Objective: To compare numbers of L cells in intestinal samples and blood concentrations of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 between neonatal and mature alpacas.
Sample: Intestinal samples from carcasses of 4 suckling crias and 4 postweaning alpacas for immunohistochemical analysis and blood samples from 32 suckling crias and 19 healthy adult alpacas for an ELISA.
Procedures: Immunohistochemical staining was conducted in accordance with Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory standard procedures with a rabbit polyclonal anti-GLP-1 primary antibody.
Objective: To test the ability of a nested PCR assay to detect Eimeria macusaniensis at various stages of infection in alpacas.
Animals: 4 healthy adult alpacas with no detectable E. macusaniensis.