Publications by authors named "Cronin W"

Introduction: Post-appendectomy opioid prescription practices may vary widely across and within health care systems. Although guidelines encourage conservative opioid prescribing and prescribing of non-opioid pain medications, the variation of prescribing practices and the probability of opioid refill remain unknown in the U.S.

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Introduction: After laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), there is a wide variation in opioid prescription miligram morphine equivalent dose (MED) and refills across US medical institutions. Given wide variation and opioid prescription guidelines, it is essential to conduct thorough health services research across medical, surgical, and patient-level factors that can be implemented to improve system-wide prescribing practices. Therefore, this study describes discharge MED variation and opioid refill probability after emergent and nonemergent LC.

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Objective: Anxiety and depression are common comorbidities in people living with epilepsy. Emerging research suggests that these conditions may even predate epilepsy onset. This review aimed to summarize the prevalence of clinically significant anxiety and depressive symptoms in people with first seizures and newly diagnosed epilepsy, as well as clinicodemographic factors associated with these symptoms.

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Purpose: Faculty feedback on trainees is critical to guiding trainee progress in a competency-based medical education framework. The authors aimed to develop and evaluate a Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm that automatically categorizes narrative feedback into corresponding Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Milestone 2.0 subcompetencies.

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Background: The treatment of decompression sickness (DCS) with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) serves to decrease intravascular bubble size, increase oxygen (O2) delivery to tissue and enhance the elimination of inert gas. Emulsified perfluorocarbons (PFC) combined with breathing O2 have been shown to have similar effects animal models. We studied an ovine model of severe DCS treated with the intravenous PFC Oxycyte™ while breathing O2 compared to saline control also breathing O2.

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Introduction: Tracking measures of quality over time has been shown to improve care within institutions and across health systems. Perioperative quality assurance (QA) tracking by anesthesia departments in the Military Health System (MHS) has not used a uniform system integrated into the workflow of anesthesia providers. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the use of the embedded QA outcome reporting feature in the anesthesia information management system (AIMS) increased the rate of reporting compared to the current paper reporting system in a military anesthesia department.

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  • The study aims to develop a non-invasive breath test to detect pulmonary oxygen toxicity (POT) in scenarios requiring high oxygen exposure.
  • Male Yorkshire swine were exposed to either normal air or high oxygen levels for 72 hours, leading to noticeable lung damage in the latter group.
  • Analysis of breath samples revealed specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could predict the onset of POT, indicating potential for a breath score that assesses risk in humans.
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The purpose of our study was to clarify limitations of off-label use for low cost nonmedical use (NMU) pulse oximeters by primary care providers. These devices are widely marketed over the Internet and in drugstores but are not intended for medical use or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Our study compared oxygen saturation (SpO) in patients from 1 medical use (MU) pulse oximeter to 8 NMU pulse oximeters.

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Introduction: Cancer clinical trials (CCT) provide much of the evidence for clinical guidelines and standards of care. But low levels of CCT participation are well documented, especially for minorities.

Methods And Materials: We conducted an online survey of 556 recruitment practices across the NRG Oncology network.

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Background: Among adults with signs and symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), recognition of transmissible TB has implications for airborne infection isolation and public health activities. Sputum smear-negative TB patients account for around one-fifth of tuberculosis transmission. The tuberculosis transmission risk of TB patients with negative results on nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of respiratory specimens has not been established.

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Introduction: Perfluorocarbons (PFC) are fluorinated hydrocarbons that dissolve gases to a much greater degree than plasma and hold promise in treating decompression sickness (DCS). The efficacy of PFC in a mixed gender model of DCS and safety in recompression therapy has not been previously explored.

Methods: Swine (25 kg; N = 104; 51 male and 53 female) were randomized into normal saline solution (NSS) or PFC emulsion treatment groups and subjected to compression on air in a hyperbaric chamber at 200 fsw for 31 min.

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses a combination of spacer oligonucleotide typing (spoligotyping) and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number of tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR) analyses as part of the National TB Genotyping Service (NTGS).

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Introduction: Disabled submarine (DISSUB) survivors may face elevated CO2 levels and inert gas saturation, putting them at risk for CO2 toxicity and decompression sickness (DCS). Propranolol was shown to reduce CO2 production in an experimental DISSUB model in humans but its effects on DCS in a DISSUB rescue scenario are unknown. A 100% oxygen prebreathe (OPB) reduces DCS incidence and severity and is incorporated into some DISSUB rescue protocols.

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Background: Tracking the dissemination of specific Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) strains using genotyped Mtb isolates from tuberculosis patients is a routine public health practice in the United States. The present study proposes a standardized cluster investigation method to identify epidemiologic-linked patients in Mtb genotype clusters. The study also attempts to determine the proportion of epidemiologic-linked patients the proposed method would identify beyond the outcome of the conventional contact investigation.

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The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) among Tibetan refugees in India is 431 cases/100,000 persons, compared with 181 cases/100,000 persons overall in India in 2010. More than half of TB cases in these refugees occur among students, monks, and nuns in congregate settings. We sought to increase TB case detection rates for this population through active case finding and rapid molecular diagnostics.

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Decompression from elevated ambient pressure is associated with platelet activation and decreased platelet counts. Standard treatment for decompression sickness (DCS) is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Intravenous perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsion is a nonrecompressive therapy being examined that improves mortality in animal models of DCS.

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The National Cancer Institute (NCI)-supported adult cooperative oncology research groups (now officially Network groups) have a longstanding history of participating in international collaborations throughout the world. Most frequently, the US-based cooperative groups work reciprocally with the Canadian national adult cancer clinical trial group, NCIC CTG (previously the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group). Thus, Canada is the largest contributor to cooperative groups based in the United States, and vice versa.

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Background: Determining the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status of tuberculosis (TB) patients and contacts is important. Despite existing guidelines, not all patients are tested, and testing of contacts is rarely performed.

Methods: In a study conducted at nine US/Canadian sites, we introduced formal procedures for offering HIV testing to TB patients and contacts.

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Intravenous perfluorocarbons (PFC) have reduced the effects of decompression sickness (DCS) and improved mortality rates in animal models. However, concerns for the physiological effects of DCS combined with PFC therapy have not been examined in a balanced mixed-sex population. Thirty-two (16 male, 16 female) instrumented and sedated juvenile Yorkshire swine were exposed to 200 feet of seawater (fsw) for 31 min of hyperbaric air.

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Setting: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem among Tibetans living in exile in India. Although drug-resistant TB is considered common in clinical practice, precise data are lacking.

Objective: To determine the proportion of drug-resistant cases among new and previously treated Tibetan TB patients.

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Tuberculosis genotypic clustering is used as a proxy for recent transmission. The association between clustering and recent transmission becomes problematic when the genotyping method lacks specificity in defining a cluster, as well as for clusters with extensive jurisdictional histories and/or common genotypes. We investigated the four largest spoligotype/12 loci MIRU-VNTR-defined clusters in Harris County, Texas from 2006-2012 to determine their historical contribution to tuberculosis morbidity, estimate the contributions from recent and remote transmission, and determine the impact of secondary genotyping on cluster definition.

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Rationale: IFN-γ release assays (IGRAs) are alternatives to tuberculin skin testing (TST) for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection. Limited data suggest IGRAs may not perform well for serial testing of healthcare workers (HCWs).

Objectives: Determine the performance characteristics of IGRAs versus TST for serial testing of HCWs.

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  • Tuberculosis (TB) largely impacts socioeconomically disadvantaged and minority populations in the U.S., prompting this study to analyze TB case distribution in Maryland and identify high-risk areas.
  • Addresses from genotyped TB cases (2004-2010) were geocoded, revealing two main clusters in Baltimore City and nearby counties, with shared socioeconomic challenges like poverty and overcrowding.
  • Findings suggest that social determinants are more influential than recent transmission in explaining TB clustering, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions informed by combined geospatial and epidemiological data.
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  • Methods to predict cardiopulmonary decompression sickness (CP DCS) can significantly aid clinicians treating affected divers.
  • A study involving swine demonstrated that the Principal Dynamic Mode (PDM) analysis of ECG can differentiate autonomic nervous system responses, revealing changes in tone before DCS onset.
  • Results indicated increased sympathetic and parasympathetic tones 20 minutes prior to DCS symptoms, with PDM potentially serving as an early diagnostic tool for CP DCS compared to neurological DCS.
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