Study Question: What is the risk of endometrial cancer after long-term follow-up in women treated with ART between 1983 and 2001 compared with women in the general population and subfertile women who did not undergo ART?
Summary Answer: The risk of endometrial cancer is not increased in women who underwent ART in the Netherlands between 1983 and 2001, neither compared with women from the general population nor compared with subfertile women not treated with ART.
What Is Known Already: Concerns have been raised that subfertility treatment may be associated with increased risk of endometrial cancer. However, published studies show inconsistent results regarding the effects of ovarian stimulation and specific subfertility diagnoses on endometrial cancer risk.
Study Question: What is the predictive value of oligomenorrhea and other PCOS diagnostic characteristics in adolescence (age 15-18 years) for future fertility and cardiovascular and metabolic health at adult age?
Summary Answer: Adolescents with oligomenorrhea are more often treated to conceive but are as likely to have as much children as those with regular periods, while persisting oligomenorrhea may associate more often with cardiovascular or metabolic problems.
What Is Known Already: Adolescents with oligomenorrhea have a high risk for adult PCOS associated with subfertility due to ovulatory disorders and long-term health risks. Longitudinal studies to estimate the extent of these risks with input starting at adolescence and covering the complete reproductive lifespan are lacking.
Study Question: Does hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) prior to hysterosalpingography (HSG) or HSG prior to HyFoSy affect visible tubal patency when compared HSG or HyFoSy alone?
Summary Answer: Undergoing either HyFoSy or HSG prior to tubal patency testing by the alternative method does not demonstrate a significant difference in visible tubal patency when compared to HyFoSy or HSG alone.
What Is Known Already: HyFoSy and HSG are two commonly used visual tubal patency tests with a high and comparable diagnostic accuracy for evaluating tubal patency. These tests may also improve fertility, although the underlying mechanism is still not fully understood.
Fertil Steril
September 2024
Objective: To discover new variants associated with low ovarian reserve after gonadotoxic treatment among adult female childhood cancer survivors using a genome-wide association study approach.
Design: Genome-wide association study.
Setting: Not applicable.
Study Question: What are the costs and effects of tubal patency testing by hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) compared to hysterosalpingography (HSG) in infertile women during the fertility work-up?
Summary Answer: During the fertility work-up, clinical management based on the test results of HyFoSy leads to slightly lower, though not statistically significant, live birth rates, at lower costs, compared to management based on HSG results.
What Is Known Already: Traditionally, tubal patency testing during the fertility work-up is performed by HSG. The FOAM trial, formally a non-inferiority study, showed that management decisions based on the results of HyFoSy resulted in a comparable live birth rate at 12 months compared to HSG (46% versus 47%; difference -1.
Current medical treatment options for endometriosis associated pains are inadequate. Evidence on effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is scarce. Around one third of patients are not responsive to oral contraceptives or progestins due to progesterone resistance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: After incomplete healing of the uterine cesarean section scar, a niche can be observed; 24% of the women develop large niches with a residual myometrial thickness <3 mm. In these cases a laparoscopic resection is possible. The effect of this new treatment on fertility outcome is not known yet.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Question: Do children, adolescents, and young adults born after ART, including IVF, ICSI and frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET), have an increased risk of cancer compared with children born to subfertile couples not conceived by ART and children from the general population?
Summary Answer: After a median follow-up of 18 years, the overall cancer risk was not increased in children conceived by ART, but a slight risk increase was observed in children conceived after ICSI.
What Is Known Already: There is growing evidence that ART procedures could perturb epigenetic processes during the pre-implantation period and influence long-term health. Recent studies showed (non-)significantly increased cancer risks after ICSI and FET, but not after IVF.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the hypothesis that experiences with patient-centered endometriosis care are related to the endometriosis-specific quality of life dimensions "emotional well-being" and "social support."
Design: A secondary regression analysis of two cross-sectional studies was conducted. Participants/Materials: In total, data from 300 women were eligible for analysis.
Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone are the two gonadotropic pituitary hormones stimulated by one hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in a pulsatile way. Under several experimental conditions, it appears that a low pulse frequency promotes follicle-stimulating hormone secretion, pointing to an elegant mechanism by which, under governance of one stimulating hormone, the responses of two separate hormones can be individualized. Several experimental and fundamental studies have indicated the underlying mechanisms at the level of gene expression and post receptor events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Question: What are the experiences and the support and sexual advice needs of subfertile couples continuing to attempt natural conception after the diagnostic fertility work-up?
Summary Answer: Exploration of the experiences of couples showed that couples would have appreciated fertility clinic staff embedding expectant management into the fertility clinic trajectory, supportive staff with female and male patient interactions and advice on common experiences of peers and on managing their lifestyle, distress and subfertility-related sexual challenges.
What Is Known Already: Dutch and British professional guidelines advise newly diagnosed subfertile couples with a 'good prognosis' to continue to attempt natural conception and do not require fertility clinic staff to interact with patients. Fertility clinic staff and subfertile couples struggle to follow these guidelines as they feel an urgent need for action.
Research Question: What is the endometrial thickness of endometrium exposed to testosterone in transmasculine people compared with unexposed endometrium in cisgender women as determined by transvaginal ultrasound (TVU)?
Design: Single centre, cross-sectional cohort study conducted the Centre of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria in Amsterdam. Between 2013 and 2015, transmasculine people scheduled for gender affirming surgery (GAS) were included in this study after they provided informed consent. They were undergoing gender affirming hormone therapy (testosterone) for at least 1 year.
Study Question: Does ovarian stimulation with the addition of tamoxifen or letrozole affect the number of cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) retrieved compared to standard ovarian stimulation in women with breast cancer who undergo fertility preservation?
Summary Answer: Alternative ovarian stimulation protocols with tamoxifen or letrozole did not affect the number of COCs retrieved at follicle aspiration in women with breast cancer.
What Is Known Already: Alternative ovarian stimulation protocols have been introduced for women with breast cancer who opt for fertility preservation by means of banking of oocytes or embryos. How these ovarian stimulation protocols compare to standard ovarian stimulation in terms of COC yield is unknown.
Study Question: Does hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) lead to similar pregnancy outcomes, compared with hysterosalpingography (HSG), as first-choice tubal patency test in infertile couples?
Summary Answer: HyFoSy and HSG produce similar findings in a majority of patients and clinical management based on the results of either HyFoSy or HSG, leads to comparable pregnancy outcomes. HyFoSy is experienced as significantly less painful.
What Is Known Already: Traditionally, tubal patency testing during fertility work-up is performed by HSG.
Objective: Endometriosis is a chronic gynaecologic disease, causing pain and infertility. As there is no definitive cure, patients are subjected to long-term care. This study aimed to improve patient-centred endometriosis care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by small antral follicles and has evolved over the past three decades as an assumed potential marker of the number of follicles in the human ovaries, also known as ovarian reserve. This quantitative measure, given the gradual decline over time and its non-replenishable feature, could be the dreamed marker for predicting the final exhaustion of ovarian storage: the post-menopause. This introductory chapter summarizes current knowledge with regard to the contribution of serum AMH measurements to predict age of normal menopause and critically discuss its potential in this regard.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCancers (Basel)
September 2021
Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the fertility outcome in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)-treated women across normal range thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Published results are inconclusive about optimal TSH levels and fertility.
Design: This is a retrospective cohort study in 752 ICSI-treated women with predominantly severe male factor subfertility, starting treatment between the first of January 2008 and the first of March 2012 with a follow-up until 2014.
Research Question: How do infertility patients, endometriosis patients and health-care providers rate virtual care as an alternative to physical consultations during the first lockdown of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the Netherlands, and how does this influence quality of life and quality of care?
Design: Infertility patients and endometriosis patients from a university hospital and members of national patient organizations, as well as healthcare providers in infertility and endometriosis care, were asked to participate between May and October 2020. The distributed online questionnaires consisted of an appraisal of virtual care and an assessment of fertility-related quality of life (FertiQol) and patient-centredness of endometriosis care (ENDOCARE).
Results: Questionnaires were returned by 330 infertility patients, 181 endometriosis patients and 101 healthcare providers.