Publications by authors named "Crapez M"

Marine environments are a repository for metals, and humans have enhanced this phenomenon over the years. Heavy metals are notoriously toxic due to their ability to biomagnify in the food chain and interact with cellular components. Nevertheless, some bacteria have physiological mechanisms that enable them to survive in impacted environments.

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After Fundão Dam failure in 2015, most of Gualaxo do Norte River in Doce River Basin in Brazil became silted by iron mining tailings consisting mainly of fine-grained quartz, hematite, and goethite. Previous work pointed to the possibility of reductive dissolution of iron and manganese from tailings, leading to mobilization of iron, manganese and trace elements. Several microorganisms were shown to reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II) and Mn(III, IV) to Mn(II) "in vitro", but their roles in mobilization of Fe and trace elements from freshwater sediments are poorly understood.

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The development of and seedlings impacted by marine diesel oil (MDO) was evaluated in the presence or absence of a hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial consortium (HBC). The bioassays were conducted in a greenhouse during 6 months and consisted of three different treatments (control, MDO only and MDO + HBC). The bacterial consortium was mainly composed of spp.

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The brown mussel Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) is a valuable resource for aquaculture in tropical and subtropical coastal regions. It presents desirable characteristics for biomonitoring, including being sessile, widely distributed and abundant, and is a filter-feeder able to accumulate several classes of pollutants (e.g.

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The estuarine channel of Vitória Bay was evaluated regarding bioaccumulation of metals (Al, Ba, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Cd, Hg) and As in mollusks. Mussels from an aquaculture farm and transplanted into the estuary, whereas oysters were collected in situ in the same area. Concentrations of Al, Mn, Fe, Cr and As were higher in P.

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The ubiquitous presence of contaminants in the marine environment is considered a global threat to marine organisms. Heavy metals and microplastics are two distinct classes of pollutants but there are interactions between these two stressors that are still poorly understood. We examined the potential relationship between heavy metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Ba, Hg, Pb) and microplastic particles in oysters sampled along the Paranaguá Estuarine System.

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Microorganisms, such as bacteria, tend to aggregate and grow on surfaces, secreting extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), forming biofilms. Biofilm formation is a life strategy, because through it microorganisms can create their own microhabitats. Whether for remediation of pollutants or application in the biomedical field, several methodological approaches are necessary for a more accurate analysis of the role and potential use of bacterial biofilms.

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The mussel Perna perna is one of the most used bioindicators of coastal areas and the most economically exploited species in Brazil through mariculture. In the present study, P. perna was used to investigate metal pollution in the estuarine area of Vitória Bay.

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The processes permeating the relationships between bioturbation and microorganisms remain poorly understood due to the difficulty of traditional techniques in quantifying their two- and three-dimensional aspects. We used cutting-edge technologies to address the macro- and microorganisms' interactions under metal-contamination. Bioturbation (mucus-lined gallery perimeter, mucus-lined gallery surface area, and gallery water volume) positively influence the carbohydrate consumption rate by the bacterial consortium, elevating bacterial metabolic activity, despite metal-contamination.

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In this study, we analyzed the bioconcentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn in the soft tissue of transplanted oysters in two sites in the Potengi estuary for six months. Native oysters collected before and after the transplantation experiment provided the background for statistical analyses. Cd, Cr, and Ni showed a strong inverse correlation with oyster weight in both sites.

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A comprehensive understanding of the complex biogeochemical interactions between organic matter and persistent contaminants in the suspended matter is vital for eco-efficient estuary recovery. However, little is known regarding aeration effects in suspended particulate aggregates. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of aeration on the suspended matter from a Tropical and Eutrophic estuarine environment.

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Bioturbation is one of the principle biological processes involved in transporting particles and solutes within sediments, which contributes to the maintenance of biodiversity. In muddy polluted environments, bioturbation may increase pollutant flux at the water-sediment interface, thereby enhancing contaminant bioavailability. The behavior of organisms dictates bioturbation, and gallery shape influences the magnitude of solute transport.

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The mussel Perna perna is an intertidal bivalve that is widely distributed, cultivated and consumed in South Africa, Brazil and Venezuela. Among marine resources, bivalve mollusks are one of the most impacted by anthropogenic pollution, as they can accumulate pathogenic bacteria and water pollutants. Hemocytes are molluscan defense cells, and their abundance and functions can be affected in response to contaminants, such as bacterial load.

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Zooarchaeological collections from shell mounds in Rio de Janeiro (2,470-4,632 cal BP) contain a high prevalence of swollen fish bones belonging to the Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber), crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) and fat snook (Centropomus parallelus). Given the lack of knowledge of the bone degenerative process in senile fishes, this study analysed hyperostotic bone in zooarchaeological and modern specimens to obtain high-resolution morphology and microstructure reconstruction. We used microCT as well as X-ray diffraction to characterize the crystallographic changes associated with fish senility.

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A bacterial consortium was selected in the presence of Cu from sediment samples taken from Sepetiba Bay, Brazil, which is a site historically contaminated by metals. Bacteria were exposed to 0, 1, 6, 12.5, 25 and 50μg·mL(-1) Cu, Pb and Cu+Pb for 11days of bioassay.

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Processes involving heavy metals and other contaminants continue to present unsolved environmental questions. To advance the understanding of geochemical processes that involve the bioavailability of contaminants, cores where collected in the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, and analyzed for bacterial activity and metal concentrations. Results would suggest an extremely reducing environment where organic substances seem to be the predominant agents responsible for this geochemical process.

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The degree of pyritization (DOP) and the extension of metals incorporation into pyrite was investigated at Guanabara Bay sediments. Maximum concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur, biopolymers and viable bacteria cells were observed in silted stations close to discharge points of sewage and minimum concentrations at sandy stations at the entrance of the bay. Pyrite iron concentrations (Fepy) was always lower than the reactive iron and Fepy were below the detection limit at sandy stations.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the Zn sensitivity of Euplotes vannus, Euplotes crassus, and their naturally associated bacteria sampled from sediments in the northwest and east regions of Guanabara Bay. The unexposed ciliates and bacteria did not appear to be negatively affected by 96 h of assay. In the control group, E.

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Little is known about the role of protists and bacteria interactions during hydrocarbon biodegradation. This work focused on the effect of oil on protists from three different locations in Guanabara Bay and bacteria from Caulerpa racemosa (BCr), Dictyota menstrualis (BDm) and Laurencia obtusa (BLo) during a 96 h bioassay. Cryptomonadida (site 1, 2 and 3), Scuticociliatida (site 2) and Euplotes sp.

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This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of surface water of the Maricá Lagoon System through physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological parameters, in order to assess its environmental quality. Marine influence over the system was evidenced by the salinity and temperature gradients, where the most distant point, in Maricá Lagoon, presented the largest protein, lipid and biopolymeric carbon concentrations. Biopolymers, with predominance of lipids, presented a pattern that differs from the literature for coastal sediments.

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The distribution of selected aromatic compounds and microbiology were assessed in superficial sediments from Suruí Mangrove, Guanabara Bay. Samples were collected at 23 stations, and particle size, organic matter, aromatic compounds, microbiology activity, biopolymers, and topography were determined. The concentration of aromatic compounds was distributed in patches over the entire mangrove, and their highest total concentration was determinated in the mangrove's central area.

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The aim of this work was to quantify the biopolymers associated to esterase enzymes and identify bacterial respiratory activity in four cores collected in Suruí Mangrove, Guanabara Bay - RJ. Biopolymer concentration was 1000 times lower than previously reported in the literature, indicating the need for creating and establishing eutrophication indicative rates and records compatible with tropical coastal systems. The biochemical representative relationships in the cores were equivalent to those from studies on coastal marine environments made in the Northern Hemisphere.

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In clones of the red alga Laurencia obtusa, the frequency of vesicle transport from corps en cerise (CC) to the cell wall region was evaluated in response to differences in temperature, irradiance, desiccation, bacterial fouling, and bromine (Br) availability. In addition, the morphology of the corps en cerise was analyzed. Traffic of vesicles was induced by exposing L.

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Mangroves are sensitive ecosystems of prominent ecological value that lamentably have lost much of their areas across the world. The vulnerability of mangroves grown in proximity to cities requires the development of new technologies for the remediation of acute oil spills and chronic contaminations. Studies on oil remediation are usually performed with in vitro microcosms whereas in situ experiments are rare.

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Wide biosurfactant application on biorremediation is limited by its high production cost. The search for cheaper biossurfactant production alternatives has guided our study. The use of selective media containing sucrose (10 g x L(-1)) and Arabian Light oil (2 g x L(-1)) as carbon sources showed to be effective to screen and maintain biosurfactant-producing consortia isolated from mangrove hydrocarbon-contaminated sediment.

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