Publications by authors named "Craig L Nelson"

Background: Acute decompensated heart failure involves a high rate of mortality and complications. Management typically involves a multi-day hospital admission. However, patients often lose part of their function with each successive admission, and are at a high risk for hospital-associated complications such as nosocomial infection.

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Background: Interrelated chronic vascular diseases (chronic kidney disease (CKD), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)) are common with high morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to assess if an electronic-technology-based quality improvement intervention in primary care could improve detection and management of people with and at risk of these diseases.

Methods: Stepped-wedge trial with practices randomised to commence intervention in one of five 16-week periods.

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Objectives: To evaluate the capacity of general practice (GP) electronic medical record (EMR) data to assess risk factor detection, disease diagnostic testing, diagnosis, monitoring and pharmacotherapy for the interrelated chronic vascular diseases-chronic kidney disease (CKD), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease.

Design: Cross-sectional analysis of data extracted on a single date for each practice between 12 April 2017 and 18 April 2017 incorporating data from any time on or before data extraction, using baseline data from the Chronic Disease early detection and Improved Management in PrimAry Care ProjecT. Deidentified data were extracted from GP EMRs using the Pen Computer Systems Clinical Audit Tool and descriptive statistics used to describe the study population.

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Introduction: Hemodialysis (HD) with medium cut-off (MCO) dialyzers may expand molecular clearance, predominantly larger middle molecules (molecular weight 25-60 kDa). However, the impact of MCO dialyzers on long-term clearance of various other components of the uremic milieu is unknown. The tRial Evaluating Mid cut-Off Value membrane clearance of Albumin and Light chains in HemoDialysis patients (REMOVAL-HD) provided an opportunity to assess the effect of MCO dialyzers on protein-bound uremic toxins and novel markers of mineral metabolism.

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Background: A new class of dialysis membrane, the mid cut-off (MCO) dialyzer, has been developed to improve the clearance of uremic toxins in hemodialysis (HD). The a tRial Evaluating Mid cut-Off Value membrane clearance of Albumin and Light chains in HemoDialysis patients (REMOVAL-HD) study aimed to determine if regular use of MCO dialyzer was safe and specifically did not result in a significant loss of albumin.

Methods: This investigator initiated, crossover, longitudinal, device study was conducted across 9 centers in Australia and New Zealand (n = 89).

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Background: Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in chronic kidney disease is associated with cardiovascular and bone pathology. Measures to achieve parathyroid hormone (PTH) target values and control biochemical abnormalities associated with SHPT require complex therapies, and severe SHPT often requires parathyroidectomy or the calcimimetic cinacalcet. In Australia, cinacalcet was publicly funded for dialysis patients from 2009 to 2015 when funding was withdrawn following publication of the EVOLVE study, which resulted in most patients on cinacalcet ceasing therapy.

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Background: The increasing burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) underpins the importance for improved early detection and management programs in primary care to delay disease progression and reduce mortality rates. eMAP:CKD is a pilot program for primary care aimed at addressing the gap between current and best practice care for CKD.

Methods: Customized software programs were developed to integrate with primary care electronic health records (EHRs), allowing real-time prompting for CKD risk factor identification, testing, diagnosis and management according to Kidney Health Australia's (KHA) best practice recommendations.

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Although frequently asymptomatic, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an independent predictor of sudden cardiac death (SCD). We hypothesized that diving may increase the propensity for pre-existent LVH to cause a lethal arrhythmia (and SCD) and therefore the prevalence of LVH may be greater among scuba fatalities than among traffic fatalities. We compared autopsy data for 100 scuba fatalities with 178 traffic fatalities.

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A 19-year-old woman who was known to use illicit drugs (ecstasy and marijuana) was found floating in the ocean 100 yards from the beach. When last seen the previous evening, she had said to a friend that she was going to "get in the water." Reports to police indicated that she "may have been on ecstasy.

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We compare antemortem whole-blood to postmortem peripheral blood concentrations of methamphetamine and its metabolite amphetamine in three medical examiner cases. Antemortem specimens, initially screened positive for methamphetamine by ELISA, were subsequently confirmed, together with the postmortem specimens, by GC-MS analysis following solid-phase extraction. Methamphetamine peripheral blood to antemortem blood ratios averaged 1.

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The highest postmortem metformin concentrations are recorded utilizing a sensitive and specific analytical procedure. The peripheral blood metformin concentration was 240 mg/L, the liver concentration was 240 mg/kg and the gastric concentration was 1,700 mg. Additionally, an antemortem blood sample collected shortly after admission revealed a metformin concentration of 210 mg/L.

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Background: Kallistatin, a serpin widely produced throughout the body, has vasodilatory, anti-angiogenic, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Effects of diabetes and its vascular complications on serum kallistatin levels are unknown.

Methods: Serum kallistatin was quantified by ELISA in a cross-sectional study of 116 Type 1 diabetic patients (including 50 with and 66 without complications) and 29 non-diabetic controls, and related to clinical status and measures of oxidative stress and inflammation.

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There has been an increased awareness of illicit opiate abusers using the narcotic oxymorphone (Opana) by inhalation. Many laboratory screening techniques currently in use cannot detect oxymorphone in blood or urine. Consequently, biological specimens containing low to moderate concentrations of oxymorphone will likely go undetected.

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Objectives: Circulating low molecular weight (<10 kDa) fluorophores (LMW-F) measured by non-specific fluorescence spectroscopy may detect small advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) not recognized by other assays. This longitudinal study assessed correlates of LMW-F and predictive power of LMW-F levels for vascular health in Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) patients.

Methods: Fasting patients with T1DM (n=37) were studied twice at intervals of 12-60 months (mean+/-SD, 33+/-15 months).

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Modified haemoglobin levels were quantified in 21 Type 1 and 21 Type 2 diabetic patients and two groups of 17 non-diabetic subjects. Glycated haemoglobin levels were increased in diabetes but glutathionyl haemoglobin (HbSSG) levels did not differ between groups, nor by complications; nor correlate with haemoglobin glycation or vascular risk factors.

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The Tucson Police Department, Tucson, AZ, has begun using the Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile (IRP), a new type of shotgun ammunition that includes a lead bead core that travels within single, plastic-encased projectile. On impact, the core is released to distribute over a small area, thereby disintegrating on impact to reduce the likelihood of exit or collateral damage on missed shots. After a brief review of shotgun slug ballistics and wound characteristics and a discussion of the mechanism of the Polyshok IRP, we report the first death in the United States from this ammunition.

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Extramedullary myeloid tumors (myeloid sarcomas) are rare neoplasms that are composed of myeloid precursors. They usually arise concurrently with a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, or other myeloproliferative disorders. They may also indicate relapsing disease in a patient with a prior history of leukemia or myeloproliferative disorder.

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Title 9, Chapter 19, Article 3 of the Arizona Administrative Code requires all bodies that are to be cremated must have the death certificate reviewed by a county medical examiner. In Tucson, AZ, and surrounding Pima County, all cremation requests are submitted to the Forensic Science Center, where the death certificates are reviewed by one of 5 board-certified forensic pathologists. In 2002, there were 5557 cremation requests, and in 2003 there were 5662 cremation requests.

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Background: Inflammation is implicated in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality in end-stage renal failure (ESRF). Its importance in early renal disease is yet to be defined.

Methods: Serum levels of systemic and vascular inflammatory markers in early IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and control subjects were measured and related to renal function and vascular risk factors.

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Background: An increasing number of arterial function assessments are available, including small and large arterial elasticity (SAE/C2, LAE/C1), endothelial function as measured by flow mediated dilation (FMD), carotid intima-medial thickness (IMT), ankle brachial index (ABI), pulse pressure (PP), and pulse wave velocity (PWV). We have consecutively performed these measures in subjects with low and high vascular disease risks to assess the interrelationships.

Methods And Results: Twenty healthy subjects (HS) and 20 older subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) were studied with all techniques at a single sitting by a single operator.

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