question: To what extent is female preconception antibiotic use associated with fecundability?
Summary Answer: Preconception antibiotic use overall was not appreciably associated with fecundability.
What Is Known Already: Antibiotics are commonly used by women and are generally thought to be safe for use during pregnancy. However, little is known about possible effects of antibiotic use on fecundability, the per-cycle probability of conception.
Introduction: The UK General Dental Council (GDC) requires dental graduates to competently identify, manage and refer patients with dental pain and anxiety. This study aimed to explore sedation training experience quantitatively and qualitatively through individual reflective logs.
Materials & Methods: A single-centred mixed-methods evaluation of teaching, within a UK university conscious sedation department.
Objective: The number of men affected by incurable prostate cancer is expected to increase worldwide. Research is needed to enable men to share their experiences of unmet supportive care needs in current care delivery. We aimed to identify the most frequently reported domains of unmet supportive care needs, levels of anxiety, depression, distress, health-related quality of life, and to identify any perceived barriers to receiving supportive care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Asthma has been positively associated with irregular menses and infertility in some studies, but data are limited on the relation between asthma medication use and fecundability (i.e., average per-cycle probability of conception among non-contracepting couples).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Treatments for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia remove precancerous cells from the cervix by excising or ablating the transformation zone. Most studies show no association between cervical intraepithelial neoplasia treatments and fertility outcomes. However, only 2 studies have examined time to pregnancy, both using retrospective study designs, with 1 study showing no association and the other showing a 2-fold increased risk of infertility (time to pregnancy >12 months) following excisional or ablative treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Despite the tissue-agnostic approval of pembrolizumab in mismatch repair deficient (MMRD) solid tumors, important unanswered questions remain about the role of immune checkpoint blockade in mismatch repair-proficient (MMRP) and -deficient endometrial cancer (EC).
Methods: This phase II study evaluated the PD-L1 inhibitor avelumab in two cohorts of patients with EC: (1) MMRD/ (polymerase ε) cohort, as defined by immunohistochemical (IHC) loss of expression of one or more mismatch repair (MMR) proteins and/or documented mutation in the exonuclease domain of ; and (2) MMRP cohort with normal IHC expression of all MMR proteins. Coprimary end points were objective response (OR) and progression-free survival at 6 months (PFS6).
Purpose: There is little research assessing the impact of providing men with information about prostate cancer (PCa) treatment options at the time of referral for a prostate biopsy. Study objectives were to determine whether receiving an information booklet about PCa treatment options prior to receiving biopsy results was acceptable to patients, and if receiving this information influenced levels of anxiety, depression, distress, and treatment decisional conflict.
Methods: Between June 2016 and September 2017, a randomised block design was used to allocate patients from an Australian urology practice into the intervention or control group.
Background: Penile prosthesis surgery is last-line treatment to regaining erectile function after radical prostatectomy (RP) for localized prostate cancer.
Aims: To assess quality of life, psychological functioning, and treatment satisfaction of men who underwent penile implantation after RP; the psychosocial correlates of treatment satisfaction and sexual function after surgery; and the relation between patients' and partners' ratings of treatment satisfaction.
Methods: 98 consecutive patients who underwent penile implantation after RP from 2010 and 2015 and their partners were invited to complete a series of measures at a single time point.
Background: Conducting regular multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings requires significant investment of time and finances. It is thus important to assess the empirical benefits of such practice. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the literature regarding the impact of MDT meetings on patient assessment, management and outcomes in oncology settings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUrology nursing has developed as a specialty over the past few decades in response to several factors, workload demands being a prime reason. Nurses are taking on additional roles and activities including procedures such as cystoscopy and prostate biopsy, and running nurse-led clinics for a variety of urological conditions. Audits of advanced urological nursing practice have shown this care to be of a high standard and investigative procedures performed by these nurses match the diagnostic quality of existing services.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVarious conflicting guidelines and recommendations about prostate cancer screening and early detection have left both clinicians and their patients quite confused. At the Prostate Cancer World Congress held in Melbourne in August 2013, a multidisciplinary group of the world's leading experts in this area gathered together and generated this set of consensus statements to bring some clarity to this confusion. The five consensus statements provide clear guidance for clinicians counselling their patients about the early detection of prostate cancer.
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