Publications by authors named "Cristina Truzzi"

Sharks are highly susceptible to heavy metals and metalloids bioaccumulation due to their high trophic position within marine ecosystems. However, heavy metal(oid)s concentration have been reported for few species, and their biological effects remain poorly understood. Here we report the concentration of 14 heavy metal(oid)s from kidney, liver, brain and muscle tissues of targeted blackspotted smooth-hound sharks from the Southern Adriatic Sea.

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  • The research examines contaminant exposure in European hake from the Adriatic Sea, focusing on total mercury (THg) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fish muscle tissues.
  • It identifies that pollutant levels are affected by factors like season and sex, with THg showing a correlation to reproductive health, while PAHs do not significantly relate to fish condition indexes.
  • The study emphasizes the need for long-term monitoring to enhance pollution management and protect marine life.
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The exploitation of insects as protein sources in the food industry has had a strong impact in recent decades for many reasons. The emphasis for this phenomenon has its primary basis on sustainability and also to the nutritional value provided. The gender of the insects, specifically , is strictly related to their nutritional value and therefore the availability of an automatic system capable of counting the number of Acheta in an insect farm based on their gender will have a strong impact on the sustainability of the farm itself.

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This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the elemental profiles of tea leaves coming from plants grown in several European gardens, with a focus on the bioaccumulation of essential and potentially toxic trace elements in relation to processing and location of tea garden. Samples were collected from various gardens across Europe, including Portugal, the Azores, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Elemental analysis was conducted on fresh tea leaves, dried leaves, and leaves processed for the production of green and black tea, along with soil samples from the root zones of tea plants.

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is a promising insect due to its ability to convert low-value substrates as food chain by-products into highly nutritious feed. Its feeding and nutrition are important issues. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different substrates consisting of coffee silverskin, a by-product of the roasting process, enriched with different inclusions of microalgae (5%, 10%, 20%, and 25%), and , combined with the assessment of environmental sustainability by LCA.

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European countries have recently started experimenting with growing and producing their own teas in small quantities, mainly for the specialty tea sector. To characterize European teas, this study investigated a set of five tea types obtained from different varieties/cultivars, representing various oxidation grades (green, white, yellow, oolong, black), all grown and processed in the only tea garden in Europe (in Germany) that focuses on all five types. Hot and cold brews were studied by measuring the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid contents (TFC), the antioxidant capacity and UV-Vis spectra, also with the objective of discriminating between the different tea types and the different plant varieties.

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Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are important marine predators facing potential mercury (Hg) contamination. This study analyzed Hg levels in swordfish muscle tissue from two Mediterranean Sea stocks. Italian specimens showed significantly higher Hg concentrations (1.

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Honey is a natural product made by honeybees () from nectar or honeydew. It is a very popular and appreciated product all over the world as it represents a rapidly available energy source and exerts several beneficial properties for humans. However, it has been demonstrated that honey can be contaminated by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) of natural or anthropogenic origin.

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Tea is grown around the world under extremely diverse geographic and climatic conditions, namely, in China, India, the Far East and Africa. However, recently, growing tea also appears to be feasible in many regions of Europe, from where high-quality, chemical-free, organic, single-estate teas have been obtained. Hence, the aim of this study was to characterize the health-promoting properties in terms of the antioxidant capacity of traditional hot brews as well as cold brews of black, green and white teas produced across the European territory using a panel of antioxidant assays.

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Tea () is the second most consumed beverage worldwide, playing a key role in the human diet. Tea is considered a healthy drink, as its consumption has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease-related events and death, stroke, metabolic syndrome and obesity. However, several studies have shown that is a hyperaccumulator of Al and other elements that are considered potentially toxic.

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In this study we analysed total mercury (THg) levels in European hake (Merluccius merluccius) - an ecologically and commercially important species throughout the Mediterranean - caught in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating THg levels in hake fillets in relation to ecological (season) and biological (body size, sex, sexual maturity, lipid content) parameters. THg levels in muscle showed no sex-related differences; in contrast, significant season-related differences were found in females, with higher levels in spring-summer compared with autumn-winter.

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According to the concept of circular economy, insects represent good candidates as aquafeed ingredients. Nevertheless, there are some potential chemical risks linked with insect consumption. In this study, we reared the teleost , used as an experimental model, with five experimental diets characterized by increasing levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) of full-fat (Hi) prepupae, substituting for fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO).

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There is a growing interest in exploiting Antarctic fisheries for human consumption. However, information on how the nutritional qualities of these resources will respond to the predicted seawater warming in the region for the next century is poor. The present research investigates changes in various nutritional indices of dietary importance (e.

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Trace heavy metals Cd, Pb, and Cu were determined (by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry) in aerosol samples collected at Dome C (the Italo-French Station Concordia), a remote site of the Central East Antarctic plateau, for which no data are available until now. During the Austral Summer 2005-2006, three PM10 high-volume impactors were installed in two locations nearby of Concordia station: the first one very close and downwind of the station (about 50 m north), the other two (very close to each other) in a 'distant' site, upwind of the station and close to the astrophysics tent (not used in that expedition) at ~800 m south of Station Concordia. For each sample, the availability of the mass of the aerosol collected (obtained by differential weighing carried out on site), in addition to the volume of the filtered air, allowed us to express results both in terms of metal mass fractions in the aerosol and in the usual way of metal atmospheric concentrations.

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Insects represent a valuable and sustainable alternative ingredient for aquafeed formulation. However, insect-based diets have often highlighted controversial results in different fish species, especially when high inclusion levels were used. Several studies have demonstrated that nutritional programming through parental feeding may allow the production of fish better adapted to use sub-optimal aquafeed ingredients.

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Over the last years, the potential use of Black Soldier Fly meal (BSF) as a new and sustainable aquafeed ingredient has been largely explored in several fish species. However, only fragmentary information is available about the use of BSF meal-based diets in sturgeon nutrition. In consideration of a circular economy concept and a more sustainable aquaculture development, the present research represents the first comprehensive multidisciplinary study on the physiological effects of a BSF diet during sturgeon culture in an aquaponic system.

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Size-fractionated particulate mercury (PHg) measurements were performed from November 2017 to January 2018 at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) for the first time. Samples were collected every 10 days by a six-stage high-volume cascade impactor with size classes between 10 μm and 0.49 μm.

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Black Soldier Fly (BSF) meal is considered an alternative, emerging, and sustainable ingredient for aquafeed formulation. However, results on fish physiological responses are still fragmentary and often controversial, and no data are available on the effect of insect meal-based diets on fish reproduction. On this regard, zebrafish, with its relatively short life cycle, represents an ideal experimental model to explore this topic.

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  • Black Soldier Fly (BSF) meal is a sustainable aquafeed option, but its effects on fish physiology and behavior are not well understood.
  • A study was conducted on zebrafish, testing diets with various levels of BSF meal (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) over two months, revealing that a 50% inclusion level offered the best balance between sustainability and fish health.
  • Higher levels of BSF (75% and 100%) led to negative effects such as liver issues, altered gut bacteria, increased lipid content, and changes in immune response markers.
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Black soldier fly (, HI, Diptera, Stratiomydae) has great potential as a food and feed ingredient in the European Union (EU). The production of insects as livestock feed or as food ingredients requires strict monitoring of the content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the growth substrate, to meet the security requirements. This study aims to investigate the presence of PTEs, like cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, and nickel, in HI prepupae and in their growth substrates based on coffee roasting by-product and microalgae sp.

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Mercury contents were determined in surface sediments from the Central and Southern Adriatic Sea to gain insight into the processes, factors, and variables affecting its distribution. Mercury concentration was measured by thermal decomposition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry in samples collected by box-corer from Ancona to Santa Maria di Leuca during the CNR-PERTRE cruise (16/9-4/10/2016). Sediments were also evaluated for chemical-physical parameters (pH, Eh), biogeochemical composition (total carbon, inorganic carbon, total organic carbon, organic matter) and grain size.

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Larvae of L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) are particularly suitable as novel food for the human consumption; nevertheless, there are some potential safety risks linked with insect consumption. In this study we investigated the presence of Cd, Pb, Ni, As, Hg in new feeding substrates coming from solid residues generated by olive fruits processing, called olive-pomace, and their influence on the metal content in larvae of .

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Intensive fish farming relies on the use of feeds based on fish meal and oil as optimal ingredients; however, further development of the aquaculture sector needs new, nutritious and sustainable ingredients. According to the concept of circular economy, insects represent good candidates as aquafeed ingredients since they can be cultured through environmental-friendly, cost-effective farming processes, on by-products/wastes, and many studies have recently been published about their inclusion in fish feed. However, information about the physiological effects of insect-based diets over the whole life cycle of fish is presently missing.

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Mercury (Hg) is a well-known toxic element, diffused in the environment, especially in the Mediterranean Sea which is rich in cinnabar deposits. Mercury bioaccumulation in fish is of great concern, especially for top-level aquatic predators (e.g.

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