Publications by authors named "Corballis M"

The idea that the mind might be composed of distinct conscious entities goes back at least to the mid-19th century, and was at first based on the bilateral symmetry of the brain, with each side seemingly a mirror-image replica of the other. This led to early speculation as to whether section of the forebrain commissures might lead to separate, independent consciousnesses. This was not put to the test until the 1960s, first in commissurotomized cats and monkeys, and then in humans who had undergone commissurotomy for the relief of intractable epilepsy.

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Previous research has revealed a strong right bias in allocation of attention in split brain subjects, suggesting that a pathological attention bias occurs not only after unilateral (usually right-hemispheric) damage but also after functional disconnection of intact right-hemispheric areas involved in allocation of attention from those in the left hemisphere. Here, we investigated the laterality bias in spatial attention, as measured with the greyscales task, in two split-brain subjects (D.D.

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It is commonly assumed that cerebral asymmetry is unidimensional, but evidence increasingly suggests that different brain circuits are independently lateralized. This might explain why the search for a laterality gene has provided multiple candidates, each with weak linkage. An alternative possibility is that there is a single genetically invariant source of lateralization, perhaps cytoplasmic, and subject to many influences, some genetic, some epigenetic, and some random.

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Until fairly late in the nineteenth century, it was held that the brain was bilaterally symmetrical. With the discovery of left-brain dominance for language, the so-called "laws of symmetry" were revoked, and asymmetry was then seen as critical to the human condition, with the left hemisphere, in particular, assuming superordinate properties. I trace this idea from the early discoveries of the late nineteenth century through the split-brain studies of the 1960s, and beyond.

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Recently, the discussion regarding the consequences of cutting the corpus callosum ("split-brain") has regained momentum (Corballis, Corballis, Berlucchi, & Marzi, Brain, 141(6), e46, 2018; Pinto et al., Brain, 140(5), 1231-1237, 2017a; Pinto, Lamme, & de Haan, Brain, 140(11), e68, 2017; Volz & Gazzaniga, Brain, 140(7), 2051-2060, 2017; Volz, Hillyard, Miller, & Gazzaniga, Brain, 141(3), e15, 2018). This collective review paper aims to summarize the empirical common ground, to delineate the different interpretations, and to identify the remaining questions.

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Euan Macphail's work and ideas captured a pivotal time in the late 20th century when behavioral laws were considered to apply equally across vertebrates, implying equal intelligence, but it was also a time when behaviorism was challenged by the view that language was unique to humans, and bestowed a superior mental status. Subsequent work suggests greater continuity between humans and their forebears, challenging the Chomskyan assumption that language evolved in a single step ("the great leap forward") in humans. Language is now understood to be based on an amalgam of cognitive functions, including mental time travel, theory of mind, and what may be more broadly defined as imagination.

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The human brain is often characterized in terms of a duality, with the left and right brains serving complementary functions, and even individuals are sometimes classified as either "left-brained" or "right-brained." Recent evidence from brain imaging shows that hemispheric asymmetry is multidimensional, comprised of independent lateralized circuits. Cerebral asymmetries, which include handedness, probably arise in phylogenesis through the fissioning of ancestral systems that divided and lateralized with increasing demand for specialization.

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Tulving (1985) was probably the first to use the term "mental time travel" to describe the human capacity to imagine personal events from the past, as well as to envisage possible future ones. He and others have also claimed that this capacity is unique to humans. One likely reason for this is that mental travel into the past, or episodic memory, is part of what has been termed declarative memory-or memory that can be declared.

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Language could not exist without memory, in all its forms: working memory for sequential production and understanding, implicit memory for grammatical rules, semantic memory for knowledge, and episodic memory for communicating personal experience. Episodic memory is part of a more general capacity for mental travel both forward and backward in time, and extending even into fantasy and stories. I argue that the generativity of mental time travel underlies the generativity of language itself, and could be the basis of what Chomsky calls I-language, or universal grammar (UG), a capacity for recursive thought independent of communicative language itself.

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We tested whether an object's orientation is inherently bound to its identity in a holistic view-based representation at the early stages of visual identification, or whether identity and orientation are represented separately. Observers saw brief and masked stimulus sequences containing two rotated objects. They had to detect if a previously cued object was present in the sequence and report its orientation.

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Recent failed attempts to replicate numerous findings in psychology have raised concerns about methodological practices in the behavioral sciences. More caution appears to be required when evaluating single studies, while systematic replications and meta-analyses are being encouraged. Here, we provide an additional element to this ongoing discussion, by proposing that typical assumptions of meta-analyses be substantiated.

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Cognition is heavily grounded in space. As animals that move in space, we travel both physically and mentally in space and time, reliving past events, imagining future ones, and even constructing imaginary scenarios that play out in stories. Mental exploration of space is extraordinarily flexible, allowing us to zoom, adopt different vantage points, mentally rotate, and attach objects and sense impressions to create events, whether remembered, planned, or simply invented.

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During the last decade, the ontogeny of tool making has received growing attention in the literature on tool-related behaviors. However, the cognitive demands underlying tool making are still not clearly understood. In this cross-sectional study of 52 Turkish preschool children from 3 to 6 years of age, the roles of executive function (response inhibition), ability to form hierarchical representations (hierarchical structuring), and social learning were investigated with the hook task previously used with children and animals.

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Mirror-image confusions are common, especially in children and in some cases of neurological impairment. They can be a special impediment in activities such as reading and writing directional scripts, where mirror-image patterns (such as and ) must be distinguished. Treating mirror images as equivalent, though, can also be adaptive in the natural world, which carries no systematic left-right bias and where the same object or event can appear in opposite viewpoints.

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Hemispheric asymmetry is commonly viewed as a dual system, unique to humans, with the two sides of the human brain in complementary roles. To the contrary, modern research shows that cerebral and behavioral asymmetries are widespread in the animal kingdom, and that the concept of duality is an oversimplification. The brain has many networks serving different functions; these are differentially lateralized, and involve many genes.

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Many children pass through a mirror stage in reading, where they write individual letters or digits in mirror and find it difficult to correctly utilize letters that are mirror images of one another (e.g., b and d).

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In the vast clade of animals known as the bilateria, cerebral and behavioral asymmetries emerge against the backdrop of bilateral symmetry, with a functional trade-off between the two. Asymmetries can lead to more efficient processing and packaging of internal structures, but at the expense of efficient adaptation to a natural world without systematic left-right bias. Asymmetries may arise through the fissioning of ancestral structures that are largely symmetrical, creating new circuits.

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From ancient times, religion and philosophy have regarded language as a faculty bestowed uniquely and suddenly on our own species, primarily as a mode of thought with communication as a byproduct. This view persists among some scientists and linguists and is counter to the theory of evolution, which implies that the evolution of complex structures is incremental. I argue here that language derives from mental processes with gradual evolutionary trajectories, including the generative capacities to travel mentally in time and space and into the minds of others.

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Illusory line motion (ILM) refers to the perception of motion in a bar that is presented all at once next to an inducing stimulus. The experimental methods for producing and quantifying ILM are varied, and the resulting explanations are likewise at odds. The current study examined the explanations for ILM away from the inducing stimulus (bright or dark flash) using bars that either suddenly appear (onset bars) or suddenly disappear (offset bars).

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Language, gesture, and handedness are in most people represented in the left cerebral hemisphere. To explore the relations among these attributes, we collected fMRI images in a large sample of left- and right-handers while they performed language tasks and watched action sequences. Regions of interest included the frontal and parietal areas previously identified as comprising an action-observation network, and the frontal and temporal areas comprising the primary areas for language production and comprehension.

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Information regarding anatomical connectivity in the human brain can be gathered using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Fractional anisotropy (FA) is the most commonly derived value, and reflects how strongly directional are the underlying tracts. Differences in FA are thus associated with differences in the underlying microstructure of the brain.

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