Publications by authors named "Cosmin-Alec Moldovan"

The human gastrointestinal tract is home to a wide variety of microorganisms. For some decades now, bacteria known as probiotics have been added to various foods because of their beneficial effects for human health. Evidence indicates that probiotics significantly regulate gut microbiota, which is vital for digestion, metabolism, immune function, and mental health.

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Background: Hypopharyngeal cancer has the bleakest prognosis among head and neck cancers due to its extensive submucosal involvement, advanced tumor stage, and limited surgical reconstruction options. Its primary causes include alcohol consumption, tobacco use, genetic predisposition, 1` diet, and socioeconomic conditions. While squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for 95% of hypopharyngeal tumors, it remains a rare form, comprising only 3%-5% of all SCC cases in the head and neck region.

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Viral hepatitis continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, but the burden has significantly diminished thanks to the large-scale use of vaccines and antivirals. However, there are still challenges regarding viral hepatitis management, especially when more than one pathogenic agent is involved. We present the case of a 45-year-old woman who had a simultaneous infection involving three hepatitis viruses: HAV, HBV, and HEV.

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Background: Given its size and location, the liver is the third most injured organ by abdominal trauma. Thanks to recent advances, it is unanimously accepted that the non-operative management is the current mainstay of treatment for hemodynamically stable patients. However, those patients with hemodynamic instability that generally present with severe liver trauma associated with major vascular lesions will require surgical management.

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Magnesium orotate has been cited in the medical literature for the past three years as a possible adjuvant in some pediatric and adult gastroenterological disorders associated with dysbiosis. Studies also focus on the possibility of adding magnesium orotate in psychiatric disorders' treatment, such as major depression and anxiety. The most relevant element in these studies is the efficiency of magnesium orotate therapy in cases with both gastroenterological and psychiatric symptoms.

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