Publications by authors named "Crofts S"

Introduction: Distant metastases following standard treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) are typically associated with poor disease-free survival. We report on a 52-year-old Australian male of Dutch ancestry with no family history of colorectal cancer or significant medical history who experienced bleeding per rectum for several months prior to a colonoscopy in July 2010. He was subsequently diagnosed with Stage IIb LARC.

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The emergence of epigenetic predictors was a pivotal moment in geroscience, propelling the measurement and concept of biological aging into a quantitative era; however, while current epigenetic clocks show strong predictive power, they are data-driven in nature and are not based on the underlying biological mechanisms driving methylation dynamics. We show that predictions of these clocks are susceptible to several confounding non-age-related phenomena that make interpretation of these estimates and associations difficult. To address these limitations, we developed a probabilistic model describing methylation transitions at the cellular level.

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To determine if adding lumbar neuromuscular control retraining exercises to a 12-week program of strengthening exercises had greater effect for improving disability than 12 weeks of strengthening exercises alone in people with chronic low back pain (LBP). Single-center, participant- and assessor-blinded, comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial. Sixty-nine participants (31 females; 29 males; mean age: 46.

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While there are emerging reports in the scientific literature on potential associations between cholesterol/lipids and prostate cancer, information on the dietary management of these cancer patients is currently lacking. We report on a 57-year-old white Australian male diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer who had personalized dietary management in preparation for and following his medical treatment: radiation and radical prostatectomy. Dietary recommendations were based on his blood results and nutrigenomic tests which showed a history of and genetic predisposition to dyslipidemia.

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DNA methylation rates have previously been found to broadly correlate with maximum lifespan in mammals, yet no precise relationship has been observed. We developed a statistically robust framework to compare methylation rates at conserved age-related sites across mammals. We found that methylation rates negatively scale with maximum lifespan in both blood and skin.

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  • Understanding the biological context is crucial when designing experimental studies, particularly for puncture experiments on venomous snake fangs.
  • The study compared different definitions of penetration depth, such as venom pore location versus a percentage of fang length, to see their impact on experimental results.
  • Findings revealed that while there was no overall pattern across snake fangs, the choice of depth standard significantly influenced significance patterns in pairwise comparisons, emphasizing the need for biologically relevant experimental designs.
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Background: Childhood ocular disease can be a significant health burden to the child, family and society. Previous studies have examined the spectrum of paediatric ocular disease presenting to tertiary hospitals; however, these studies have broader age ranges, smaller sample sizes, and are largely based in developing countries. This study aims to assess the spectrum of ocular disease in the first 3 years of life presenting to the eye department of an Australian tertiary paediatric hospital.

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Extreme weather events are among the most critical aspects of climate change, but our understanding of their impacts on biological populations remains limited. Here, we exploit the rare opportunity provided by the availability of concurrent longitudinal demographic data on two neighbouring marine top predator populations (the black-browed albatross, , breeding in two nearby colonies) hit by an exceptionally violent storm during one study year. The aim of this study is to quantify the demographic impacts of extreme events on albatrosses and test the hypothesis that extreme events would synchronously decrease survival rates of neighbouring populations.

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There is growing evidence that individuals actively assess the match between their phenotype and their environment when making habitat choice decisions (so-called matching habitat choice). However, to our knowledge, no studies have considered how the social environment may interact with social phenotype in determining habitat choice, despite habitat choice being an inherently social process and growing evidence for individual variation in sociability. We conducted an experiment using wild great and blue tits to understand how birds integrate their social phenotype and social environment when choosing where and how to feed.

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Anthropogenic climate change is resulting in spatial redistributions of many species. We assessed the potential effects of climate change on an abundant and widely distributed group of diving birds, Eudyptes penguins, which are the main avian consumers in the Southern Ocean in terms of biomass consumption. Despite their abundance, several of these species have undergone population declines over the past century, potentially due to changing oceanography and prey availability over the important winter months.

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Objective: The optimal revascularization modality following complete resection of aortic graft infection (AGI) without enteric involvement remains unclear. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the revascularization approach associated with the lowest morbidity and mortality using real-world data in patients undergoing complete excision of AGI.

Methods: A retrospective, multi-institutional study of AGI from 2002 to 2014 was performed using a standardized database.

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Objective: To evaluate effects of an online education program about weight management for osteoarthritis on physical therapists' self-reported confidence in knowledge and skills in weight management and attitudes toward obesity.

Methods: In a 2-group randomized controlled trial, 80 physical therapists (58 female physical therapists) were randomized to education or control groups. The theoretically informed and evidence-informed online self-directed training program covered biopsychosocial elements of obesity and weight management.

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Introduction: Aortic graft infection remains a considerable clinical challenge, and it is unclear which variables are associated with adverse outcomes among patients undergoing partial resection.

Methods: A retrospective, multi-institutional study of patients who underwent partial resection of infected aortic grafts from 2002 to 2014 was performed using a standard database. Baseline demographics, comorbidities, operative, and postoperative variables were recorded.

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Bull kelp (), the only canopy-forming kelp in the Salish Sea, provides primary production in the nearshore subtidal environment and serves as an important habitat for economically and ecologically important species. An annual species, each year juvenile bull kelp sporophytes must grow from the hydrodynamically more benign benthos to the water column, where they experience substantial drag at the surface. Because of the differences in morphology and ecology across life stages, and the fact that previous work has focused mainly on adult bull kelp, we tested whether morphology and structural properties change with stipe length, investigating scaling of both juvenile (stipe length < 40 cm) and mature (stipe length > 40 cm) kelp, and testing how juvenile stipes fail.

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The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda calls for health data to be disaggregated by age. However, age groupings used to record and report health data vary greatly, hindering the harmonisation, comparability, and usefulness of these data, within and across countries. This variability has become especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was an urgent need for rapid cross-country analyses of epidemiological patterns by age to direct public health action, but such analyses were limited by the lack of standard age categories.

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Background: The internet is used for information related to health conditions, including low back pain (LBP), but most LBP websites provide inaccurate information. Few studies have investigated the effectiveness of internet resources in changing health literacy or treatment choices.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the MyBackPain website compared with unguided internet use on health literacy, choice of treatments, and clinical outcomes in people with LBP.

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The producer-scrounger game is a key element of foraging ecology in many systems. Producing and scrounging typically covary negatively, but partitioning this covariance into contributions of individual plasticity and consistent between individual differences is key to understanding population-level consequences of foraging strategies. Furthermore, little is known about the role cognition plays in the producer-scrounger game.

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Spines are ubiquitous in both plants and animals, and while most spines were likely originally used for defense, over time many have been modified in a variety of ways. Here we take an integrative approach to review the form, function, and evolution of spines as a defensive strategy in order to make new connections between physical mechanisms and functional behavior. While this review focuses on spines in mammals, we reference and draw ideas from the literature on spines in other taxa, including plants.

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  • Adult socioeconomic status (SES) is connected to body mass index (BMI), but it's unclear if this relationship stands alone, separate from childhood SES or other factors.
  • A study involving twin pairs aimed to find out if higher adult SES, measured through distinct indexes, relates to lower BMI when controlling for genetics and shared environment.
  • Results showed that higher adult SES was tied to lower BMI when comparing different twin pairs, but no significant connection was found when looking at twins within the same pair, suggesting the link may stem from shared influences rather than adult SES itself.
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Importance: Exercise therapies are advocated in osteoarthritis (OA) clinical guidelines. However, challenges to accessing exercise may be limiting widespread uptake.

Objective: To evaluate the effects of a self-directed web-based strengthening exercise and physical activity program supported by automated behavior-change text messages on knee pain and function for people with knee OA.

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Objective: The optimal approach for the treatment of tandem carotid bifurcation and supra-aortic trunk (SAT) disease remains controversial. The hybrid technique of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with ipsilateral proximal endovascular intervention (IPE) has provided an attractive alternative to CEA with open SAT reconstruction (SATr). However, no studies have compared cohorts treated by these two approaches.

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Background: Exercise is a core recommended treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA), yet adherence declines, particularly following cessation of clinician supervision.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate whether a 24-week SMS intervention improves adherence to unsupervised home exercise in people with knee OA and obesity compared with no SMS.

Methods: A two-group superiority randomized controlled trial was performed in a community setting.

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Teeth lie at the interface between an animal and its environment and, with some exceptions, act as a major component of resource procurement through food acquisition and processing. Therefore, the shape of a tooth is closely tied to the type of food being eaten. This tight relationship is of use to biologists describing the natural history of species and given the high instance of tooth preservation in the fossil record, is especially useful for paleontologists.

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Background: Up to 20% of patients requiring open supra-aortic trunk (SAT) reconstruction have significant carotid artery stenosis. The addition of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) to SAT has been described. Yet, additive risks are not well defined and controversy remains as to whether concomitant CEA increases stroke risk.

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Objective: The optimal revascularization modality in secondary aortoenteric fistula (SAEF) remains unclear in the literature. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the revascularization approach associated with the lowest morbidity and mortality using real-world data in patients with SAEF.

Methods: A retrospective, multi-institutional study of SAEF from 2002 to 2014 was performed using a standardized database.

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